Looking for those who have experienced a hysterectomy


Jul 4, 2002
Well now, I've just returned from the hopital after having all of those nasty little parts that were giving me so much trouble cut out. Yep, I had a full hysterectomy. My doc put my on the patch the following day so there is no problem of being thrown into menopause without a lifeline, so to speak. I'm also taking Wellbutrin, which has a nice side effect of increasing one's sex drive.:p
Although its a bit early to think of having intercourse :rolleyes:, I still get horny.:D Thank the Gods!!
What I'm looking for is anyone who has either experienced a hysterectomy or has been with a woman who has; to give any advise, info, etc. they can think of. I'm a good listener and appreciate all of your thoughts on this subject.:rose:
Looking froward to hearing from those of experience.

-kym- Now with one mood, ALL of the time!:D
My older sister had a hysterectomy last summer and she's been suffering ever since. She has no energy, no sex drive and just the other day she told me that she doesn't even feel like a woman anymore. It's taking a toll on her marriage, also. Her husband has turned to internet porn to meet his needs and this hurts my sister.

The women in my family have had hysterectomies at young ages, my mom was 28, one sister had hers at 30 and the sister I'm talking about in this post was only 33. I'm sure that it's something I'll have to face soon, but, after seeing what my sister is going though, I'm not looking forward to it.

I wish I could offer you some advice or other tips to help you out, but, I guess I just wanted to share my sister's story with you. I'm glad that things went well for you and I hope they continue to do so. :)
Thank you Ezzie for your input. I'm sorry that your sister is having so much difficulty. Is she on HRT? I demanded, well maybe not demanded, but told my doc the day after surgery that I wated to get on hormones as soon as possible. Within the hour, he had a nurse placing the patch on me. I had heard all of the horror stories of women who didn't use any hormones and how they suffered. Not me babe! Also as I stated, I am on an antidepressant. That helps too. Not only did it help to stop smoking, but emotionally; I feel great!:)
I'm going to be fecking healthy by the time I'm healed!!:p
Stopped smoking, rarely drink...... thinking of sex most of the day! :)

-kym- Still craving sex:D
I had a full hysterectomy 4 years ago and couldn't be happier about it. I had been struggeling with long and heavy periods for a long time - about 17 or 18 years! I am on an HRT that includes testoserone and am constantly horney. My poor husband just doesn't quite know what to do with me - even though I have LOTS of suggestions! I guess I never had my womanhood tied together with periods, so that wasn't a problem for me. I wish I had a dr who would have done the surgery much sooner - I feel like I was physically in limbo for a long time. Good luck with recovery - I found it to be easy, I was just real tired.
I don't know if my sister is on HRT or not, but, she is on Zoloft for her depression. It seems to perk her up a little, but, she's obviously not the same fun loving person she was before the surgery. I wish there was something I could do for her, but, she tells people that this is her battle and she doesn't want any help. Her house has become a mess, she's not watching her children like she should be and she's become flat out rude at times. She always loved to clean and cater to her children and she was always blunt in what she said, but, she never said things just for the intent of being mean.

Maybe I'll ask if she's on HRT and if she's not, I'll suggest that she talk to her doctor about it.

This is a good thread, kym, very helpful even for people who haven't even experienced a hysterectomy.
dclabrecque said:
II guess I never had my womanhood tied together with periods, so that wasn't a problem for me.

Thank you for the encouragement dclabrecque. I am like you with the period thingy. It was just another time to hurt there towards the end. I agree with what you're saying about being tired. I find that if I stand for too long I get very tired. I'll have to work on that as my job requires hours of standing.
I really appreciate your reply and its good to know that I'm not the only one who has an insatiable sexual appetite and is on hormones!:) :D :D

-kym- Having lots of :devil:ish thoughts as I mend :p
Ezzie, you would think a doctor would put a woman your sister's age right on hormones. But who's to say??? Maybe not. By all means ask her. It may be that if she's on them, she might not be getting the right dosage for her body. I quite agree with you about the change in her personality. That says something isn't right. One just doesn't change so much without a chemical imbalance being at the root of the problem.
Thanks for the kudos Ezzie. I think this is something that needs to be addressed in our society today. Its always been talked about in hushed tones in the past. I know more women are having this surgery to correct problems that have been going on for years. I say, lets get it out into the open so we can better understand it.
Next week's topic will be the prostate for all of those who are interested.;) JUST KIDDING!!!

-kym- Yes, still cheeky:rolleyes:
Blimey k, I don't know the first thing about it really, but here's to wishing you a speedy recovery, long life, health and happiness - cheers!
Cheers to you Peachy K for taking the time to read and respond. I hope that you never need to know, but if so; you'll know that there is hope for a fulfilling sexual life after surgery. That is; if you have a partner who can keep up! ;)

Your kind words are appreciated and returned to you multiplied.:)

-kym- still having those :devil: ish thoughts.:rolleyes: And wondering how long I must behave???!!!:eek:
My wife lost only one ovary so the hormone loss was not total. She still enjoyed sex, just not as often. Physical recovery took about a month. Sex was limited to 'External' stimulation for about 5 weeks.
Nothing to it

Hey! tired is the worst problem. The fact your horny already is a good thing. Remember you can't have vaginal intercourse until the stitches heal. It's like having a baby but then as a girl with ideas there are still lots of things that you can do. I was on chemo too for six months after mine and we still figured our way around the small stuff and its all small stuff when you get down to it.

A woman is more than the sum total of her parts. I have been cancer free for seven years and horny as ever at fiftyeight so you have a lot of love to look forward to. I take straight estrogen still but since they took everything I don't have to worry about anything else.

I think a woman who loses her breasts must have a lot more trouble than the baby making equipment. Pills keps us moist and sexy and we can go on, you have to make some real adjustments for the other. God bless them everyone who manage to get through it. I feel lucky that I am alive, sexy as hell and dont have periods anymore or have to worry about babies if I have sex unprotected. All in all there are more good things than bad from this surgery:D

Course that's my opinion.lol!
The_old_man said:
My wife lost only one ovary so the hormone loss was not total. She still enjoyed sex, just not as often. Physical recovery took about a month. Sex was limited to 'External' stimulation for about 5 weeks.

Ahhh, That was what I was wondering. Thanks Old Man! Although, I am hoping my "drive" stays in "4-wheel" ;) and I want sex as often as I can have it.

My congrats to you Maggie.:rose: I think its wonderful that you've managed to be a survivor and walk away with such a positive attitude. I had no cancer, just bad parts. So therefore I only have the healing to deal with. My doc didn't cut muscle either. I asked if he could pull the muscles back instead and he willing obliged.

I value your opinion Maggie and agree that a woman is much more than a set of tits and a pussy.:eek: But its nice to have those tits fondled and that pussy satisfied too! :p And
that my dear friends is what I am waiting for.
Sigh........Until then, I suppose i'll just have to think outside of "the box" and find consolation in the fact I will have no more monthlies, or worries about conceiving again. :D Just breaks my heart, lol.

-kym- Let's see, 1 week down, how many to go???:confused: :D

Hey I guess I have to be more to the point. Can't have a fellow woman suffering for another five weeks. The Doc told me no vaginal intercourse because the only t hing between my intestines and the ground were his stiches. WOrked to convince me. However he didn't say I couldn't pursue any other remedies that didn't hurt:D

Sooooo! My form of surgery meant no vaginal bleeding while bandaid surgery usually means four weeks of it or more. That left open other options like you lick and suck on me, and I will do the same. Means you have to be careful of how you lay but you know I found my man was adaptable to any position that worked if I could reach his needy partslol! There is also anal sex if he is careful and gentle and we managed to make that work as well. There are also lots of other parts to lick and love so closeness is by no means out just cause your recovering.

TO tell you how horny I am recently I had some major health problems . had a bag hanging on my leg for six weeks, then surgery for a hernia and gallbladder. We figured out how to make it work anyway and I bet I am a lot less flexiable then you are so don't give up just get creative Hugs and stuff to you Hope your all better soon. Maggie 2002
Read my stories if you get bored
Ezzie said:
I don't know if my sister is on HRT or not, but, she is on Zoloft for her depression. It seems to perk her up a little, but, she's obviously not the same fun loving person she was before the surgery.

Ezzie, it's possible it's the zoloft making your sister lose her sex drive... I was on zoloft for about 6 months, and not once during that time did I even have the inclination to *think* about sex, let alone take part in it... This is someone who before that used to partake in 'self pleasure' usually every day, sometimes more often! The zoloft was great for the depression, though, so I didn't try changing drugs... And boy, you should have SEEN me when I came off it! :D

I had mine last year at age 25 but I did keep both ovarys. My sex drive is higher then it was before. I was bad about waiting the 5 weeks but I never waited after having kids so........
tyme said:
I had mine last year at age 25 but I did keep both ovarys. My sex drive is higher then it was before. I was bad about waiting the 5 weeks but I never waited after having kids so........ [/QUOTE

Wow Tyme, 25 is the youngest I've heard of anyone having the surgery. But I'm glad it worked out for you. At the age of 43, I really didn't care about keeping my overies. Besides, they kept growing non-cancerous cysts on them which the doc said would continue as long as I had the damn things. So I made the decision to get rid of the little trouble makers and go on HRT. I don't know if my doc is so good that he placed me on the correct dosage right from day 1; or if I just got lucky. Whatever the answer I'm doing very well on the hormones.
As for waiting for actual intercourse; that's no problem. I knew it from the start that it would be pretty much like after giving birth. I can deal with that. I'm just happy that my sexual drive hasn't diminished or left me completely :eek:

Thanks for your post Tyme, I appreciate your support and candor. Best wishes for your future! :rose:

-kym- keeping that drive in "HIGH" gear, thank you very much!:D
I had my hysterectomy last April. I had major complications from it and am still slowly recovering but I still feel it was the best thing I could have done...no more constant pain, myomectomies, anemia or monthly flood-like bleeding. :)

I didn't want to look at a man...for about 12 weeks or so. Although I had the abdominal surgery, I only bled for maybe a day. I guess my body was just tired of all that bleeding!

Almost a year later, I'm a major horn dog and could have it numerous times a day every day. Unfortunately I don't have a man and have been wearing the batteries out on the toy regularly. This from a woman who voluntarily went for almost 8 years without sex. It's hard to feel sexy and want to be sexual when you feel like crap and that was my life for many, many years. Now I'm jonesin for sex, big ass swollen belly and all!

I think each person is different but, in general, everything should be fine. Make sure, if they take your ovaries, they immediately put you on some sort of hormone replacement therapy.

Happy Recovery!!!!
Blackbich said:

Almost a year later, I'm a major horn dog and could have it numerous times a day every day. Unfortunately I don't have a man and have been wearing the batteries out on the toy regularly.

You go girl!!! Lol, I like your attitude. From what I have seen, most of the women who have had the surgery feel its the best thing they could have done. I agree.
In my case, I was tired of eating pain pills as if they were candy to dull the ache from the cysts. Since surgery, I haven't needed the painkillers. Talk about freedom!
The only thing I don't like is the attitude of others. I had a woman ask me last night if I felt like 1/2 of a woman now. I asked her what the hell she meant by that???:confused: She went on to imply that since I no longer had those "womanly parts", I must feel like either a man or an it. I was totally flabbergasted to say the least. I informed her that in fact I felt more of a woman because I no longer had to deal with all of the inconveniences of being female; and that my sexual passions had not cooled, but in fact have increased because I am free from all pain and worry. I suppose that this cretin doesn't realize that the largest sexual organ in the human body is the brain. :rolleyes:
Sorry, I'll step off of my box now, didn't mean to rant but she really pissed me off. Stupid people tend to get under my skin.

Thanks Blackbich for taking the time to respond with your experiences. And yes, I am on the Climara transdermal patch. Have been since the day after surgery.

-kym- Using that big sexual organ to keep me entertained as I recover :D

Greetings -

I had a hysterectomy in my early 30's - am over 55 now. At first I was terrified - i elected to have it - an acquaintance said that I'd feel better than I had in my whole life - my menstrual cramps were so bad I didn't need any after surgery med's. - The woman was right. I only had my uterus out at that time and had an ovary out after that and still have one ovary.

To make this short - I have never taken hormones - never had hot flashes or any of the other symptoms of menopause, have always had and still have a powerful sex drive - now that I'm older it's just not as urgent as it was. I need to be especially careful to try to have safe sex - since I can't get pregnant, I tend to be more open to going with the moment, so to speak - so I need to tune into the natural things - smell, appearance, fluids etc. - a lot more.

I think I have started menopause and might have to do some kind of calcium replacement and more excercise but I don't see any need for hormones at this time. If it becomes a problem - I'll look into it.

After the hys. I still got really wet, all my body functioned like it did before and frankly I wasn't as uptight and had more intense orgasms - more orgasms than I usually had (I've always been multiorgasmic) and generally speaking no - NO - pms after a few months!! No cramps, no blood all over my skirts and pants, fewer yeast infections, and lots - LOTS - more energy - I had energy I didn't know was there before - I was too busy being in pain and emotional grief.

This is just me - but I've heard so many good things from other women over the years. I hope all is well for you as well. - Hope that helps you (Oh! my breast finally started growing a bit also!!)

Be good to yourself - the essence of who you are hasn't been taken from you - now that you can get more healthy - maybe you can be more of who you really are!!:heart: :kiss: :rose:

Brightest of Blessings - Firemoon
Thank you Firemoon for your kind words. And welcome to Lit.! I'm flattered that your first post was to my thread.
From everything I've seen and heard thus far, having a hysterectomy is the best thing a woman can do if she is experiencing problems. How much of one depends on her individual situation, but I feel as if I have made a correct decision to have all removed. Yes, I have more energy, no pain, and with the HRT; my moods have balanced out so that I am once again the happy go lucky person I was before all of the problems started.
Blessings to you as well, and look forward to hearing from you again on the board.:rose:

-kym- brimming with sexual energy :p :D
MY-Sir's-k- said:

The only thing I don't like is the attitude of others. I had a woman ask me last night if I felt like 1/2 of a woman now. I asked her what the hell she meant by that???:confused: She went on to imply that since I no longer had those "womanly parts", I must feel like either a man or an it. I was totally flabbergasted to say the least. I informed her that in fact I felt more of a woman because I no longer had to deal with all of the inconveniences of being female; and that my sexual passions had not cooled, but in fact have increased because I am free from all pain and worry. I suppose that this cretin doesn't realize that the largest sexual organ in the human body is the brain. :rolleyes:
Sorry, I'll step off of my box now, didn't mean to rant but she really pissed me off. Stupid people tend to get under my skin.
Have been since the day after surgery.


I hear you on this. I don't know about you but I don't have children. I have had so many people, not just women, who act like I'm less of a woman because my uterus is gone and I don't have children. Even after explaining that I never wanted children and that I feel more womanly now it's like they just don't get it. Some people have the nerves to feel sorry for me! :rolleyes: Some have eventually come to understand my reasoning; it's hard to feel/act/dress like a girly girl when you're worried about ruining your clothes, you don't have the energy to even do your hair, etc. Most don't get it though and I feel they just aren't worth the hassle of trying to make them understand.

I commend any woman who has had to make this decision...society makes us feel we are somehow *less* if we aren't a certain way and it's one hell of a decision to make. I may not be drop dead gorgeous but no one will ever be able to convince me that I'm less of a woman that anyone else out there just because I'm missing a uterus. Lets see how differently Pamela Anderson or J-Lo is during that time of the month compared to me! :D

Continue to rock on, my sistas!! :heart:
You know Blackbich, I couldn't have said it any better! Two snaps and a twist to you!
The perception that you have to have a uterus {and in my case overies} to be more womanly is asinine. And as for every woman must have a least one child to be complete is sheer stupidity. I commend you on your choice. Parenthood isn't for everyone, and some of those who bring kids into this world really shouldn't.
I have one daughter who is 21. She wasn't planned, just kinda happened after a doc told me I couldn't get pregnant. OOPS on his part and mine. But after her, I never had any more because I am not the parenting type. I acknowledge that and accept it. Doesn't make me a bad person. Just honest with myself.
But I digress, what I wanted to say is I'm right there with you. For all of those uninformed idiots that think I am any less of a woman because I no longer have reproductive parts, Fuck off! :D:D:D

-kym- planning how to use "my womanly" talents on MY-Sir :p
Wow Tyme, 25 is the youngest I've heard of anyone having the surgery. But I'm glad it worked out for you.

You are right it is not a age that most have it done. I had a prolapsed uterus. so the best choice for me was a hysterectomy.
It could be worse. Due to a bunch of stuff :rolleyes: every doctor i've seen have been wanting to do a total hysterectomy on me since age 8. i'm 25 now and pregnant with my third one, but would definitely have it done in a heartbeat if they would do it. Not a lot of help, i know, but it's my story.
halves and things

Beautiful Siblings - a bit about roses and thorns - not meant to preach or teach or anything like that but maybe remind - hoping when I need it you will be kind enough to me as well - The Bumblebee Flies.

It's taken me a long time to realize that there are no half-people (my perspective of course) - all of us is whole, unique and important - obviously!! No matter what I think is "taken" away from me or "lost" or "ruined" or the whole host of other things, I guess I have finally come to know I cannot be diminished - energy is neither created nor destroyed - simply shifted!!

I've found that there are those who are simply unaware that they are more than a body, a mind, a spirit, an emotion, a creative entity. There are those who are unaware that they cannot be diminished, lost, wounded, made less or more than, be disconnect from, be un-unique and all the other things we truly are (from my point of view) no matter how we "feel" about any of it. Frankly sometimes I think i am Blessed by that and sometimes I think I'm stuck with it!!

Having gone through (and still going through, I'm not at all pleased to say) many what?... stages... places... things...? I can say at least having spent a little time in each of these places (separately and together) the limits I put on myself seemed necessary at the time. And if I don't know it's there - it's not likely I'll be able to use it.

In my relations with others (and myself come to think about it!) I wear the "good" hat sometimes - sometimes I wear the "not-so-good" hat and probably been more than my share of stupid, ignorant and hurtful as opposed to loving, beautiful, and spiritual.

It's too bad that woman felt so diminished that she had to try to pull you in - It's wonderful that you didn't go - you're much too beautiful, whole, talented and a whole host of terrific things to be in a place like that - and likely ready to go to more beautiful places now that you're on the road to health!!

But then - it's one of the many, many options and choices we all have every day!! Some days the rose - some days the thorn!! Always connected, unique, whole, and from my perspective - beautiful!!
:heart: :kiss: :rose:
Brightest of Blessings - Firemoon