Looking for an editor


Dec 10, 2009

I have a short story that I would like someone to look and and edit. I have gone searching for an editor, sent them a message and no one gets back to me. This has already happened several times. The one that did respond, made corrections, I submitted story and it was rejected. So if anyone out there is interested. Please contact me. Thank you!
Chances are that you've been looking in the wrong places. For instance, this is going to get more and more pointed attention in the Editors Forum than here.
Keep trying

to find a volunteer editor. You didn't say why it was rejected so it might have been an error on your part and not the editor's. My first story was rejected twice, the second time after an editor sent me suggestions and pointed out obvious mistakes. The rejection was for mentioning fifteen year old as the age the first sexual abuse occurred. After reworking the story and removing any mention of age except that it occurred before the age of eighteen, it was posted. I know seventeen is acceptable as an age for a teenager to be mentioned and I think sixteen is as well. Anything under that will earn a rejection. Good luck, welcome to LIT and the AH, and I'll be looking for your stories.