Looking to collaborate with an artist


Universe builder
Jul 5, 2012
Well, never mind then. Can be closed thanks to overwhelming responses.
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I don't know if you edited your post or whatever from the original post, but did you give context of what you wanted to collaborate on? What were the rules of the collaboration? What were the expectations and so on. This is essentially a site for people to have some sort of sexual outlet it would seem, so there are not that many people on this type of site that are going to want to discuss your plans with you.

As I don't know if you did any of the above I will just suggest you do those things as a minimum. As an artist who takes commissions there are a number of things I would need to know.

1. What is the project.
2. How big is the project, what are the expected work loads, deadlines, ETC.
3. What is the goal of the project, is it personal or commercial.
4. Do you have a contract set up for licensed use of the artists work?
5. Do you have a budget or are you hoping for free art work?(as you used the word collaboration I assume you expect free art)
6. If you are hoping for free art what is the "hook" for the artist? What are they getting out of it? Other than the joy of drawing pictures for you random internet person.
7. If you are asking for free work up front with a back end payment after you sell the work, what is your business model? Do you have a business plan? What guarantees does the artist have they will get paid, ETC. (again is there a contract)

You can't just say, hey I have a project who wants in? and then expect people to be chomping at the bitt to get involved. If you did all of the above and still no one answered I am guessing they either didn't like the project idea, or the things you had in place.

As an example if you said you wanted to write a comic book about gay unicorns I probably wouldn't want in on it, if it was a comedy comic strip about a busty porn star with a drinking problem, I might be interested in continuing to read. If you said there was no upfront payment, you lose my interest again. If you say there is payment but you don't have a contract about exactly what you are paying me and what you expect from me for that payment, you lose my interest.

Very few artist want to draw other people's ideas, fewer artist want to draw other people's ideas for free. Unless your idea or project was so amazing I simply wanted to be a part of it I wouldn't waste my time.

All that information is free, use it as you wish. Get angry about it, learn from it, dismiss it. It just boggles my mind especially on this website how people think artist have nothing better to do with their time than work for free drawing pictures for people online they don't know. If you find someone willing to do it...become their best friend because they won't come along often, and often they won't be that "good."

All the best for the future.

P.S If you reply to this and I don't I am not being rude, I visit the site like every 6 months if that, or whenever I feel like posting some sketches I doodled, which isn't often in this "field" It's usually only if I am tuning up my anatomy drawing that lends its self to this world.

P.P.S Literotica released a section for artists to post their work in a gallery type environment so I think less and less artists use this section now. You would be better of going to the adult illustrations section, browsing some of the art, if you find an artist you like contact them directly with your offer.
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I don't know if you edited your post or whatever from the original post, but did you give context of what you wanted to collaborate on? What were the rules of the collaboration? What were the expectations and so on. This is essentially a site for people to have some sort of sexual outlet it would seem, so there are not that many people on this type of site that are going to want to discuss your plans with you.

As I don't know if you did any of the above I will just suggest you do those things as a minimum. As an artist who takes commissions there are a number of things I would need to know.

1. What is the project.
2. How big is the project, what are the expected work loads, deadlines, ETC.
3. What is the goal of the project, is it personal or commercial.
4. Do you have a contract set up for licensed use of the artists work?
5. Do you have a budget or are you hoping for free art work?(as you used the word collaboration I assume you expect free art)
6. If you are hoping for free art what is the "hook" for the artist? What are they getting out of it? Other than the joy of drawing pictures for you random internet person.
7. If you are asking for free work up front with a back end payment after you sell the work, what is your business model? Do you have a business plan? What guarantees does the artist have they will get paid, ETC. (again is there a contract)

You can't just say, hey I have a project who wants in? and then expect people to be chomping at the bitt to get involved. If you did all of the above and still no one answered I am guessing they either didn't like the project idea, or the things you had in place.

As an example if you said you wanted to write a comic book about gay unicorns I probably wouldn't want in on it, if it was a comedy comic strip about a busty porn star with a drinking problem, I might be interested in continuing to read. If you said there was no upfront payment, you lose my interest again. If you say there is payment but you don't have a contract about exactly what you are paying me and what you expect from me for that payment, you lose my interest.

Very few artist want to draw other people's ideas, fewer artist want to draw other people's ideas for free. Unless your idea or project was so amazing I simply wanted to be a part of it I wouldn't waste my time.

All that information is free, use it as you wish. Get angry about it, learn from it, dismiss it. It just boggles my mind especially on this website how people think artist have nothing better to do with their time than work for free drawing pictures for people online they don't know. If you find someone willing to do it...become their best friend because they won't come along often, and often they won't be that "good."

All the best for the future.

P.S If you reply to this and I don't I am not being rude, I visit the site like every 6 months if that, or whenever I feel like posting some sketches I doodled, which isn't often in this "field" It's usually only if I am tuning up my anatomy drawing that lends its self to this world.

P.P.S Literotica released a section for artists to post their work in a gallery type environment so I think less and less artists use this section now. You would be better of going to the adult illustrations section, browsing some of the art, if you find an artist you like contact them directly with your offer.

I may be blind, but I'm not stupid. My initial post was - or so I thought - informative and respectful, looking for artists to draw some of the things in my stories for me. I've kept it up for about a month and after receiving zero replies, I took it down, simple as that. Before I wanted to get into prickly details like payments and the like, I wanted to test the waters if anyone was interested in my shit to begin with. No one was, so I closed the topic.

I posted here because this is a site revolving around erotic fiction and so I thought the people frequenting the visual artists forum would be positively disposed towards erotic drawings. I've already tried to get in touch with people on DeviantArt who drew nudes or fantastic art, but again got zero responses so far.

So, in conclusion, people either just don't give a shit or my email writing skills are abysmal. Either way, I'll keep looking.
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I may be blind, but I'm not stupid. My initial post was - or so I thought - informative and respectful, looking for artists to draw some of the things in my stories for me. I've kept it up for about a month and after receiving zero replies, I took it down, simple as that. Before I wanted to get into prickly details like payments and the like, I wanted to test the waters if anyone was interested in my shit to begin with. No one was, so I closed the topic.

I posted here because this is a site revolving around erotic fiction and so I thought the people frequenting the visual artists forum would be positively disposed towards erotic drawings. I've already tried to get in touch with people on DeviantArt who drew nudes or fantastic art, but again got zero responses so far.

So, in conclusion, people either just don't give a shit or my email writing skills are abysmal. Either way, I'll keep looking.

This is a long read....read it or not it is up to you, I took the time to write it, but you don't have to read it. It may or may not benefit you long term...so it is a gamble and it is one man's opinion.

Like I say the information was free and you could take it how you liked. It wasn't meant to call you or anyone stupid. Nor is there 1 way to do this type of thing by any means, I was just offering you a point of view form someone who has dealt with doing commission work and clients with paid and gratis works. I also did say I didn't see your original post but offered you advice on posts in the future, if you had indeed missed any of the things I felt were needed to interest people. (they don't have to be, you might get 8 offers for free works from an amazing artists and they won't care about a single thing I have said)If you hadn't missed any of those things then you had nothing to worry about, and maybe the post just got missed.

This may well not be the site for getting help with art, who knows. I joined here looking for paid work and it hasn't worked out for me, but the site isn't really set up for either of us to be successful as this is not what this site is about. I replied mostly because I have seen a lot of people post in here and even spoken to some of them and they have no idea what they are doing...again not being insulting, I didn't know what I was doing either at one point. A lot of them were just super vague, most probably because they think someone is going to steal their once in a life time idea, or they didn't really know what they wanted in the first place...like 7 perpendicular lines that are red but made with a green pencil. (that is from a comedy sketch about being a designer)

You have to have a hook, something even if it is not detail....Medevil comic book porn with a budget of $4000, mostly nude women, but other scenes of sex, anal sex, bondage, groups, nude men. 20 full colour pages with 54 panels. Would like completed within 6 months. This lets me know is it in my skill set, what am I dealing with, how much am I getting paid, what do you expect for the money. THEN I might, might come to you and discuss whether there was any movement on the budget because it is too low for what you are asking...but I at least know you might be somewhere in the region.

If I emailed you and said yeah I am interested in the work what is the pay...you say here is what I want, how much would it cost and I hit you with $7000 - $8000 you are going to be like WHAT THE FUCK!? because you haven't done any researching or budgeting around payment and what artist will charge (not all of them, some on deviant art are kids with no bills and will draw you anything for the price of a milk shake, decent artists usually charge around $25 for a loose sketch of your kid/cat/dog and go up considerably from there, high level professionals will charge you $2000 for one image)

One last thing I'll say and I'll leave you to it, the details of payment aren't "prickly" they are a necessity as is a contract on what both parties are expected to do. Like I could say to you now, yeah sure I'll help with your project, without knowing you want 10 drawings a day for the next 7 days...or conversely I might say yeah sure I'll help and then not speak to you for 6 months and be like oh sorry I had other projects on the go...what was it you wanted again?

So I am just letting you know most artists worth their time will A: want payment and B: want to know what that payment is. I am writing on here "out of the goodness of my heart" (I'm not a saint or looking for thanks or anything you can straight up ignore me or be rude to me) but 9 times out of 10....if I read something and all the details are not there, I'm not about to waste my time trying to pry them out of you. I don't want to read about your project then message you to be told there is no payment, or you will pay like $5 a drawing or whatever, that message is a waste of my time (as is this post, but I am trying to put some goodness back in the world) However if you put I am looking for an artist to work for free, or I am looking to pay an artist $10 -$15 a drawing for 5 drawings...I can breeze past it knowing you are under budget for me...BUUUUUT another artist might think hey that could be $50-$75 and they reply to you....because they know there is something in it for them to do so.

What someone not willing to talk about money or budget tells me is this: I haven't thought about paying you at all, and I haven't set a budget. That might not be you, that might not have been what you meant, but you are non verbally communicating you have no F-ing clue how much the work you are asking for is worth nor have you even thought about the idea of paying someone. You are hoping to find someone who likes drawing erotic art and wants to draw your specific erotic art and make all your fantasises come true for the pure pleasure of it all...or on the promise of some future gains when you do something with the project when complete.

Which is totally fine, I'm not saying you can't find that at all, I am just saying it is unlikely. Most people who draw erotic art do it for pleasure, the pleasure is drawing what is in their imagination and not someone else's. They like to tell their own stories and have their own projects. Those like me that don't do it for pleasure but monetary gain, because I have a skill that people require, will only be interested in the payment side of things. If you were to do a Venn diagram of the 2 sets of people, the hobbyist who likes to draw their own stuff and business people who will draw other people's stuff for payment the area for people who will draw other people's stuff for nothing is very small.

I spoke to someone on here who said I am "willing to pay" messaged them with, I can do what you are asking, what sort of budget are you on?....they said they would need to see evidence of the work before discussing money..I was naive at the time and thought that seemed fair enough, people like to know what they are paying for...so I spent a working day (where I could have been earning money) drawing and painting and sent some samples over in 2-3 different styles and then just got 0 response, so I emailed them and said, did they like the work? Was it not the style they were looking for, was the quality not high enough...nothing. Just never spoke to me again, not even to say thanks for taking the time to talk to me and send me samples but they weren't what they were looking for, they were hoping for something more professional, less cartoony, more cartoony...or whatever...just silence. I messaged them again and just said Hi, just wondered if you could feed back as to why you are no longer interested in me doing the work?....nothing. I went on to these very boards and the person was actively talking in a thread, and some artists were sending him drawings and photoshopped images ETC. Then I realised I was the only one who had asked for payment, despite him saying he was willing to pay he really just wanted attention or free work. Fair play to them they got it, but it makes you realise if people say they are willing to pay, but never discuss how much or when, ETC. They are not interested in paying. I learned a valuable lesson in losing a day's pay to never waste my time on people who do not have a 1 of 3 things 1. A budget or payment amount in mind. 2. A project I want to work on. 3. An understanding of time frames.

(I had a similar experience on Craig's list where someone posted a listing with something like "payment to be discussed" I spoke them and said so what is the budget for your project, and they replied "we are not doing the project right now we will get in touch with you when we are. They had posted the listing only 2 days earlier. They are hoping for a commit from someone who never mentions money)

If you go to a site like Fiverr or even God forbid Craigslist some of the people offering their services will have a price list, people looking to hire people will sometimes have a "budget" or an exact price they are willing to pay. Then in the details they will tell you what they want for that money, the more precise that is the more artists are interested. The reason a lot of projects are ignored is because the description is vague or pointless. You can check yourself go there and look at all the accepted work V's the ignored posts, they are always people being vague about detail or payment.

So if you are not getting interest it could be 1 of 1000 reasons but the most common I have found are:

People not seeing your post (your post on here has currently over 300 views so would assume it to be one of the other issues)
People not liking your idea or what you are asking them to do
You are not detailing if they are getting paid and what they are getting paid and when
You are not detailing expectations of them clearly enough (that could be work load, style, content, if it is line work, sketches, full colour, ETC)

I don't know many artists who care for prying information from clients, or having a 3-4 email correspondence with someone to work out if a job is worth their time. I look at a job...does the subject interest me, is it in my skill set, then how much am I getting paid. If neither interest me I move on, I don't write to them and say hi can we negotiate the price, or can we change the deadline I'm a bit busy or whatever. I want to know in 30 seconds if I am interested or not and payment is part of that, it's a job, I have a skill I have crafted over decades and continue to work on improving daily. I am not going to waste my time talking to 30-40 people a day trying to see if their shit is worth my time, that doesn't pay bills...scrolling down a list ignoring budgets under my requirements, ignoring projects because they are not suited to me and so on means I can get more money, more quick! and that is how you eat as an artist.

I would be happy to consider your project, but my prices are more expensive than the example below and as I have no idea of your budget I would assume I am outside it by a long way.

Anyway I wish you the best of luck with it.

I don't know this guy, but here is an idea of the sort of quality you might get for this sort of payment. His price for 2 characters interacting....which is most sexual stuff is ÂŁ60GBP per image...so if you have 10 images you want doing that is ÂŁ600, if you want 20 images it is ÂŁ1200. I have no idea what your project is or would involve but you can see it can get expensive quick. You might be able to find a cheaper artist still, but it depends on the results you want and what quality you want them to be. Also I am not sure what licence he would give you with the drawings, most likely none. So you couldn't re-sell it duplicate it, distribute it or post it anywhere without his permission to do so. So if your project is commercial or going to be open to the public, simple crediting and artist isn't enough.....thus the contracts. He may adapt his prices (or at least he should) if you intend to use them for commercial purposes in the future. If you intended to write a novel and include my drawings in it, I would ask for a retaining fee up front, then either payment up front for my services or a % of sales or a combination of both. The fees would be more for a commercial book than a dirty drawing to put as your desktop wallpaper.

**A marvel comic book artist can earn $2000-$5000 for one cover drawing, just drawing 1 picture for the cover. Some artists are only line art, they don't ink or colour either, so the price goes up for inking and colour. One ex Marvel artist said he had heard of, but had no evidence of one guy getting paid $8000 for a cover, then $2000 per page with a minimum of 5 pages in his contract. So got $18,000 for one comic of a cover and 5 pages. This is because it is commercial work where a lot of money can be made off the back of the artist.**

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Now we know how it works.

Assume that was aimed at me? However I am not sure what you are trying to say? It comes across as semi sarcastic, if it was meant to be, you wasted your time being unhelpful, but thanks for your input have a good day.

If it wasn't meant to be sarcastic, and just reads that way, then thanks for your input have a good day.

So however you meant that message, all the best to you.
Assume that was aimed at me? However I am not sure what you are trying to say? It comes across as semi sarcastic, if it was meant to be, you wasted your time being unhelpful, but thanks for your input have a good day.

If it wasn't meant to be sarcastic, and just reads that way, then thanks for your input have a good day.

So however you meant that message, all the best to you.

It was.

I suspect that your impression of your own "helpfulness" is a bit inflated.
The basic concept of Work for $ is valid.

As you noted, this is NOT a venue for generating money (for members). Your tips will be more helpful when an author or customer is seriously shopping illustration.
It was.

I suspect that your impression of your own "helpfulness" is a bit inflated.
The basic concept of Work for $ is valid.

As you noted, this is NOT a venue for generating money (for members). Your tips will be more helpful when an author or customer is seriously shopping illustration.

I imagine it was far more helpful than everyone just ignoring the post, but I could be totally wrong on that?

Maybe my helpfulness is not as helpful as I would imagine and that my experience in dealing with such things is not as grand as I may believe it to be...so maybe my impression of my helpfulness is inflated. It has helped other people elsewhere both in getting work and hiring people to work. I concede it may not be helpful here for this person, even if I was the only person to bother to even interact with the post at all.

It is however far more useful than ignoring someone or to do as you have done and been totally worthless and if any thing completely contrary to helpful. I don't believe my impression of you is a single bit inflated though.

As for the last part of what you said, I realised a long time ago that this was not a place to get work which is why I do not frequent here very often, but I am open and honest about why I am here.

This person does seem to be an author who is looking for an artist, from what I can tell? Not seeing the original post I am not 100% sure. If he is not then this may yet still be useful for when they do become serious, or maybe not. Why wait until they are to give them good solid information.

As I said to them the information was free and they can take it or leave it. I was being nice to another human being for no other reason than to be nice and helpful. If they didn't find it helpful, then they wasted some time reading some rubbish, something I am sure happens a lot on this site, especially in this section.

So you clearly have something against someone offering free advice that has nothing to do with you, that being a dick neither helps nor hinders in anyway. You just for some reason felt your voice was needed in this thread like every other one on the board. Why is that exactly? Why would you go and insult someone you don't know for trying to be nice to another human being?I didn't want anything in return, I didn't even care if they didn't reply.

So I think you have an inflated self importance you may want to put in check. If all you are going to do is make stupid and pointless comments that aren't helpful or forwarding a conversation, you are just saying something because you want your opinion heard.

I'll leave you to ponder on that thought.

P.S I afforded you this one reply, I won't bother with another. So you do what you got to do to make yourself feel better about yourself. Write what ever you want in response, or don't respond, you just do whatever you like. Just know I will never know what your decision was, but you like "hearing your own voice" so I am sure you won't resist saying something despite being told it is not going to get read.
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I may be blind, but I'm not stupid. My initial post was - or so I thought - informative and respectful, looking for artists to draw some of the things in my stories for me. I've kept it up for about a month and after receiving zero replies, I took it down, simple as that. Before I wanted to get into prickly details like payments and the like, I wanted to test the waters if anyone was interested in my shit to begin with. No one was, so I closed the topic.

I posted here because this is a site revolving around erotic fiction and so I thought the people frequenting the visual artists forum would be positively disposed towards erotic drawings. I've already tried to get in touch with people on DeviantArt who drew nudes or fantastic art, but again got zero responses so far.

So, in conclusion, people either just don't give a shit or my email writing skills are abysmal. Either way, I'll keep looking.

I won't be returning to this board, so I will not see your reply if you do reply. Whether you liked my advice or not or just thought I was a know it all wanker who can shove it up my arse. I wish you the best of luck in finding what you are looking for, maybe and most likely else where.

I am just sorry your original post was met with such frustration and I hope I have in some way helped you, if not I am sorry to have wasted your time.

You never know if you keep having dick heads write in your post it might bring attention to it and someone may get in contact about helping you out.
I imagine it was far more helpful than everyone just ignoring the post, but I could be totally wrong on that?

Maybe my helpfulness is not as helpful as I would imagine and that my experience in dealing with such things is not as grand as I may believe it to be...so maybe my impression of my helpfulness is inflated. It has helped other people elsewhere both in getting work and hiring people to work. I concede it may not be helpful here for this person, even if I was the only person to bother to even interact with the post at all.

It is however far more useful than ignoring someone or to do as you have done and been totally worthless and if any thing completely contrary to helpful. I don't believe my impression of you is a single bit inflated though.

As for the last part of what you said, I realised a long time ago that this was not a place to get work which is why I do not frequent here very often, but I am open and honest about why I am here.

This person does seem to be an author who is looking for an artist, from what I can tell? Not seeing the original post I am not 100% sure. If he is not then this may yet still be useful for when they do become serious, or maybe not. Why wait until they are to give them good solid information.

As I said to them the information was free and they can take it or leave it. I was being nice to another human being for no other reason than to be nice and helpful. If they didn't find it helpful, then they wasted some time reading some rubbish, something I am sure happens a lot on this site, especially in this section.

So you clearly have something against someone offering free advice that has nothing to do with you, that being a dick neither helps nor hinders in anyway. You just for some reason felt your voice was needed in this thread like every other one on the board. Why is that exactly? Why would you go and insult someone you don't know for trying to be nice to another human being?I didn't want anything in return, I didn't even care if they didn't reply.

So I think you have an inflated self importance you may want to put in check. If all you are going to do is make stupid and pointless comments that aren't helpful or forwarding a conversation, you are just saying something because you want your opinion heard.

I'll leave you to ponder on that thought.

P.S I afforded you this one reply, I won't bother with another. So you do what you got to do to make yourself feel better about yourself. Write what ever you want in response, don't respond, you just do whatever you like. Just know I will never know what your decision was, but you like "hearing your own voice" so I am sure you won't resist saying something despite being told it is not going to get read.

Well, you are windy, if nothing else.

I am pretty sure that I have been quite helpful, John Snow.

The OP is an author here. If one is at all interested, just look up his stories read some and see if they pique your interest. (I might, when I have a few minutes) if not... well, apparently they did not. And apparently he did not care to wait it out. His choice.

I am so grateful that your advice was free! Thank you! As we all realize now how valuable it is.

Apparently you do care.:rolleyes:
Aren't we all saying something, because "we want our opinions to be heard"?

:( so sad, Jon Snow will never read this. But maybe, just maybe someone will read it???:confused: He said it will "never be read":(
(hmmm I wonder who the "Dick head" who writes in this post is????)

OH well.

LAST WORD!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!:D:cool:
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1. What is the secret of the Grail?
2. Who does it serve?
3. Who am I?
4. Have you found the secret that I have lost?
5. How much does it cost?
Since the thread has been abandoned...

I continue to check out the "up front" LIT illustration section, as I helped to launch it with a few illustrations, and gave feedback (most of which has not been implemented...yet?).

I noticed that Jon Snow/ e-too' has been posting images, so let's hope that he is raking in the dollars that he deserves. I suspect that it's also not such a great venue for monetary gain. There can be a LOT of views, but hardly any comments, maybe less than here!:eek:

I suppose, there might be private correspondence going on.:cool:

hmmm.... I have an e-mail associated with that! I better check if I have commissions lined up!

ETA: nope. LOL nothing since 2015!:rolleyes:
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Well, you are windy, if nothing else.

I am pretty sure that I have been quite helpful, John Snow.

The OP is an author here. If one is at all interested, just look up his stories read some and see if they pique your interest. (I might, when I have a few minutes) if not... well, apparently they did not. And apparently he did not care to wait it out. His choice.

I am so grateful that your advice was free! Thank you! As we all realize now how valuable it is.

Apparently you do care.:rolleyes:
Aren't we all saying something, because "we want our opinions to be heard"?

:( so sad, Jon Snow will never read this. But maybe, just maybe someone will read it???:confused: He said it will "never be read":(
(hmmm I wonder who the "Dick head" who writes in this post is????)

OH well.

LAST WORD!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!:D:cool:

It had been read. I can confirm this. Just FYI :)

Hi my friend