Love or Lust?


Jun 9, 2012
Name: Amy- Lee O'Leary
Description: Green Eyes, Shoulder length curly red hair ,Light brown skin/tan
Petite( 5'5)

- Shares Apartment with Male roommate who is also her best friend.

Amy sat at the bar sipping her martini and listening to the thumping music inside the club she looked at her best friend lucky on the dance floor sandwiched between a guy and girl and laughed " he's such a whore" she said to herself. Her bestfriend pestered her when she went out telling her she needed to let her hair down and have fun. She smiled " maybe I'll follow his advice tonight.."
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Alexander sat down next to the pretty girl and glanced her up and down smiling in pleasure. Tonight had chosen to look his best changing his feature into that of a male man that looked like a tan adonis. His hair was short and black and his eyes electric green an his face all chiseled and handsome. His athletic body was clad in a fitted armani suit.

"i'll have a scotch and you can fill up her martini" Alex said smiling at the bar keep and sliding a few bills her way "cheers" he said turning to the preety girl and flashing her his sexiest smile
Amy smiled at the guy next to her and took in his features ' damn he's so hot' she thought. He bought her another martini and himself a scotch then said " cheers" .Amy giggled " and what are we celebrating?"
"good fortune of meeting of course" ALex said smiling at her and sipping on his scotch "my name is alexander by the way" he said smiling at her
Amy smiled and sipped her peach martini " Well then cheers!" She giggled " Nice meeting you Alex. I'm Amy-Lee"she said and smiled. This guy was making her melt she never felt this hot and bothered by one look at a guy before..
"It is very nice to meet you to such a beautiful creature" alex smiled lifting his glass and kissing her hand
Amy blushed " I was just about to say the same thing"she grinned " your eyes are really amazing" she smiled looking at them
"thank you so are yours" alex said smiling and getting her another drink "you are the most beautiful thing in the bar no contest" alex purred sexily
Amy blushed and bit her lip " aww your just saying that" she smiled " you don't have to lie Alex she said looking around at some hot girls and notice I'm not broadcasting my body parts for attention.
"hey i'm not lying" alex said smiling and placing her hand on hers smiling and bringing it up to his lip he gave her a gentle kiss "i would spend hours showing you just how beautiful you are he purred lustfully
I blushed and shocked myself when i leaned in and whispered in his said to his huskily " then why don't you Alex?" I looked at him and blushed ' he's really cute' I thought to myself 'why does he want a plain Jane like me when he can easily have and girl here? Maybe he just wants sex? What if he put something in my drink?!' She panicked in her mind and had a slight frown on her face . She noticed him move in a bit and suddenly calmed " umm are you here alone tonight?"
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" i am and i would love to if you agree to get out of here with me" alex said smiling at her and getting up grabbing his black coat "come on lets have some fun" alex said smiling
Amy smiled and nodded as she slid her coat on and giggled " so where are we gonna go huh Alex?"
Amy smiled holding Alex's hand and walking with him toward his car . She was a bit nervous but she decided to ignore it and just go with instinct for one in her life.
"car please" alex said handing the valet the ticket seconds later a lambergenie pulled up and slid to a stop in fornt of him "get in please" alex smiled opening the passenger side door for her and gesturing
Amy stared at the car and smiled getting in when he opened the door. She liked the color of the interior dark purple gold and red . It had a sort of regal feel to it and the smell was absolutely intoxicating ..
"ready to go" alex smiled turning the car on and revving the engine alex smiled at her and pulled out driving down the city and towards down town
Amy watched as they left the city and headed to the downtown area. She really loved it over there the small stores and museums had always fascinated her..