lost in the big city


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
How about a simple story of a girl who comes to a big city ( say NYC), never having been there before. She gets off the bus/train/plane and promptly gets lost. What sorta trouble would this fresh 18 yr old find?
the girl walks around but she is totally lost.

So she asks a greasy looking guy for help. She needs to get to the ... railway station. The guy is willing to help her ... but before he will tell her the way to the railway station, she has to do him a favour ... a blowjob .... when it's over, the girl says: "now, tell me where the railway station is" - "Well, I don't know where the railway station is. But what I know is that you are a very good cocksucker ...."
hmmm....since I'm in nyc I can give you a few ideas

1. there is the pimp pick up (I'll give you some place to stay etc) which is classic, but for a reason

2. she could get into trouble with a gypsy cab

3. she could get lost in central park, and find a hot guy or girl who offers to show her around

4. dance club
Central Park ... that sounds like a good idea.

As far as I know the Central Park is very big. So ... she is lost in NYC. Finally, she finds the CP - from here it should be easy to find the way to the railroad station. But then, she gets lost inside the CP. (well, not really a story idea - but the idea of having sex in the Central Park sounds really cool to me.)
I hate to bring a Romance Novel into this, but have you ever read "Sweet Lies" (I think that's the title) by Jude Deveraux? one sec, going to find the title..."Sweet Liar" is the name. It's about a woman who has to move to NYC to fulfill a will, and all the worst things happen to her in the first chapter. Straight off the bus she's mugged, then she can't find her way, etc etc etc...Just thought I'd share.

NASCARaddicted said:
As far as I know the Central Park is very big.

LOL...you could say that...it's several square miles

60th street to 110th street (and for those not in the know, 20 blocks equals 1 mile) and it's pretty wide too.
NASCARaddicted said:
As far as I know the Central Park is very big.

LOL...you could say that...it's several square miles

60th street to 110th street (and for those not in the know, 20 blocks equals 1 mile) and it's pretty wide too.
Hugs...an alternative take?

Someone new to the city..college student or such (or grad student) who has spent little to no time there gets lost because she keeps messing up the east side/west side thing (It happens...I'm speaking from experience so far) especially when she first comes out of the subway exits. Could she end up on the wrong side of manhattan and by asking guys or girls how to get to wherever she ends up getting picked up? Make it a sweet story (I'm hooked on sweet stories right now...that could change at any second though) about the start of a relationship or maybe an erotic encounter? Haven't had one of those...but I certainly can find the eroticism in the idea :)
NYC is to easy, make it Paris, she doesn’t speak French.
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what about this:

I guess, everyone of you knows about the the Love Parade in Berlin, Germany. People from all around the world come together to have a party and listen to techno (music ?). People between 0 to 99 years old, from every nation, from every religion. Heterosexuals, Homosexuals, Bisexuals ...

I think a few years ago, they set a record of something like 1.4 Million spectators.

The Love Parade is always held in summer, so it's always hot. Many dancers, male and female dance topless. And in each year, a sall movie company makes a porno movie in the parks in Berlin during the Love Parade. They have no problem to do it right in front of the party people. (of course, when the cops see the movie makers, they tell them to go away ... but usually, they go just around the corner and take some more porn scenes)

Also, many people consume drugs.

So, maybe this girl just came to visit the Love Parade. She can't speak neither english nor german, but she thinks: All this people want the same: Love, Peace and Happiness. They will understand me, even without words ...

(but I just want to make this clear: even though I talked so much about the Love Parade: I HATE techno)
Diane Marie said:
NYC is to easy, make it Paris, she doesn’t speak French.

but I live in nyc and can write about nyc. And although i could make it all up, I prefer to add an element of realism (such as adding in my favorite bbq joint or something). Although if I wanted, I could put her in Aix En Provence, where I lived for a month or so (it's an hour north of marseilles, maybe 8 hours south of paris).

Besides, everyone knows nyc is the center of the universe :p
lost in NYC

what if she's swedish and just got off the boat so to speak ;)
She's looking for directions, ends up at Greenwich Village and have a grate time with a 'wanna be actor' who she ends up the nite with...
interesting idea, Unregistered

but what about this: I don't know too much about the immigration laws of the USA .... but I know, that about 100 years ago, many immigrants came from Europe, even though many of them couldn't speak english (or maybe only a little bit).

So, there is this beautiful swedish/italian/german/french ... or from any other european nation. (let's say she is swedish) So, she arrives on Ellis Island. She can't speak much english ... but then, she meets another swedish guy. He tells her that he immigrated a few years ago. Now he works on Ellis Island. He is a doctors assistant. And since she is an immigrant from Euripe, she has to be examined, before they can allow her to enter the USA. If she has a disease, or if she refuses to be examined, she will be send back .... back to poverty and unemployment.

The girl accepts, since she believes him.
So, he brings her to a small cabin. In this cabin, there is a guy, dressed like a doctor. He tells her to strip - then the "doctor" and his swedish "assistant" examine the girl. At first they finger her. The girl gets frightened, but the guys tell her that it has to be .... otherwise she will be send back.
So the girl finally gives in and allows them to fuck her ...

Oh, and maybe ... after they both had sex with her, they tell her: We are not sure about the results. We need the opinion of another doctor ....

Just think: This could be a gang of multi-national guys. I mean, there is the "doctor". And then, he has an italian "assistant", for all italian immigrants, a german "assistant", a french "assistant". So at first, it's the doctor and an assistant. After they had sex with the girl, the other assistants dress up like doctors and fuck her, too ....
yeah, they don't go through ellis island anymore.

Anyways, so I may do this story, but I'm doing it as little red riding hood in a modern day setting