Lit's Stance on Non-Consent/Reluctance

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Kitty Mama
Aug 27, 1999
These things are tricky. I tend to be more lenient when a scene is in the service of a plot. Movies often have horrific scenes where a man's family is killed in front of him, but it's done so to horrify the viewer and to show character motivation (revenge). This is different from scenes which are put there for no other reason than with the expectation that the reader will be thrilled to watch another human being suffer/be disfigured/be killed.

It's very hard to get these things right when you have 100-200 stories to get through a day. I'll admit mistakes are made. I basically try to get a feel for the story and go from there. More literary/plot-driven stuff will get a pass. Death and disfigurement written for a sexual thrill will not.

As far as sexualized violence for non-plot-motivation reasons goes - some women (and men) enjoy reading about rough, sometimes even degrading sex. My guideline generally is that if I feel a reader with that kink could enjoy placing themselves as the recipient of the sexual roughness, then it's postable. If it's a fantasy written as an aggressor-fantasy with no regard for the recipient, then I may send it back to the author, who can then send it back to me with reasons why I'm wrong - and they're sometimes right.

Things that are never okay: graphic and explicit castration, mutilation, and murder for the purposes of sexual titillation.

If you read something on the site that feels squicky to you, please do report it using the REPORT THIS STORY feature. And please be specific. If it's a 20-page story and you report it with, "Snuff!" or "Too rough!" but don't say where or why, it will take longer for me to check.
Hi all. :) I wanted to "sticky" this post by Laurel in hopes that it will, for once and for all, put an end to the debates and arguments concerning what Lit will and will not allow in the Non-Consent/Reluctance category! Please read it and read it well. :)

Also, please note that any "argument" posts in any story idea threads will now be removed to the Mod Queue as they distract from someone's idea/request. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me and if you feel I didn't help answer your question(s) you can always contact Laurel too.

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