Looking for a woman who loves masturbating

It IS the holiday season - so come on ladies!

Just to sweeten the pot - for every lady who connects with the OP here, an angel gets their wings...

Yah, I stole it. If it was good enough for a fat goofy guy in a black and white movie - just sayin'.

So come on - give until it hurts. Lie back and think of England. Or whatever floats your boat. Or paddles your fanny. Or -

All that, all of it, was fantastic! Thanks for that wonderful bump.
...as im pretty sure masterbating is what 75% of the woman are here to do.

So what do the other 25% do when they are here? :D

Just watch.

Now that is an erotic thought...

Watching? The other 75%? Or the damn near 100% of the guys on here who are masturbating (at some point or another)? Or?

And then what is it that 25% are doing while they are watching I wonder to myself just thinking out loud...
I see said the blind man

Do not give up......we are out here, lol. Some are just shy by nature.
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Hi....patience is a virtue. Or so I've heard. Would you agree? All good things cum to those who wait. Another pearl of wisdom, wouldn't you say? Perhaps the wait will be well worth it. Timing is everything or so they say. Who are they anyway?

You do seem like a kind soul. I haven't written much about masturbation but I love to watch and listen to a man as he masterbates. So maybe we can accommodate each other. Twice daily almost my whole life. Definitely qualified. How about you? I am very patient. Take your time responding. I'm sure I can keep my hands busy while I await your reply, lol.

Mmmm....bye for now,

That comment tells me a lot. Yes masturbating should be kinda noisy, juices should be flowing. Moans as long as not to much and not to loud, screaming don't do shit for me. Breathing should be real for masturbating when your recording, on the phone, or best in front of your audience [1 or more :))] It is a very sensual treat everyone should participate in. We all doing it anyway, me since I was 10 and I'm in that 50+group now. Your a young woman "Sun Kissed" and twice a day could be improved on, especially that morning round, and always the afternoon even if it has to be in the restroom at work. Your evenings are there to get the real deal going but there is room for a third if your having a slow day LOL. I've never been under two and often 3+ since puberty put that little boner in my hand. Isn't it amazing that no training is required to know how to, in my case, jack-off. I'm sure no one had to show you where your clitoris was located hehe. After that technique is all that is required. I'm a precum leaker so I had that lube to wipe back, use, and I liked that slapping noise I made/make. I have found I love lotions and microwave ovens I thought were invented by a guy who liked his lube warmed. !! OMG !! :D I have even found a THC-free Virgin Hemp Seed Oil lotion that I love giving myself a hand job with. A soft coconut musk and a warm wet hand and a Virgin :eek: how can I go wrong :confused:
May I PM you Sun_Kissed or you may just PM me if you think we could enjoy some personal play time ;):rose:
Thank you Sun_kissed. I saw your original post before the edit, and the later quote here. If you are at all interested, great. Feel free to pm me. However, I should clarify that text interaction is what I'm looking for. I've no need or ability to watch, much as I'd like to. Text is what I can get the most out of, being blind. If that's ok, we can still definitely talk. Up to you. Regardless, thanks again.
Thank you Sun_kissed. I saw your original post before the edit, and the later quote here. If you are at all interested, great. Feel free to pm me. However, I should clarify that text interaction is what I'm looking for. I've no need or ability to watch, much as I'd like to. Text is what I can get the most out of, being blind. If that's ok, we can still definitely talk. Up to you. Regardless, thanks again.

Dude! Just cause you can't/won't doesn't mean you shouldn't.

She texts you, you respond by allowing her to watch you. Heck with the right setup you both can have what you want!!

Talk about multitasking/ having the creampie and eating it type of situation.

Hmm. I think I mixed up a few things there. You get my meaning tho.
Dude! Just cause you can't/won't doesn't mean you shouldn't.

She texts you, you respond by allowing her to watch you. Heck with the right setup you both can have what you want!!

Talk about multitasking/ having the creampie and eating it type of situation.

Hmm. I think I mixed up a few things there. You get my meaning tho.

I do appreciate what you're saying, truly. Text, though, is also what I have the most time to respond to. I have an insane schedule, and a lot of things that require my attention, so coordinating something like that would be insanely difficult. Trust me. I didn't set up the post this way without considering all this first. I even said in the beginning that I know I'm asking a lot. Any loss of interest that results in is on me, and I acknowledge that. It's just the best way to handle things. I don't mean to, well, rub people the wrong way, pun absolutely intended. My apologies if I have.
I do appreciate what you're saying, truly. Text, though, is also what I have the most time to respond to. I have an insane schedule, and a lot of things that require my attention, so coordinating something like that would be insanely difficult. Trust me. I didn't set up the post this way without considering all this first. I even said in the beginning that I know I'm asking a lot. Any loss of interest that results in is on me, and I acknowledge that. It's just the best way to handle things. I don't mean to, well, rub people the wrong way, pun absolutely intended. My apologies if I have.

Ah - the exigency's of life. Totally understand - and while all these portable devices we tote around provide a lot of freedom life in general does set limiting factors on their use.

Good luck!
Bumping because I am weak

So if I had to guess, I would guess that everyone guessed that I would eventually do this. I feel bad for it, as I actually said a few posts ago that I wouldn't bump this anymore. So I'm sorry, and I'll try to make this the last one. I just find myself, well, quite maddeningly horny today, and I caved. The same stipulations would apply, but if you're out there, and it occurs to you that blind guys are actually super hot, please feel free to PM me. And again, sorry if this is annoying. Heheh.
I read some where once that masturbating made you go blind. And now I am reading a thread about masturbation from........(I can't believe what I'm typing honestly) .........a blind man. You simply cannot make this stuff up.
I read some where once that masturbating made you go blind. And now I am reading a thread about masturbation from........(I can't believe what I'm typing honestly) .........a blind man. You simply cannot make this stuff up.

Heheh, believe me, I've heard that one before. I occasionally joke that that's the secret. That's really how I went blind. You found me out! Haha.
AMEN!! Actually, it's what most of us are here to do... ;)

I thought at first people might have been getting turned off by the blind guy thing. I mean as much as I hate to admit it, stereotypes exist. So on the advice of a few other awesome people I've been trying to get out there more, show a little more of my overall personality, and so on. A little poetry here, a casually dropped joke there, a little friendly conversation there. I think it's worked to warm people on the forums up to me, so I'm thankful I did it.
I've never really given it much thought but I cannot imagine being turned off simply because someone was blind. *shrugs*
I've never really given it much thought but I cannot imagine being turned off simply because someone was blind. *shrugs*

Well, of course that might not be the reason, and honestly I hope it wasn't, but just in case, I've tried to be as friendly and funny and awesome as I can be.
I don't know if this will matter, but hey, what the heck. It'll give you a small taste I suppose. I have a new signature which contains a link to a kind of porn poem I wrote. I think it's good, there are others who think it's good... Maybe a nice woman will think it's so good she sends me a PM. Who knows? Taking chances. Enjoy!