Excuse Me Professor…. (Closed for SweetP4U)


Literotica Guru
Mar 21, 2018
“Excuse me Professor Harris, but is Professor Adams with you this evening?” I had felt the light grasp of my bicep just before feeling the warm heat of barely more than whispered words spoken softly and sweetly into my ear. The room was already spinning ever so slightly and the female touch knocked me even more off balance. “No Katia, my wife couldn’t make it tonight, and you know you don’t have to call me professor, please call me Rick”. My wife Claire Adams, was also a professor at the University, but she had elected to keep her maiden name when we got married. At the time it had bothered me, and part of it still did. As for calling me by a more familiar name, after all despite working for me, Katia was old in her class, she already had a bachelor’s from The University of the Ukraine, and was working on her master’s here at Campbell University.

Katia Romanov was my TA, my teaching assistant, and a woman I found both indispensable and disconcerting. She was naturally beautiful, she didn’t even have to try, she wore little make up, born in the Ukraine, she was here on a student visa, yet spoke perfect English. Studious and hard working, she was a brilliant mathematician, and the perfect assistant for my Statistics 201 undergraduate class. Her hair during our time together in office hours was usually in a tight ponytail, wearing jeans that couldn’t help but flatter her petite but athletic frame, she generally dressed plain, in an Oxford or a slightly too big sweatshirt and sneakers. In fact I had been shocked to first see her tonight, across the room, in the light and lacy white cocktail dress held on by the thinnest of spaghetti straps and matching strappy 6 inch spiked heeled sandals. While normally, very petite, she could almost look me in the eye even though I was nearly six foot three inches tall, myself.

I didn’t even realize how she had been noticed by nearly every man and woman in the large hall. Most with lust, and from some of the women their skepticism, paying close attention to just how well their husbands knew this rare beauty. “Are you okay professor?” I heard her soft, discreet question. Swallowing, “I .. think think I may have had too much champagne … you know I don’t really drink.” In fact it was Katia herself who had brought me my second glass, what I didn’t and would never know was the roofie she had slipped in just before handing it to me.

“Don’t worry Sir, it is okay …” She giggled the cutest little giggle, “These heels have me feeling a little bobbly too…” I chuckled, feeling a bit less awkward as we shared our individual troubles. “How about we look after each other tonight, I feel like people are looking at me a bit differently, did I do something wrong?” She asked. I had to laugh, “No Katia, I just don’t think they realized you were this beautiful.”

I wasn’t flirting, I didn’t know how. I was the youngest professor at the school at 28, only five years older than Katia, I was a prodigy at math, graduated high school quite early, and was delighted when I received a full scholarship to Campbell, one of the most distinguished private universities in the entire northeast. The secular underpinnings allowed my parents to let their adolescent son go. I had met my wife when I was a sophomore and she was a freshman. She was the only girl I ever dated, ever kissed. We were both virgins on our wedding night when we married just before my 19th birthday, when she was 21. We didn’t even fully understand the implications of our wedding night celebration, until we had our first child 9 months later. We had attended graduate school at Campbell, becoming amongst the youngest PHD’s and during that time became part of the faculty. Sarah, my wife, taught Classic Literature, but was just beginning her third trimester with our second child. She had been too uncomfortable to attend tonight.

Katia smiled, and kissed my cheek at my compliment, “I didn’t think you even noticed such things Professor?” And I felt a certain catch in my breath, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean …” and she simply rubbed my arm, “Of course you didn’t, I was just teasing you.” For the next half hour I only felt myself getting dizzier, and Katia was careful never to be too far from my side. “Sir, I think it might be best if I helped you home, is that okay? You shouldn’t be driving.”

I knew she was right, “Are you sure, I don’t mean to take you away …” This was the kick off event of each new school year, and for each of the three years since my wife and I had accepted our offers as Professors, mine in Pre-Law, hers in Statistics, it had been an event we looked forward to. It was beautifully catered and the Fall’s premier social gathering for faculty and students alike. I felt so embarrassed that somehow Ihad gotten myself drunk!

Campbell was a prestigious, secular university, Protestant based, in western Massachusetts, the pillar of the small town of Avonsdale, and considered one of the little Ivy’s with a bit over 3,000 undergrads and highly accredited graduate programs in Law, Medicine and Business.

“I promise, it would be my pleasure, you know I am not really built for these types of things either.” I did believe her, Katia was shy, as far as I knew, of course we had never discussed much about our personal lives, other than as time went along, she had asked more and more questions about my wife and family.

It was a nice night, the sky dark and full of stars, the moon full. For anyone else it would have felt quite romantic as we walked out of the hall. “My car is on the opposite side of campus, if we walk arm and arm we can help keep each other upright?” She chuckled but I thought it a fine and practical idea. The campus itself is a beautiful quad, with weeping mortar brick buildings along each side, and small walkways that lead to either other buildings or small, immaculately appointed gardens.

We both stumbled a couple of times, each time catching each other, and somehow staying upright. The first time we went from walking arm in arm to wrapping each other arms around the other. The next time as she began to fall, my hand slipped to grab her by her behind, and as she regained her balance I felt her hand move to hold mine there, cupping her firm, muscled ass. “I think that’s better sir, it gives me more support.” I looked around, but no one could see us I thought, and if that was helpful? We walked a bit more, and we entered the grotto, a smallish garden with an outdoor alter and reflection pool, a circular ornate barricade surrounding it, where one could sit, and many often came to pray or meditate.
(Initial post continued)

“Could we sit here a second, my feet are killing me …” She said, moving toward the bench, but keeping my hand on her ass.” Frankly I could use the break myself and sat down. It wasn’t until we were sitting there together, and she slid her hand up my thigh and I felt her delicate fingers grip my manhood, did I realize the massive erection I was sporting. Again, unknown to me, Katia had not just spiked my drink with a roofie but also a viagra, and I was as hard as a sailor just back from sea.

“Uh… Katia … I’m sorry…” I felt the the finger of her other hand, the one not massaging my cock in a manner that could only be described as wicked, as she put her index finger across my lips. “Professor you did nothing wrong … I want this…” And then chuckling, slightly rolling, slightly stroking my ragingly hard cock she whispered, “And I think you want it too….”

Fuck I did, how could I deny it, I was crazily confused, but how else could this be explained. My wife and I had a sex life, the only one I knew of, but for anyone of any experience it would have been considered the plainest of vanilla, missionary or doggie postion only, no oral, no anal, no coming anywhere but inside my wife’s increasingly loose pussy.

“But we shouldn’t…” I protested, for I knew it was wrong. I was a good Christian, a good man, a faithful husband. Katia was standing, and I let out a sigh, perhaps dabbed in disappointment. However, she did not reach out her hand as I expected, instead I watched as she slid her hand up her thighs and slipped off the laciest little thong any woman has ever worn. She brough it to my nose, “Breath it in sir, smell how wet, how much I want you…” And I did… and I loved it!

Any resolve was gone, and for the next 45 minutes I had my cock sucked, ate pussy, likely poorly, and fucked a woman harder and more passionately, certainly with more filthy words of encouragement exchanged, than I thought possible. I lost track of orgasms, hers and mine, I had never felt better in my life. It was incredible, and I never dreamed sex could feel that good, my body could feel that good. This could never happen again though, I had a wife, children.

When we finished, I was spent, or so I thought. “Come with me professor, come back to my place, I want you to fuck me in the ass, just like we did here!” Although I did not know it, Katia had been trained as a Sparrow, before fleeing from Russia to the Ukraine and finally coming to the US.

My God! Mathematician my ass, Katia belonged in sales. She was thinking ahead, had me drop by the local hotel, and rent a room, a room I never saw the inside of, merely an excuse to give my wife since I couldn’t drive home. Katia thought of everything, of course I had no idea how long she had planned this. And.. as for her ass… MY GOD!!!!
Alena Smith

I have dealt with quite a lot in my twenty-three years, too much or so it feels like most days. High school wasn’t kind to me, I was nerdy, a late bloomer is an understatement of the decade. A reed thin girl with frizzle hair that never could tame, glasses and braces. Hard to imagine me that way, Oh and I might add that I was so miserable I ate my feelings, so I was chunky too. Of course that was unacceptable in high school, all of me was unacceptable in high school.

The summer before college is when things began to change. I’d like to say it was natural and over time, but it wasn’t all natural. My hair sorted out, and the braces came off and for the first time in my life, my reed thin frame began to curve and fill out. Of course, being a ‘muffin top’, shy and in glasses were still major hang ups, but then I met Justin and things changed again. No, not for the better.

I worked my butt off in school to get a scholarship and was poor enough to get federal grants to help me out, and on my way to law school. I had big dreams, and I still do, but I also gained an attitude over these past 4 years. Justin wormed in, a rather good-looking guy and a football player too. I never thought I would end up with some jock for a boyfriend. Of course, I never thought I would end up bending my ass over backwards to please a douche bag who never deserved me in the first place.

Like so many of us could say, and are too ashamed to say, I let him rule me. I took his criticism to heart and to soul. I wanted to please him, but hell there was no pleasing Justin. Nothing was ever good enough. I spent most of my savings for Lasik surgery, because glasses made me look ‘horrible’ by his standards. He would remind me that I was packing on weight and getting ‘fat’, and of course the food thing and depression just added to the strict diet. WHY do we do this shit to ourselves over dick? I wish now I had bought a damned vibrator instead. I drew the line at a boob job, I have a nice B-cup, I do not need larger. He drove me so insane that when I finally blew up at him, it was epic, and it got me in trouble as Justin is the Dean’s kid.

Yeah. Not fun. I managed to pass despite all the drama and shit show, and changed schools as soon as I got approval to move colleges, and states. Broke but semi-happy, I learned a rather important lesson, or lessons I suppose, and I learned a no tolerance attitude in the process. I shed the weight, mostly due to stress and I filled out a little more too. Now I work off to burn that anger inside me, you know the type right? The kind that is a threat to your freedom and knuckles. Working out at the gym burns off the rage, mostly. I am trying to work on my anger a bit more, so far I have managed to keep that voice quiet inside my head.

Well, almost.

This past weekend was the mixer, I was enjoying myself and meeting my professors, their spouses and their assistants. Learning what the curriculum was going to focus on first, asking questions, learning quite a bit of helpful information. The campus was new to me, I hadn’t ever had a chance to really explore as I only got here the day before the mixer event. No time for much but to get to campus store and buy my books and let the movers into my apartment. A small thing but it is right off campus and I don’t have to share with anyone else. I have about five months before I need a job, that should give me a cushion I need to find work. Where was I? Oh, yes. The mixer. A very dull party but it was going very well and everyone I had met was very nice and well spoken. It was a very clean party, no one snuck in alcohol, no loud jerks making a bunch of racket. It was nice. Admiration was a real and true thing, this place seems so.. so much more than any of the other colleges I looked at. Not even sure how I got accepted here but the atmosphere was privileged to say the least. So when Professor Harris started to talk to some of the students about where his wife was, it seemed genuine. At least it seemed so. His face lit up and he was charming and adamant about her. His wife also is a professor here, but on maternity leave.

So, why the fuck is he balls deep in his fucking assistant in the damned gardens? Not just any garden either, this area of the campus is almost a temple! It commemorates not only founders but those who have died on campus. Be it a teacher, a dean, a student or the stone mason who helped build the foundation for one of these buildings. Yes, I read them when I came across them earlier in the afternoon.

Are all men dogs? Are all men cheating man-whores? Yes, I am a little riled. Justin was just as bad and this is a married man! With a pregnant wife at home! What a … Lifting my phone up, stepping out of line of sight but using a statue to hide the phone in clear line of sight, I started recording. Anyone, at any time could come across this scene and they are going at it like they are the only two people left alive on this planet. Disgusting. Depraved and disgusting. Furious is a whole new level and I am not even really caring that this is none of my business. That HE is not MY husband, his wife is at home eight months along and bedridden for the next two months, and HE is banging his fucking assistant in open public in a place of reverence!

I should step in and stop this. If I was decent I would, if I was decent, I would stop recording but here I am, capturing it all and smirking in the process. I am so fed up with males. It is clear that no amount of oaths or vows or promises mean much to a man. They always think with their fucking cock. With this recording, I could have him fired. I could have him divorced and never meet his baby too. Oh, if this went to the media, he’d be discredited! Humiliated, unable to deny a damned thing with this for proof. Just to make sure, I move around the outer rim of trees, well from their sight and get closer so I can hear the filthy stuff coming out of their mouths. Capturing their faces, their bodies, their intercourse.

Heart hammering, there is this wicked little voice gaining volume in my head. Encouraging me, the longer I record, the more dirt I have on both of them. The damned stamina on this man is astounding, my battery ending up at five percent left when it captures their last few remarks. Her place and he’d fake a motel stay, they’d continue to hook up over there. I had enough and shrunk back into the shadows while those two walked arm and arm off to wherever she was leading his whore ass off to. It dawned on me, as I sat there willing my heart rate to slow down a bit, the kind of power I now held in my hands. On my phone! Heading to my place, I made sure to back this little, long ass fuckfest video onto my laptop and to the cloud. I even paid to upgrade it for enough space to store this baby.

I spent Sunday unpacking and getting my place in order, and debating what to do with this. SO many torn choices. Between selfish and mean, cruel and cold, beneficial and even the angelic voice telling me to leave it be. OH NO! Nope.. I am not going to leave it be. I have had it with men doing as they please, getting what they want and stomping all over those around them. No. I am done playing Miss Nice Girl. It’s time I took matters into my own two pretty hands. Monday morning came along and third class of the day was over, the end of the day for me as well as for Professor Harris.

“Excuse me, Professor Harris?” I stand at the side of his podium where he was lecturing from. “Can I speak with you?” Watching Katia pick up some papers, “Alone.” Is the cool word, “It is important we speak privately.” I whisper, my tone neutral and my expression also unrevealing. Cool, calculated and calm. At your nod and shown to your office, the door is shut and I do hope it is sound proof. “Mind if I sit?” I ask sweetly, waiting until granted and I wait until you have found your chair, asking me what this is about. Shifting forward in the chair, I turn my phone around so you can see the screen, tick the volume up twice and then tap the screen so it begins to play.

“Suck my cock..” Your voice groans through the small cell speaker, the wet slurping sounds of your T.A.’s mouth doing just that fill the office space, my eyes on your face as yours turn with shock down towards the screen.

“Busted…” Is the sing-song hard tune of my voice, eyes narrowing on your face. “I have it all, well, what happened on campus, not what you did at her place..” and I wait, making sure to keep my phone out of your reach. I do love that shade of pale you’re becoming.
It hurts, throbs, my head, it is fuzzy, pounding, my muscles ache, my stomach flopping, what the hell did I do last night. I want it to have been a dream, part fantasy part nightmare, I couldn’t have done with I am only somewhat remembering, I am not that kind of man.

“Ohhh…” Eyes shoot opens as sweet sensation envelopes flaccid organ which was just dormant and unconscious between my legs. One hand cups my balls as a second wraps around and gently, seductively tugs at my cock. “Wh .. What are you doing?”

Katia was obviously up before me, and there she is, down between my legs, my manhood and balls in her delicate hands, her mouth lowering and wrapping around my tip. “Oh please no, stop….”

She looks up, a look I didn’t recognize, what happened to my shy little TA? Her brow is cocked, “Stop? I don’t remember you stopping last night professor.. not when I blew you in the grotto, or when you fucked me like a bitch, or back here, remember how you fucked me again, then fucked me in the ass… how hard you came when I told you I wanted to be your little Russian whore…. I still have your cum inside me… I don’t think stop should be in our vocabulary, do you?”

She was so sure of herself, so seductive, and guilt washed over me. I had no doubt she was telling the truth, although in full disclosure much of it was a fog. “I was wrong.. I’m so, so sorry… I used you….” She cut me off, her hand tightening to a painful squeeze of my quickly hardening cock. I was disgusted with myself, disgusted how not only my body was betraying me, but how good it felt, even the pain.

“You sure as fuck did use me, every fucking hole… and you loved it, don’t deny it?” My mouth was dry as sandpaper, closing my eyes and dropping my head. “I can’t, you are incredible .. but I’m a married man, a father, about to be …”

She was smiling again her grip lighter and beginning to stroke. “Shhh … I don’t care… I really don’t .. no one has to know…”. I was so confused, racked with guilt even as I became more and more aroused. She was beautiful, sexy and wanted to do things to me, let me do things to her I didn’t even know men and women could do.

“Please Katis stop, this has been a horrible mistake, I have done the wrong thing, to you, to my wife.. I’ve .. .I’ve got to go!” Somehow I pushed her hands and mouth off as she sat there topless, her lower half swirled in sheets. “Professor don’t, there is no reason …” I was getting dressed in record time, finding clothes that had been strewn everywhere, and as more of the prior night came back the worse I felt. I had been a different man, a bad man …

I was dressed but wrinkled as I pulled into our little three bedroom home just off campus. An old English style, it was charming and had my wife’s influence everywhere. I was disheveled and wrinkled, I looked like I had been doing exactly what we had. It was 9:30 and as I walked in my pregnant wife was sitting in our living room, her feet in a large bucket of cold water, trying to reduce the seemingly perpetual swelling.

“What happened to you?” She asked and I came and sat down next to her, leaving a good distance between us, hoping like hell I didn’t reek of perfume. I could see my wife sniff. “I’m sure I stink, I only had a few glasses of champagne, but I don’t know, the whore room was spinning… “ I massaged my temples, and listened as my wife chuckled.

“Okay, you get a hall pass this time, go shower and take a nap, and let’s make this a one time thing, okay?” The fact she was so gracious only made me feel better. “Yeah, thanks .. give me two hours and then I will take the kids out and you can have a day to yourself.”

As much as anything I didn’t want to face her, I had been tempted to come clean, but all that would have done was hurt her, and I was just so confused. By the time we went to bed that night, climbing in silently, it was starting to fade into the past.

The next day I had skipped office hours, I didn’t want to face Katia next, but when I saw her in class, she was dressed differently, no jeans and sweatshirt, be a fashionable black leather mini skirt, a leopard printed silk top, and thigh high boots. “Shit… you…” But students started to walk in and I never finished which was probably a good thing.

During class I did notice you, I don’t know why, other than while others were taking notes, you seemed to be looking right at me, through me, one moment a wicked little smile, another a frown as you tapped your pencil on your desk. You were a woman any man would notice, the dark hair, the incredible green eyes, but I wondered if I was noticing today moe than usual.

Your approaching me wsa not unusual, at the beginning of the semester I would meet with a few students who would question whether or not they were ready for this class, or should go back and do the entry level stats course first. However your “Alone … It is important we speak privately…” concerned me. “Of course, I’d be happy to, would you mind coming with me to my office, it is just upstairs here, on the third floor.”

We left the classroom, I tried to make small talk, “So, you are a recent transfer?” I was trying to sense why there was this need for secrecy, convincing myself I was paranoid and it was probably nothing. Letting you in the door, I closed the door behind us, trying to honor your request.

“Now, Miss …” I didn’t yet know her name, there were 30 students in this class alone, most of them I had never met before, and unlike many other professors I did not have an assigned seating chart. I didn’t treat my students like children and if they skipped classes, they would ultimately pay the price.

After an awkward pause, “How can I help you… I hope I haven’t scared you off already?” It was a weak attempt at humor. You seemed very composed. “Of course, please make yourself comfortable.” When you turned your phone to face me, my heart feel into my stomach and I was nauseous. It was the grotto, and I mumbled, you likely didn’t even hear, “oh no…”

My heart was immediately pounding out of my chest, as you hit play .. I could only pray it wasn’t as bad as I feared, but the reality was worse. The desire and lust in the voice was a voice I didn’t recognize even though I knew I was the speaker. My eyes went form the screen to your eyes, and then back again, the terror evident.

“Suck my cock..” I caught my breath .. “oh .. no…” The sounds were so loud so lewd, Katia had serious skills and I was enjoying fully.. grabbing her head and fucking her throat.

“Busted…” I slumped back in my chair. “I … I’m so sorry…” I seemed to be saying that a lot. You explained that you had it all, “I don’t want to see .. Please…” it was little more than a whimper. What was worse was you seemed to have followed, knew where I had spent the night.

I felt sick, nauseous, trapped, and could feel the clammy sweat beginning to cover my body. Looking at you, you must have already thought this out, but what, how much worse was this about to get? There was no sense denying, I was caught red handed and nothing left but to plead for mercy. “So… why are you here… what do you want?”

I knew this was bad, my career, my marriage, my life.. but how bad? I was about to find out.
“Alena Smith, but you can call me Miss or Mistress.” The smile cocks up, our eyes meet, and I can see the confusion, the horror and that scramble to try and find high ground. You’re flailing and I am not going to allow your cute ass to find footing. “In the wrong hands, this will ruin you. It can still ruin you and before you think about harming me or my phone, Professor, I have it stored in a safe place and instructions with someone on how to retrieve the video.” Okay, so I am bluffing a little bit here, I have yet to find someone else I would even trust with this, let alone access to anything of mine.

Shit this is making my pulse race, and the sexy sounds on my phone aren’t helping me maintain some self-control. Switching it off, I set back so we can meet eye to eye. You are trapped, like a wild animal and it is arousing to watch you struggle with a way out of this. A solution but there is none and when you finally discover this and resolution sets in to pay this piper, my smile brightens even more. “What do I want, Professor Harris? Anything, and everything.” I glance to the door, wondering if it is locked or not? Damn, my mind is going pretty wild right now. Dangerously wild. There is just so much I can do with you, to you.

Blackmail is such an ugly term but the high I am riding right now is a bit much. I must be a little more cautious here, not push too hard too soon. “I do not want an easy A, or passed without effort. That isn’t my style, I worked hard to get here and I will continue to do so…. However, you’ve been a naughty man and I can’t just let you skate on by without learning your lesson too.” My coy tone is sweet, soft but very serious. “This would ruin you and your family, we both know that. I am good with keeping secrets Professor… for a price. So, are you willing to pay it or do I visit a few places today and help you come clean?”

He could buy me lunch, I think that’s a nice starting point, if he agrees that is.
Nervous, nauseas, in the moment, death seemed to kind. Less than 48 hours ago I had been a happily married man, a good wife, a reasonably successful if somewhat sedate life, and I had thrown it all away. As the tape play before me on your phone, I was no longer terrified about my next moment and seeing Katia, wondering what I might do or say, to realizing that paled in comparison to you, who literally held my fate in your hands.

“I .. I made a terrible mistake … I’m so sorry you had to see this.” Yet looking into your eyes, a grin that could only be described as evil, you didn’t seem sorry at all. I tried no further rebuttal, I had no excuse, and without saying as much had no choice but to throw myself on the mercy of the court.

It is odd the things you think about in total desperation, for me, my mind went back to an Albert Brooks line, in one of my favorite older movies, Broadcast News. In this instance he was describing William Hurt’s character as it related to his own love interest, and trying to dissuade her from proceeding.

“What do you think the Devil is going to look like if he's around? … Nobody is going to be taken in by a guy with a long, red, pointy tail! What's he gonna sound like? [hisses] … He will be attractive! …” And as I heard your words, “Alena Smith, but you can call me Miss or Mistress.” I truly wondered, could you Alena Smith, be the devil and what praytell did you want with my soul?”

“Nice to meet you Alena .. uh, Mistress….’ To terrified to realize the ridiculousness of my greeting. You state the obvious, but I guess it needed stating, just in case there was any question on my part just exactly how securely my balls were held within your device. “I .. understand … it would be very, very bad…” if I were a woman I might have cried but instead simply felt my cock and testacles retract, turtling in pure unadulterated fear.

However, your pitch was not as bad as I feared, or was it? “I am sure you are a very bright and good student .. so your grade should not be an issue …” I could have added gorgeous, but despite the topic at hand, sex was the furthest thing from my mind. My shoulders slumped, “I assure you Alena …” Hesitating not sure if the Mistress thing was real or a joke, “I have no interests and violence just isn’t in my nature. I made a mistake, I am prepared to pay the price, and I don’t expect to … how did you put it … skate.”

Somehow I swallowed the cotton in my mouth, “I’m not the guy, or at least I never thought I was the guy I see in that .. I love my wife and family, and my jobs.. and I appreciate you said you can keep a secret, I have to hope that’s true.”

Slipping off my glasses, massaging the bridge of my nose, you were just as jaw droppingly beautiful and confident when I slipped my glasses back on and refocused. “So do you have a price … and I don’t really have much money, but … I am willing to do whatever I need to do … I .. I’m really not a bad guy…” I had to quit saying that. “Is there something you might want me to do right now…” And then, partly because I was famished, partly because I felt like I might suffocate in this room, I asked, “Maybe I could buy you lunch and we could talk?”
"Miss will do, until you have earned the right to address me as Mistress. For now in public, it is Miss Smith and in private you will address me as Miss. Understood, Richard?" The phone is silenced, slipping it into my pocket once more, looking you in the eyes directly. Unwavering from the shame I see there, from the confusion and fear, tension is riding you higher and much deeper than before. You dislike not having solid ground, and why should I give you an inch? Gorgeous as you are, VERY married is what you told us all, all fucking night long. As if you were worried of the very thing you did later that night. How many have tried, I do wonder as I sit here looking you over, my smile is spreading.. I can feel it. Looking at you does delicious things to all the right spots. Shame on you Professor...

"Yes, we need a nice private space we can discuss things. The rules, I may even allow you to set some hard limits but we will see.. It isn't grades or money that is going to appease me, Richard." Am I using your first name to drive home the fact that there are no barriers now to protect you or am I putting you in your place? Perhaps both? A gentle nudge, I don't want to break you so easily, nor so soon... you have no idea what is in store for you, I can see it in your eyes as you try so hard to figure me out. You won't, not yet at least.

We rise and you follow me out to your car, I wait until you open the door for me before I climb in, fasten the seatbelt and greet you with a smile once you are behind the wheel. "Have somewhere in mind? I hope not on campus, that would be a difficult situation to explain away to prying eyes, now wouldn't it?" I say nothing else as I sit here, waiting for you to make your mind up.
She is so bold and commanding sitting there, I’ve had a million students in my office, they are almost always timid and deferential. There have been a few that came in and flirted a bit, but I had just assumed they were being nice as I was married. However, here it almost feels like you are the teacher and I am the student. “Earned the right?” Not sure why I would call you Mistress, however this seemed like a very poor time to ask questions, “Yes Miss .. that will be fine.”

Feeling short of breath, like a choking sensation that has me a bit off balance and even slightly nauseas. Miss Smith is no problem as I prefer to call my students by their surname and Mr or Miss, and only use first names as I either get to know them well, and even then, only in private. You make it clear that we will have an entirely different relationship, but what exactly is a most disconcerting mystery.

The confident, almost predatory look in your eyes is actually frightening, and I curse myself for also finding it very attractive, as it was this type of misguided thinking that got me into this mess. Mind momentarily goes back, trying to fully remember what the graphic images you displayed suggest. That didn’t seem like me, something that night had brought out a side of me I didn’t know existed, but my God, it looked like I was enjoying it! Never not once had my wife and I had sex like that, talked like that, it was so raw, so indecent.. so… Oh Jesus, I was getting hard. Stop that! Looking at you doesn’t help, your eyes, your face your body, eyes cast down, as cottonmouth and full realization of my present dilemma comes rushing back.

“Not grades.. not money … but what else … “ I start to ask a question but looking at you I know I am going to find out in due time, but I am on your schedule, your control. You lay out our agenda, “Rules… hard limits?” Jesus Christ, what exactly do you have in mind. Eyes look back up into yours, looking for hints, finding none.

My car is nothing special, we have a Volvo on order, not exactly a hot rod, but very safe and can handle the whole family on days we don’t want to take the minivan. The current care is a 2015 Camry, a car I bought used with 78,000 miles four years ago, and now sits at 125k.

“Buckle up…” The request comes instinctively as a parent, but as words come out, irony is inescapable, as there is little doubt who is about to take a most wild ride. “There is a little Mexican place over in Danberry …” The next town over, where we are unlikely to be seen, and the dark setting should allow for reasonably discreet seating. “Is that okay? We could do Francine’s French Bistro too?”

I am not a drinker, but this lunch I am pretty sure requires alcohol. My eyes stay straight forward as I head out of town, panning left and right only to hope I don’t see any familiar faces who might question my current passenger. I am now leading a life of deceit, I can feel the sweat bead runnng down my spine. “Miss… are you sure you are not planning to tell my wife?”
Alena Smith

Strapping up the belt, our eyes meet when I answer that stupid question, “Yes, Richard. Earned it. Best behavior, and prove to me you are taking me seriously and are worthy of such privilege. Do drive careful now, Danberry is fine.” I wait for the engine to turn over, almost dreading that it won’t as this vehicle looks beyond well worn.

“What else is there, Richard?” I ask with a sly smile, shifting in my seat to study your profile while you navigate traffic. “I will answer that for you, since you appear confused to the other options.” Shifting forward until I am near to your ear, so near you will feel me exhale against your throat, your ear as I say softly, almost growling it out in a feminine purr, “Whatever I want. When I want it, and how I tell you to get it done.” You turn to look at me with a sharp jerk of your head, nearly bumping heads to stare at me.

“Watch the road!” Shifting away, snapping at you was not out of bitchiness but the fact we’re doing seventy-five on the interstate and you aren’t looking at the fucking road! “Is it so damned hard to believe that a woman would demand such of a man?” I am half growling in irritation and chuckling with amusement.

We ride in silence, no doubt in my mind that you are turning my words over and over and over in your head. You look sick, you look horrified and then you look even more ashamed.


If she had any idea what you’d done, you’d be out of that house and most likely not let back in.

“There will be rules, Rick.” Shortening your name to something I like other than that granddad name you got of Richard. Parents really should have better taste in names… Shaking my head with my own thoughts. Could be worse, could call you Dick. That of course makes me smirk, I just might do that too.

“Yes, Rules. For instance, you are not allowed sexual release be it masturbation, your wife, your slutty assistant, nothing unless I permit it. Means your T. A. is NO touchy too. No negotiations here. You will do as I say, when I say to do it, how I say to do it and if you do as you are told for this semester, I will consider releasing you from your obligation and no one will ever hear a word from these lips on just how damned bad of a man you are.. Seems reasonable, no?” I pause my speech to look at your pale face and then, “Isn’t this our exit?” I ask sweetly, pointing to the quickly approaching off ramp.

How you got us here in one piece is beyond me. I can see your mind churning and so much more to ask of me too. Delicious! God, I am getting aroused over all this.. Am I on a power trip right now? FUCK YES I AM! I don’t wait for you to open my door, but i do reach out and take the keys from the ignition before getting out. Just in case you think of ditching me here in a feeble attempt to escape your fate. Pocketing your keys, I stroll towards the door, turning to find you just behind me, “I do hope they have good food.. Are you as hungry as I am, Professor?” The sound is sensual, that word hungry.. Famished is more like it, and you, my cute professor, are my new chew toy. My first really, but I have some ideas on how all this plays out. With me on top and you on those knees.. Or back.. Hmmm maybe cuffed down to my bed? All in due time, first things first!

Inside we are seated in a relatively quiet corner well away from everyone else, ordering a sweet tea and water, for myself, I wait for your order to be given and the waiter to leave us alone.

“Questions, Rick?”
I didn’t even realize I was driving that fast or recklessly, maybe in my own way I was running away, but from what? Myself? My actions? As my captor was right here with me.

You repeat my question, “What else?…” And I simply wait for clarity, not sure if I really want to know. God damn it! I am not a man prone to curse, but the feel of your breath as you lean in has my body doing flip flops, alternatively terrified, intimidated and aroused. How can I possibly be aroused.. and then a quick look over at you .. how could I not?

How can I possibly be so scared of the evilness you might carry out, and so aroused at the prospect of such vulnerability? Your answer is as simple as it is all consuming. Other than… “What might you want?” Part of me wishes you weren’t so incredibly beatuiful, where serving you, no matter how filthy or degrading still holds a certain, nonsensical appeal.

It is not until you scream out do I realize how far my intentions have wandered and for how long. Gripping the wheel maniacally at 10 and 2, eyes go back to road. “Sorry… “ meekly spoken, how many times have a said that word already today.

You explain the rules, and part of my logical self wonders, “How could you know?” Yet your voice has such confidence somehow I am sure you would. “But.. but .. I’m married .. won’t my wife wonder if I don’t .. uh can’t … and how do I ask? Send you a text?” I feel so stupid asking, but these rules seem to be important and I need to understand their logistics. The fact my TA is out, is no where near as concerning. I had already decided, before this, you, happened, that could happen again. And I really had believed I could resist… now I was certain! Almost?

Yet you give me light at the end of the tunnel…”Only this semester, I .. yes that is very kind of you, reasonable….” At least on face value assuming I have any life to go back to at that point.

Again you prompt me back to the road and I wildly swing the car right and barely catch the off ramp, the car swerving uncontrollably for a moment or two. “Thank you.. yes….” Fuck my heart is nearly pumping through my chest, I almost killed us, which might not be all and all such a bad thing. NO .. can’t think that way … I have a wife … children… a career…. And all of that I have put in jeopardy as you hold all the cards in your hand.

I think I see hard nipples through your top as we get out. And only then do I realize I am also hard. How fucked up is it to be aroused in a moment like this? “The food is excellent, the sauces are a bit rich, but really good … and this is my treat…” I offer as if any other outcome was even possible.

I look at your eyes, your lips as you say, “hunger” I am clearly prey and willfully letting the fox into the henhouse. Bad metaphor, I am clearly more manly than a hen, right … right?

Sitting down, scanning the menu, I am surprisingly hungry and God only knows what kind of energy I may still need today. Our seating is wonderfully discreet, even if someone was here I knew, highly unlikely, the would never see us.

Questions? I probably have a thousand but keep it simple. “Have you done this before … you seem .. so … good at this?” That is question one, question two, even more basic, “I am assuming you don’t have a boyfriend, that I … our little situation here … is your primary focus?”

The waitress is back with our orders, sweet tea for me as well, with a ham and cheese crepe and a mixed green salad. Somehow I had assumed you would order red meat, very rare … you just seemed that type!
Alena Smith

Sitting here across from you, I can feel those secret places tingle and throb ever so lightly as I stare at you. Smug smile on my face, but it’s not wholly your fault, it’s men in general. In my experience, though limited, thus far all men have been alike in this manner. Dogs. Complete with leg humping and belly rubs.. Or a bit lower than aforementioned location. Am I pro at this, you ask and presume but I think it’s the fear talking. And make no mistake, you are afraid. Of me, of this situation and a moment of guilt tries to peek it’s opinion out. But look at you, my god you are fucking gorgeous, sweet from what I can sense and see of you and your mannerisms.

So, what does that make me?

Uncomfortable with that whole line of thought, the selfish side wants what she wants, and making you pay for past mistakes of other boys? Unfair, I know and yet I am not caring at this particular moment in time. I do believe you need a lesson, a very hard learned lesson. Will it keep you from making this mistake again? Let us hope so but I am not done with you yet and so, the weakness in me over this guilt just needs to do me a solid and piss off.

“I would like the lemon pepper salmon please, green beans, a side garden salad and a large ice water.” I hand over the menu and settle back with a smile as our waiter takes their leave. We stare at one another a while, in silence. You sip your sweet tea and I twirl my ice water a bit, and yes I am imagining your mouth on my body right now. Those lips look soft, inviting and with two kids and a third on the way, I doubt you are lousy in bed. Hell that video I took and rewatched about five times on Sunday… Oh well, if I think about it too much, I am going to get sidetracked and horny as hell.. I need to focus, make myself clear here..

Clearing my throat, I sit forward, steeple my hands and fold them together as I close the distance.

“No. I do not have a boyfriend right now.” Do you honestly think I would admit to having not done this before? Hell no, no that is a secret and leaving you guessing would be such sweet turmoil in your head. Delicious the way your eyes darken and soften, those little lines in your forehead form and melt away. You are so torn right now and confused. The fear doesn’t turn me on, that just solidifies the need to be taught a lesson.. To behave as you should as a married man.

“Your wife right now is very pregnant, and I doubt she can make love with you regardless. She has two more months to go and then after the baby she needs, what is it? Six to eight weeks to mend before you could even consider touching her intimately. The semester is four months, I think you’re fine..” and blue balls delivered! I smirk a bit as those words sink in, “And if your T.A. wants some, you just tell her that you are not allowed. Word for word, a simple ‘I am not allowed to sleep with you.’ Not a difficult sentence, Rick.” I settle back a bit as our plates are brought and are set down. A flashing smile to the waiter and a soft, “thank you.” is spoken and once more I wait until they leave before I go on.

“Whether I have a boyfriend or not, isn’t your concern. Your concern is doing as you are told. When you are told and behaving yourself appropriately as instructed or I will be forced to punish you.” A slice of salmon is cut, stabbed and then inserted into my mouth, smiling your way as I chew it. “If I require my feet rubbed, you will do so. If I require my back scrubbed, or a massage, you will do as instructed. If I need a meal delivered or a plus one somewhere, guess who’s going to do these things?” I know by the paleness of your face, that I am making a pit within you that is scaring you shitless. I best tread carefully here, “It won’t be as horrible as you imagine it being, Rick. and I know you are imagining the worst levels of hell happening for the next four months, but that is not the reality here. Not like I am going to pour hot wax on your chest and leave scratched welts behind for you to try and explain away. I am not a sadist.” I pause to drink, “Look that word up on your phone while we eat and read what a Sadist is.” I spell it out for you in the event you do not know the word.

“I will allow some hard limits, also research what that means and what possible hard limits one should have can be. If they are reasonable and under five. A concession so you can feel more comfortable being Mine, Rick.” Quietly I resume eating, glancing up to see you staring at me, not eating, unmoving. It is a lot to take in, sure. Time to process is good, isn’t it?

“Here we will start with something simple. For the next ten minutes, you will not speak. Eat your lunch, do some reading between bites and say nothing until given permission.” That should give you some processing time and it is a simple task to obey.. Can you do it though?
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I have no idea what you are thinking but if given the option I don’t think I’d want to. It is like the old question, if you could be told the day you are going to die, would you really want to know? Often someone’s imagination is much worse than any reality, but the steely tone of your voice, makes me think my imagination couldn’t possibly contemplate what might be the thoughts in taht undeniably beautiful but seemingly wicked mind.

Two questions asked, zero answered and I resign myself to the futility of my goals. You are in control and I am your marionette, simply lacking the strings. I can feel you watching me, evaluating me, but for what? There is an awkward silence and I hear kettle drums beating in the distance, only to realize that is my own heartbeat echoing in my head.

There is a curl to your lips, a smile pray tell, but the way your eyes go from mine to my lips to my, not really sure, I wonder if it is sexual, I hope that it is sexual, even though that is exactly what got me into this mess to begin with.

The fact that you don’t have a boyfriend right now is concerning, yet somehow in a way I can’t explain it makes me happy. A girlfriend perhaps, I consider asking but the words don’t poke the bear, ring through my head. Your point about my wife is fair, she is seven months pregnant and I already know the long cold winter is in effect.

I’d like to think that is why I had done what I had, but I knew it wasn’t, I had been offered something I had never knew existed and I had succumbed so fast it made my head spin. Even now, a frog stuck in the pot as the water moves from cool to warm on its way to a boil, would I give up what happened? Yes I regretted it, despised myself even, but damn, I had finally felt what it was to be a real man… and know I would pay the piper.

“You’re right, but when she is close, days away, an orgasm can help a woman go into labor.. we might need to discuss … “ Suddenly a grin appeared, at the pure absurdity of having to ask permission to fuck my pregnant wife.

The second limit was more painful, but your instructions crystal clear. “I understand, not allowed … I’ll use your exact words.” You are digging in, and giving me instruction. I was clearly expected to do anything, everything you asked, but details were fuzzy, such as, if I was massaging you, would you be .. naked? My food suddenly has no appeal, but I force myself to take a few bites, but at the idea of touching you, I can’t help myself from looking at your body and contemplating what might lie beneath. This might not be so bad after all, was what I wanted to think, that was until you started to give me a whole new vocabulary.

“A sadist is someone who is mean to others, right….” Seeing your glare, I quickly google, my mouth going dry as I read aloud. “A condition in which one achieves sexual gratification through inflicting pain or degradation on others..” Eyes wide as I finish, “But you … you’re not one of those right?” I had never thought of pain as part of sex, except when Katia had pleaded for me to go harder and hurt her, treat her like the whore she was… “ It had been so bizarre, but also such a turn on … was I a sadist… the question only registered a second before being dismissed.

“I’m glad you’re not .. one of those.. I confess while taking another bite. You seem to speak with pride, even compassion as you state I could have hard limits, only to have me again researching these new words suddenly relevant to my existence. “In BDSM, limits refer to issues that participants in a play scene or dynamic feel strongly about, usually referring to prohibited activities.”

I look up at you confused, “But if you’re not a sadist, why…” And then I stop, why should I question, this is apparent concession by you. “Thank you Miss Smith, I will think on what those might be, perhaps I might be able to add some as we go along?” Using your title as you had explained ot me, Miss Smith, as we are in private, I think, at least we don’t know anyone, I hope, and of course not Mistress, as I have not yet earned the right, although what that might mean is again not understood.

And so it begins, my first command, ten minutes of silence. Smart enough to nod, as a verbal reply would already have me in violation, looking down at Apple Watch, a few touches and ten minute timer set. Yes, I am a math nerd, and bit of techno wonk. In truth I welcome the silence, so many things swirling and finally, as words like sadist and hard limits continue to swirl, hunger seems to be stirring and the crepe tastes delicious.

“How is everything?” Comes the voice of our server, or is it that manager, no it is the server as head turns. He is looking at me, and yet I can’t reply, not even with customary good graces, and so eyes instead turn pleadingly to you. Either allow me a reprieve to speak or take command, or simply be rude and let me wallow in my discomfort, but I have no choice.. .and that hits home, that is what all of this is making me sure of, that I have no control, I am at you whim.

Before any answer given to polite inquiry, I notice you slightly wiggle in your seat, and then as you stare up at the waiter, I feel a tickled, firm but covered, press on the inside of my pant leg, pressing on the inside, encouraging me to turn in your direction and open? Forgetting about the unanswered question from above, instead brimming with my own, I do as prompted, only to feel as foot continues up, bare, but encased in hosiery, sliding up open leg until I feel the glide up inner thigh, and then…’OH MY GOD!’

As foot presses into my crotch, reaction is both surprise of your intent, and realization of how my cock, while not fully erect, is stimulated and oh so receptive to this invasion. Brow furrows as if asking, what are you doing? as I see controlled smile and words that are barely more than a whisper, “Rub it…” For a brief moment I think you are referring to my cock as I grip your arch and press it into my manhood, only to quickly realize, you mean rub you, not me.

There has still not been a word spoken in response to server inquiry, yet he is now over my shoulder and must see what you, we are doing? Pulling out the linen of table cloth, as discreetly as possible I slide it over the top of feet and hands.

Jesus, this is wierdly erotic, as I use both hands to massage your toes and arch. You feel the strength of my hands grip you, but I do not discourage the maker in which you press into my crotch. I am getting harder, much harder I know it … I hate myself but realize I am actually getting off… What the fuck is wrong with me… and you … what will you do next?
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Alena Smith

There is a satisfaction in compliance, with spreading smile and soft sigh let loose with little regard to who may hear me or see me. Fuck them, let them stare and listen.. Hope it gets them horny in the process. My eyes drift shut, softening my features to the two pairs of eyes studying me. The waiter seems a little uncomfortable but the quest has been asked and he must now stay and wait a response… and you can’t talk.

Smile widening to reveal the pretty pearly white-s of a definite wolfish grin. You’re growing … on me, under me, and my toes mold to that hard crown resting not too comfortably beneath some rather tacky khaki browns. I bet jeans would look great on your ass too.

“Oh sorry…where was I?” Lifting cat like smug eyes to study the awkwardly shifting, staring waiter as he shifts from foot to foot, trying not to look. “It’s been a long day, my poor feet actually hurt from all that campus walking..” The waiter nods, he needed an excuse to resolve himself to what he is witnessing as something other than perverted. “Everything is great, thank you. I would like refills please and then left alone.” He looks to you for something but what can you say, do exactly? Nothing..

“My husband..” The lie rolls so smoothly off my tongue and the sweetest smile I can give, is shared with the widening eyed waiter. He actually blushes a bit and I wonder to myself, is this also making our waiter hard? Not that I care, but he is still trying to peek under the cloth you pulled over us. “Is a very happy man, as you can see. We’re good.” In a dismissive tone and then my focus returns to you and only you. If the waiter doesn’t understand the dismissal at first, he will shortly if I must growl at the guy.

Shifting the soft pads of my toes along that hard, round tube, I stroke your cock, “Now the arch, my pet..” Darkening eyes cling to your own from across this quickly shrinking table. “Nu uh uh.. Seven minutes remaining… give or take. Not a word, do as you are told.” Picking up my fork, stabbing into my salad, there is a twitch in my smile, goose bumps spreading up from where you rub to those delicate nerves making me wet, hot and dangerous.

At the two minute marker, with my lunch consumed and my second foot now in your lap, I can see the heat in your eyes. Now is it desire or anger? Over the rim of thick clear glass, I drink and watch you. Wondering, what do I do to seal the deal? So many depraved little kinks come to mind, none of which I have done before but if I need ammunition? I see your mouth open, do you struggle for air as both of my soft nylon covered feet are encasing much of your prick, or is it to speak?

A single finger shoots up in that age old ‘wait’ command, until that little chime from your pretty little watch goes off. “Now you may speak, but do keep in mind to be respectful when addressing me, my pet.” crooked little smile, my big toe is pressing to that hard mushroom in your pants with just enough pressure to keep that vein pumped up nice and thick. I think it is time to take you back to campus, your office and start laying down the .. law? Rules? My whims? Grin spreading, the waiter returns almost as the alarm goes off, handing you the tab. What will you say in the presence of a witness?
Professor Richard Harris

As I sit here I am trying to remember you better from the first few days of classes. I certainly noticed, you are not the kind of girl a man sees and doesn’t notice, stealing a second and third glance when possible without being obvious.

But it wasn’t based on wanting to do something, that was not a need I had indulged, not until the other night, when I guess I had let the drinks I had get to me. That night is still a bit of a blur, less of a blur with the pictures you had shared, and I night that while I regret the ramfications I can’t fully say I regret as I never realized sex could be that.

That is what is even more troubling to me than anything. Yes, I feel guilty, but a bit like a child who was tricked into trying heroine, that was a feeling, a thrill a revelation that isn’t easily swept away under the carpet. There is a fire in me, a dog, I didn’t realize existed and suddenly no longer want to remain neutered.

Shaking my head, to put my attention back on you, this is bad, really bad, but I also cannot deny, despite the danger and even humiliation, I am also very, very turned on. I press my growing bulge into your talented toes, never really been into feet, but this is a whole new world!

You dismiss the waiter and I wonder if he saw how when I gripped your foot to massage it, I also arched my back slightly to press in my erection? Who cares, I have bigger problems than some waiter I hope I never see again. I smile meekly at being referred to as your husband, a hard swallow, yet a look into eyes wondering if the toes suggest a future consummation?

Blushing as you call me a happy man, I guess my hard on was even more obvious than I thought. I almost respond, “I’m a lucky man…” but remember the vow of silence and narrowly avoid a major mistake. I can’t meet his gaze, eyes are down, only to slowly raise to look at your greens and figure out what you might demand next? ‘The Arch’ Now using moth hands, pressing thumbs in deeply to work the surprisingly strong muscles of your feet. You must be an athlete or dancer? But the question will have to wait as you remind me again of the time left.

As time goes on, watching you eat, as food disappears past sensuous lips, the occasional glimpse of tongue, as two hands and mushroom tip continue to work on responsive feet. I am starving, but increasingly it is less for the food and more for the temptress who is in command.

What the fuck is wrong with me, your every action is a threat, defcon 5, you are the only with the keys to launch the mussels and have my life go nuclear, and here I am, my cock getting harder and harder and harder.

I don’t even know when I got the second foot, and how you moved the to work not only the front but sides of my erection. I know I am leaking precum, please God no wet spot. I try to glance at watch, it must me about time? I am a cauldren of emotions, fear, anger, desperation and fuck I can’t believe I am actually acknowledging this … desire!

I am sure time is up and I lean a bit forward, I have to know what is next, only to see you anticipate, holding up a finger, as I slink back, yet on pins and needles. Finally I am given permission, but then feel your toes work my tip and and can’t help but whimper before shutting and reopening my eyes as I take in and let out a deep breath before continuing.

I see the waiter, and risk taking control, he is likely surprised to hear I have any voice at all, “Check please …” But I don’t even care to see it, simply pulling out my wallet to hand him an Amex and leave us alone. As he walks away, I grip your feet a bit stronger, I like how this feels and hate myself for doing so.

“Uh .. Miss …” One nervous glance over shoulder to make sure damned waiter isn’t already back, “… tress”. Even uttering the word sends a naughty tingle through my body, another swallow and deep breath. I have a million questions about where this might be going and when, how often you might show up and what am I supposed to do when you do? Is there any safe place, or am I supposed to be at your whim 24x7?

But now, in this moment I don’t want to poke the bear, nor encourage you to perhaps consider things you might not have even considered. My voice is soft, even though my pupils are dialated with the arousal your feet continue to administer. “Am I taking you back to campus, or is there anything else you require of me today?”

I let the feet go and push back slightly, for if I didn’t I was very sure I was about to cum, right there!