Love Of Battle (Closed)

-Ty smiled and stroked her hair and looked in to her eyes.-"This is old times huh?"
She smiled feeling his hand against her "Yes it is" She placed her hand on his cheek. "Even better since we are open with our love for the other"
"I agree."-he said and kissed her neck lightly once in a while as he held her tight and close.-
Taking his hand in her own and right now? She was just really happy. Resting her head on his shoulder blade and watched the movie.
-They smiled as Ty held her close the movie playing through they both kept there eyes on the screen.-
The movie was really good, and was satisfied with it, seeing the hulk made her think of Ty with just how he was now, but he hard a good heart that was what made her fall in love.
-Ty smiled as the Movie was watched he just became so close and cuddled in to her body as he smiled.-"This feels's like i never left."-he smiled as he snuggled close.-
She smiled at him looking up into his face and stroked his cheek "You never have, a part of you was always with me" She kissed him softly. "I love you Ty and I can't lose you again"
"You will not loose me at all."-he smiled-"I am enjoying my life where i left off....being with you."
She blushed happily and kissed him holding onto him for dear life she loved her time with him, it meant everything to her really.
-He blushed a bit and kissed her back as he stroked her hair and smiled. Ty ran his hands over her body a bit by bit.-
Closing her eyes everything just seemed that more important to her, feeling him kissing her and touching her? Made everything that much more wonderful. God how much she was in love with the man who held her.
-The Movie slowly started to get better as Ty held her close petting her hair his hands held her around her hips. Ty smiled and slowly ran his hands up her body nice and easy.-
She felt how everything was where it should be, being in the arms of a man he loved, she did not know exactly how things would go but she had faith everything would be just fine. Running her fingers over his, enjoying every little thing he was giving her she felt amazed.
-He smiled and held her close and kissed her neck.-"I love you very much...."-he said and lightly turned her head as he kissed her lips and held her.-
She smiled at him "I love you to Ty" when he kissed her she closed her eyes and returned the kiss, the way he made her feel was incredible and now? She was even more happy about every little thing.
-Ty held that kiss his fingers traced up her body slowly relaxing it he could feel her body move with his touches. His lips held tight as he slipped his tongue out to her lips asking for entrance.-
She felt her body react to him it was incredible and right now? She felt where his tongue was and she slowly opened up her mouth to let him inside, resting her hand on his cheek it was truly amazing and was really nice.
-His tongue ran along her own tongue slipping in her mouth. Ty felt his hands run down her body softly feeling around her soft skin over her breasts then her ass.-
She groaned happily as he kissed her and even more so when she murmured happily it was incredible and now? it was just almost to much it was incredible and moving her head back she couldn't help but just love life. "Mmm Ty" She murmured happily.
-Ty slipped from the kiss and his hands traced over her body as his Lips sucked on her nipples. This was good his mind only went ot her body as his hand traced to her as giving it a soft squeeze.-
She murmured happily and it was really nice, and now? everything was what she wanted. Moving her head back as everything seemed that much more wonderful, everything seemed nice and it was very true on how she felt about him.
She groaned loudly the whole thing amazing and now? Closing her eyes everything seemed so damn perfect Moving her head back as everything seemed so damn different, it was nice to feel the love she had. "mmm Ty..." She murmured.
-Ty continued he wanted her to feel everything he was doing. Ty just lapped and licked her wet crevices as well as he could enjoying the flavor on his tongue.-