Lost mate (Kililia &Dire_Moonfang)

I grabbed my groin in pain as I roared in anger as I moved off the bed I looked down to see her still fighting I couldn't help but laugh seeing her like this "If you would have just followed my order's you wouldn't be tied up. As I looked at her body still moving about she had the most beautiful legs as I began to think of a way to handle this situation I first and foremost bent my head down and licked the part behind her leg tasting her for the first time in my human form.

"You taste really good after all the years I been waiting to have you have been worth it." I reached for her pants as I pulled tightly at them not wanting to rip them off I settled for flipping her around so she was on her back I chuckled reading the shirt "Eat your heart out very amusing are you sure you don't mean eat me out." As I said that softly I began to pull up her shirt while I gently licked her chest as I have a smirk in her direction.
Elizabecka hissed at him like a cat:" what the fuck are you talking about, you lunatic ?!" She struggle against the bind,cursing. She instinctively tried to kick him in the face as he liked her legs*

" what the hell your talking about ?! Who the hellare you ?! " She tried to wiggle and kick his face to break his nose*
" you get away from me or I'll kill you the first chance I get you freak !!"

She was ready to go to extreme measure and kill herself then be rape by this monsters *
I watched her try to escape from her binds "Poor little kitty you can't handle being touched by this big bad wolf huh." As I went back to licking her I couldn't help myself as I went toward her perky tits as I licked the right one gently as I looked up at her face as I went in for a kiss I pulled back and placed my hand on the back of her head gripping her hair "Now pucker up and don't bite now." As I placed my lips onto hers pushing my tongue deep inside as I pull out I couldn't help myself but say "Good girl."
Elisabecka screamed enraged as she fought to break :" don't you fucking touch me ! My boyfriend will kill ya, you monster !"

She gasps as he licked her, blushing as she tried back away. She hates him and wish she could kill him and get free.

She back away much as she could but was not strong enough to break free. As he broke from their kiss, she spat in his face.

She glares at him " kill me already...you sick freak... "
I roared in laughter "Like I'm afraid your puny boyfriend consider your body mine and mine alone forever and ever." I couldn't help but smile seeing her face blush "I think someone likes this." I bent toward her neck as I bit hard onto her neck leaving a small mark I was love torturing her making her body move with my every touch as I placed my hands onto of her body gripping her waist as I move my hands up and down as they went toward her pants feeling the zipper I couldn't help but smile as I pressed my mouth to hers as I zipped the zipper down "This sick freak is going to take your body now you can either enjoy it or I can rough you up first got it little kitty."
Elizabecka eye widen in horror as she fought to break free : " plz let me go, I won't tell anyone...just let me go"

She screamed for help as she fought back like a wild cat . She whelp as he mark her with his bite :" I will never be yours !"
I watched her flail underneath me as I wrapped her body with mine as I unbuckled her pants pulling them down as I felt her panties I couldn't help myself as I caressed her inner thigh as I said: "You already are mine little kitty your body is mine." I began to shape shift my right hand to where my claw could come out as I ripped her panties off her body as I looked upon my prize I couldn't help myself as I reached down and began to lick her pussy tasting her essence as I couldn't stop myself as my mouth delve deep into her cunt tasting her essence as I was doing this.
Elizabecka struggled in tears trying to free herself from the binds, she screamed for help: " i never be yours, get off me, i belong to another!" She screamed as he tore her panties, she pray to wake from this nightmare.She tried to break free and back away only to feel him lick her. She cried out as he pressed him lips against her, licking and sucking her essence: " nnnnooooooooooooooo"

She tries to kick him and close her legs, blushing and whimpering as she began to be soaking wet for him. She tried to close her legs, embarrassed as she was wet for him, she bite down her lip to prevent herself from moaning. her lips bleeding as she avoided eye contact with him.
I was loving the way her body was fighting with her mind it couldn't make up its decision but her wetness was all the answer I needed as I placed my hands on her thighs as I sucked more and more tasting her wetness was sending my mind into overdrive as I started to get rough and bite a bit her cunt my animal instincts started to take over I started to growl more and more as my face started to contort becoming more werewolf as I started to eat her more as I pulled her legs up as I lined up my hard cock with her pussy as I thrust deep breaking her hymen as I roared finally claiming my prize after all these years "You may not want this but your body is telling me different."
Elizabecka let out a cry of a mix of pain and pleasure, tears running down her cheeks as she could not help but be soaking wet for him.

She let's out painful cries as he begins to nip between her legs. She fought to pull away screaming him to stop. She hissed as he parted her legs wide for himself : "don..." * Her words cut off by her scream of agony as he tare her hymen.

She tried to break free in agony and desperation. The scent of her innocence filling his nostrils while it stain his massive cock that stretch her completely as he claimed her.
It was a good thing I had her bound otherwise I would have a few punches to the face but that didn't matter as I thrust deeper into her cunt stretching all the muscles her pussy had I moved my hands under to her ass pulling her more off the bed giving me a better position as I rammed my cock over and over into her cunt I couldn't help myself as I laughed each time I pushed my head down placing our lips together I couldn't help myself as my tongue started dancing alongside hers as I pulled back I couldn't help myself as I said in a loud roar "You are my bitch got it no other man will ever get your body as for your boyfriend consider that little puny human killed the next time he sees you he will be six feet under."
Elizabecka threw back her head as he thrusted deep inside her pussy. Her eyes bulging as she instinctively try to push him off as she scream in pain she never imagine such an enormous cock taring her so wide for her first time. She fear he kill her with his cock, each thrusts rewarded with a cry of agony from his deflowered mate.

Tears running down her cheeks as he easily position her for his needs. Every powerful thrusts sending her head back as she cries out painfully as the head of his cock ram against her cervix. It felt as he wanted ram his huge cock inside her cervix to cum directly in her womb.

Her cries now muffled by his kisses as she tried to push him off in desperation but failed miserably. She looked up his horror, somehow she knew he meant every word
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I was thrusting with every fiber of my being taking her virginity I couldn't help myself as I howled finally deflowering my mate after trying to find her after all these years as I let out one last howl my cock began to knot as cum started to push forth from my cock as it went deep into her coating her entire womb with my seed as I looked down at her face I could still see a bit of fear in her eyes as I said "Are you alright my dear I hope I didn't scare you too much." As I laid there on top of her I pulled off a bit letting a bit of cum drop onto the bed sheet as I stood up I stretched as my joints started to crack as I reached down and placed my hand on her right tit feeling the softness in my hand "You did very well for your first time with your mate do you have any question?"
Elizabecka let out painful cries as he pounded deep and hard, she struggle under him helplessly. She gasps feeling him knot inside her making it every more painful.she cried out as he came inside her, the idea of end up being pregnant terrified her.

She wanted to scream and threaten him but fought the urge as he was still knotted inside her.she look away to hide her hatred : " please get off me....why do you keep calling me mate...?"
She believe he would leave after raping her as she had no idea of the real situation.
I lightly laugh as I heard her ask about why I call her my mate "That is your purpose of coming into this world was to be my mate when you were in your mother's womb though she ran away when a war began amongst my clan my father and many others died though you were lost in it all I have finally found you after all these years." I placed my hand on her shoulder as I said: "You are now marked as mine and therefore entitled to whatever you desire what do you want most in the world?"
She had no idea of what he spoke as he appear to young for the second world war. She honestly thought he was insane and needed to separate herself from this mad man. She hesitated a moment before replying : " I want my freedom, away from you, I never wanna see you again ..."

She pray he accept to let her free of him as she did not want to be the mate of her werewolf rapist. She was unaware they mates for life like wolves and had their own rule in their rule.
I began to laugh with a smirk appearing on my face "That I can't give you, your freedom is forfeit you will be given some freedom like going out with friends but there will be someone with you at all times." As I looked around the room taking a notice of clothes strung about I couldn't help myself as I picked up bits of her torn clothes as I bent down and picked up a shirt I tossed it to her on the bed as I said "You might want to cover yourself or I might ravage your body again." As I said that I began to lick my lips still tasting her as I felt it my animal side was wanting to break free and take my mate again and again.
Elizabecka paled at his reply:" I'm not your mate, I have a boyfriend. Please let me go from this mate stuff, I won't tell anone about what you done... " She still thought as a human victim of a rape. It was obvious she had no knowledge of their kiND and he would need instruct her of her duties as an alpha mate.

She quickly dress up as she instincts back away from him, the distance giving a false sense of security. "Someone at all time?! You can't just rape me and take over my life.just get out ! I don't ever wanna see you again !!"

She playfully call the cops to have him arrested and move away to where he CAn not find her. She had no real depth awareness of her situation. She plan take a morning pill as soo n as he left but she ws not go na tell him.

I listened to her bitching and moaning about how this wasn't her life with a quick step I grabbed her by the throat as I said "Listen here bitch I have had enough with your whining about this isn't your life but guess what it is your my mate you have no more boyfriend no one is going to come to your rescue I have lived for a very long time, my dear so forget about trying to run away and find rescue I will just kill the people your with just to get to you." I released my hand letting her fall to the ground " Now mate it's time for me to finally introduce myself to you my name is Aaron Matthews for the rest of your life you will be my mate now tell me your name or shall I give you a new name."
Elizabecka eyes bulges as he grab her throat, she paled at his statements. Fear ran down her spine at the idea , he decided she was his female from now on. She collapse, coughing as she try to catch her breathe, glaring at him.

She look horrified as he offered to change her name, she replied in almost a whisper: " Elizabecka Wolfe" She pray he leave her alone, give her enough time to escape. She refuse allow him to take over her live. She was simply going to wait for his guard to be down.
I smiled as I said, "See that wasn't so hard to give me your name now, was it." I walked toward her phone that was lying on the nightstand as I picked it up and quickly dialed my driver's number as he answered I told him where to meet me as well as bring me some clothes, as well as I, hung up the phone I looked to Elizabecka and smiled as I shifted my form a bit crushing the phone in my hand as I shifted back to human form I could help but say "Now that is over with and your only escape plan is out the window we can wait a bit for my ride to get here as I take you back to your apartment to grab whatever clothes you want or any mementos you hold dear or should I fear you will try to run from your mate.
Elizabecka glared at him, she wanted to smack that smile of his, right off his face. Tense up as he dialed on her phone, cursing under her breath as he destroys it : " I still have to pay my phone....I ain't made of cash..."

She wrap the bed sheet around herself, gulping: " what ?!?....what are you talking about ?!? "

She pales as she realise, he wanted to take her with him to wherever he lived: " you got what you wanted..." *Referring to the assault*

" Please....just leave me ...alone....I am not like you...not want to be a mate to a damn werewolf....I'm human...please go, you can have any female " * forgetting wolves mate for life*
I chuckled as I listened to her say she wasn't made of cash "That my dear is what I am here for to buy and pay for whatever you desire think about it from a gold digger point of view anything you wanted can be your an isle of your own a wardrobe of the most expensive outfits as well any outfit I choose for you." I stepped closer as I placed my hand under her chin as I said, "As for any female we werewolves are the same as wolves where as we take one mate for life and you are that mate I would gladly give my life for yours as you are marked as mine I am marked as yours." As I let go of her chin I slowly bow my body to hers not "Your wish is mine, my mate."
She stared at him as if he lost his mind as she was. It sure what he spoke of ...she blink : " what are you talking about?"

She gasps as he step closer to speak,his touch send a shivering down her spine.
" I'm not a werewolf, so I am not your mate...I can't be..."

She looked confused: z please why can't you simply free me, I just want my life back...I won't tell anyone...I swear"
As I stayed there not moving from my kneeling position "No you're not a werewolf you're a Kinfolk born from your mother and father who were also kinfolk you have werewolf blood in you but you can't change like me so don't worry about having fur all over your body one more but us werewolves take who we are destined with very seriously." I looked up at Elizabecka my mate as I reached up with my hand hoping she will take it "Your life is already forfeit your body is already mine as well my seed is already inside of you as well slowly filling your womb hopefully with a child or two and if you wish to tell people just know this my race is a very secretive race so anyone that finds out about us that we wish didn't want to be known would be killed be it police or anyone else."
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