Log Cabin Republicans are SHOCKED that they were shut out of gop convention


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
despite the fact the gop's intent on anti-LGBTQ momentum, there are gay republicans who thought it'd be great to be well, gay AND join the gop
But apparently none of that bothers the LCR. What really rankles them was their recent exclusion from the Texas GOP Convention in Houston. The group was denied a booth in the exhibition hall after receiving a previous approval email that said otherwise.

LCR president Charles Moran released a statement saying, “Inclusion wins, which makes the Texas Republican Party leadership’s decision to exclude the Texas Log Cabin Republicans from their convention not just narrow-minded, but politically short-sighted.”

But the rest of the LGBTQ+ community has little sympathy for the Log Cabin Republicans, and neither do most democrats. After all, the first rule of joining a club is that you don’t join one that won’t have you as a member. A second (and maybe more important) rule is to perhaps not throw in your lot with a group that is actively stripping away your human rights and slandering you as child molesters. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, LCR.

makes me think of several maga posters... bi dudey, and whoever that other one was (they may be the same person, to be fair.. equally stupid)
People don't trust the Democrats or their media. The Jig seems to be up. :D
People don't trust the Democrats or their media. The Jig seems to be up. :D
That's the thing, there is no jig. Its just that the Right has spent literal decades poisoning the well in every way imaginable. Its bad enough that it works on the older generation but when it comes to Millenials and Zoomers we were raised in a world that taught us that the media and government are always lying to you.

It comes with the additional point of having people divorced almost entirely from reality so even if (and I do believe plenty of politicians are on it as are many of the media) some of them are just not correct for one reason or another. That doesn't make them liars.

These people who are completely divorced from reality don't know how to differentiate fact from fiction. I remember way back under Obama that whole scandal about ACORN helping a pimp set up a whore house. I called absolute bullshit day one. It took a little while but when it came out this kid was dressed like something that came out of a 70s hippy film. The same goes for Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. Sex dungeons with children. The list goes on and on and on.

Its difficult to understand what drives ANYBODY who cannot check all of the following boxes would vote Republican. White. Rich. Straight. Christian. Rich. If you can't check all those boxes vote fucking blue until we drag the Conservatives farther Left. They don't need to be full on "libs" but it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if the Hillary, Biden, Obama crew got shifted in to the R category.
That's the thing, there is no jig. Its just that the Right has spent literal decades poisoning the well in every way imaginable. Its bad enough that it works on the older generation but when it comes to Millenials and Zoomers we were raised in a world that taught us that the media and government are always lying to you.

It comes with the additional point of having people divorced almost entirely from reality so even if (and I do believe plenty of politicians are on it as are many of the media) some of them are just not correct for one reason or another. That doesn't make them liars.

These people who are completely divorced from reality don't know how to differentiate fact from fiction. I remember way back under Obama that whole scandal about ACORN helping a pimp set up a whore house. I called absolute bullshit day one. It took a little while but when it came out this kid was dressed like something that came out of a 70s hippy film. The same goes for Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. Sex dungeons with children. The list goes on and on and on.

Its difficult to understand what drives ANYBODY who cannot check all of the following boxes would vote Republican. White. Rich. Straight. Christian. Rich. If you can't check all those boxes vote fucking blue until we drag the Conservatives farther Left. They don't need to be full on "libs" but it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if the Hillary, Biden, Obama crew got shifted in to the R category.
You guys own the whole god damn government and all you can do is fuck up America and hurt people. You and your Emperor have no clothes. You're done. All across the fruited plain your years-long tornado of bullshit now falls on deaf ears.
You guys own the whole god damn government and all you can do is fuck up America and hurt people. You and your Emperor have no clothes. You're done. All across the fruited plain your years-long tornado of bullshit now falls on deaf ears.
hang on, you do realise trump got voted out of office over a year ago, right? you're a bit late posting this!
hang on, you do realise trump got voted out of office over a year ago, right? you're a bit late posting this!
Yes, he was rigged out of office. When he left the economy was orders of magnitude better than it is now.
Yes, he was rigged out of office. When he left the economy was orders of magnitude better than it is now.

He wasn't rigged out of office, he lost and should have lost by more than he did. He was rigged into office but shit happens, some of it happens to me and there isn't a lot of point crying about it.

The economy wasn't doing magnitudes better under him anyway, not at the end anyhow.

You guys own the whole god damn government and all you can do is fuck up America and hurt people. You and your Emperor have no clothes. You're done. All across the fruited plain your years-long tornado of bullshit now falls on deaf ears.

We do not own the government however. Just because of the way Congress functions 50%+1 doesn't get anything done, hell as we proved under Obama 58 oh and Keneddy who decided to die wasn't enough to get a whole lot done. We have a government that suffers from paralysis.

So far we are not hurting real people. We'll see, you guys say this same shit every single year and it never really comes true. The reality is that poll after poll shows that liberal ideas are more widely accepted than conservative ones. If we look at the majority vote the Right has won only a single election in three decades give or take. Why the hell isn't your message resonating?

We went from PC to Woke but they are really the same thing. Respected is expected, never earned. If you aren't bothering me, do what you like. The party that claims they don't want big government gets really pissed when someone points out there are people who aren't part of the "traditional" of America.
He wasn't rigged out of office, he lost and should have lost by more than he did. He was rigged into office but shit happens, some of it happens to me and there isn't a lot of point crying about it.

The economy wasn't doing magnitudes better under him anyway, not at the end anyhow.

We do not own the government however. Just because of the way Congress functions 50%+1 doesn't get anything done, hell as we proved under Obama 58 oh and Keneddy who decided to die wasn't enough to get a whole lot done. We have a government that suffers from paralysis.

So far we are not hurting real people. We'll see, you guys say this same shit every single year and it never really comes true. The reality is that poll after poll shows that liberal ideas are more widely accepted than conservative ones. If we look at the majority vote the Right has won only a single election in three decades give or take. Why the hell isn't your message resonating?

We went from PC to Woke but they are really the same thing. Respected is expected, never earned. If you aren't bothering me, do what you like. The party that claims they don't want big government gets really pissed when someone points out there are people who aren't part of the "traditional" of America.
Keep believing your bullshit and we'll revisit this subject in November. I'll be more than happy to jam it all up your fanny and break it off then.
Keep believing your bullshit and we'll revisit this subject in November. I'll be more than happy to jam it all up your fanny and break it off then.
There is no need to revist the subject in November. My side is going to lose, it really is that simple. The question is how bad and I haven't really started looking into any of the individual races to see what's up. We're losing the House, that isn't even up for debate. The Senate is tricky but we won't see a 60+ majority so who really gives a fuck there? It will just further paralyze the President.

I hope that the Dems get smart and start fighting fire with fire though. Show the American Public that these are the very specific things we want to work on and this is how it will help you. We cannot move forward with out the GOP being willing to negotiate but for most of the last twenty years they have refused pretty much anything and its just out of spite.

It has to be on social media, and it needs some high profile people who have little if anything to lose at this point. I would definitely put Bernie on the helm and see if we can get AOC cus she either proves she's correct (which she is) or the only thing she does is make noise.

The reality is that the Left generally doesn't come out for midterms. IT doesn't interest us. And more importantly the party that wins the presidency usually doesn't do well in the midterm.

Its kinda funny seeing so many on the Right talking about November like we weren't calling our losses this year on J6.
At what point do we just admit that people get what they deserve and they most definitely deserve to be shunned and outcast?
texas gop party adopts anti LGBTQ platform. shame on you.

“Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice,” the platform document reads.
The Texas GOP party adopted the 40-page platform at its biennial convention in Houston after passing the party’s new guiding principles, which includes a section titled “Homosexuality and Gender Issues.”
The section includes a formal position declaring the state’s GOP party is against giving a special legal status to gay men or women and that they support people who oppose homosexuality based on faith, religion or a belief in “traditional values.”
The section also opposes the use of public funds for homosexuality, transgender or diversity and equity inclusion centers as well as for gender-affirming care — while supporting controversial counseling methods intended to “convert” members of the LGBTQ community. Texas does not have a law banning conversion therapy.

you know what President Biden says to America's transgender youth? "Just be You"
so all y'all gays for trump, for the gop? you bought into this shit and now they're shitting on YOU. we told you but did you listen?
The party also blocked the Log Cabin Republicans, a long-standing group representing gay Republicans, from having a booth at the convention, a decision that drew a rebuke from Donald Trump Jr., who said in a statement to Breitbart that it amounted to “canceling a group of gay conservatives who are standing in the breach with us.”

he's counting how many votes this'll cost them. trump needs every gay vote he can grift.
“We are the Republican Party of Texas, not the Westboro Baptist Church,” the Tribune reported the delegate said, referring to the extremist church whose members travel the country to hold anti-gay rallies at public events. The Tribune said other delegates at the convention, which lasted from Thursday to Saturday, laughed and booed at the comment.
The rhetoric on gay rights in particular represents a reversal after years of growing comfort within the Republican Party with equal rights for gay Americans and polls showing large majorities of voters now support same-sex marriage while opposing discrimination.
The delegates also called for the repeal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which was passed to end discrimination against Black Americans at the polls.

they're just turning back the clock, but they can't stop the future

history may show how the true believers (magafools) will be confined to their own 'reservations' and not allowed to interact with the general public, where people can come view 'living history' but with signs up around the place 'do not feed'