Lilguy Under Fire.


Aug 14, 2002
To all,
I think this might be my first post to the forum. I have been a chyoo member for several months now. I do not have a story of my own but I have added threads to several other editor's stories. I visit the message boards fairly often and lately I've noticed that there has been a lot of negative comments directed towards Lilguy. I have nothing against constructive criticism and think it is a great way for a writer to improve.

Chyoo is suppose to be fun and I don't think harsh negative comments and insults have a place here. Does anybody agree with me? I also do not completely disagree with what people have been saying. Lilguy's stories and threads do contain spelling errors and gramatical errors, and I believe that lilguy could spend more time editing his own threads.

- I would like other member's opinions.
Is it nice to insult other authors? No, of course not. But to a certain extent, I do think Lilguy brings it on himself.

Here's an analogy: Say you're at a party, and this guy walks in who's dressed from head to foot in an outfit made of mismatched rags sewn together in a haphazard way. His hair is chopped into various uneven lengths. He's also got on two different shoes and a hat with a propeller on it.

Now, this guy hasn't said a word yet. You don't even know him. You have no idea what his educational background is, or his political views, or his values and morals. Still, the odds are good that you're going to turn to your friend and say, "What an Idiot!" Furthermore, if he stands up in the middle of the room and announces what great taste he has in clothes and how fine his appearance it, isn't it likely that he will instantly become the target of ridicule?

I think I've made my point. Lilguy (and I don't mean to pick on him, but he is an outstanding example) writes objectively poorly. His mechanics are abyssmal, his spelling is generally way off the mark and inconsistant besides, his choice of words leaves a lot to be desired; but more than that, he blows his own horn. Whenever he comes out with a new story, he makes a big announcement about how great it is. Someone who does all these things should occasionally expect to get slammed. To his credit, I've never seen him throw a counterpunch, so he's obviously one who can take criticism with a stiff upper lip. Perhaps he simply doesn't invest any of himself in his writing, so the comments don't concern him.

I guess in the end, we must all decide for ourselves whether we're the type of people who pick on the Lilguy.
first off I think it the same person. If not it is only two people. The reason why I think it the same person is one of then unregister and the other one a one post guy

Now if I spell bad find. Then just say that it not need to call people name. Using Gy example. Sure you may turn to the next guy and call the man who walks in idiot. But rarely would you scream at a total strange and call him a jackass. Only on the net do you get that kind of rudness. Most of the time the most rudest people on the net are nice in person. It just on the net you can be more insulting because you dont have to look at them in the face.

Now people say I may toot my own horn. I don't. I just annouce when my story comes out. The only time I tooted my own horn was in the BEST STORY IN HISTORY THREAD. It was clear their was some humor in that post. I wasn't really saying I'm the best writer out there.

Plus when ask I tend to check my spelling. Just reject it. Most of the times I would fix. Hell for Gy thread I sent the same thread 7 times till I got it right(it was the one that took place in the bathroom). I think I was using the fethishguy name. If I REALLY didn't care I would of stopped at one

The reason why I dont attack back is this was like the first time it happen. So it was no need. Also the net has jerks

The reason I spell poorly is because I'm dyslexic and see thing backwards sometimes.

Also I didn't think adding to Cathy Anal Adventure or the The Adventures of the Lactating midget were that serious for me to really get worked up about

Also if you want me to fix the spelling do you really think calling me a moron really going to help. Which would make me more likely to fix it. Calling me a Jackass or saying please fix it

I have been fixing it. I improved my stories with less spelling erros then before. If someone ask me to fix something I will

It not that complicated. Don't want to make the big thing about this. Only 2 people here attacked. So right now I don't care

If you don't want me to add to your stories find. If you don't want to read mind find. I'm an easy guy to ignore. Just say don't add to mind anymore

That however will not stop me from making more stories and will not stop me from making post

You may hate me for that

but I promise one thing

I will never insult any of you
I will never bash your stories
I will respect you
I will give you feedback if you ask

That what I'm willing to do
I may be crazy but I think it would be nice if the same is done to me
I must admit I took the "BEST STORY IN HISTORY" bit as the tongue-in-check way I thought it was meant to be. I too am slightly dyslexic. They diagnosed me at school and I never did anything about it. I read words wrong sometimes and write a different word instead of what i think in my head. A prime example is when I wrote "Thanks a lot" to someone just now or so I thought. I proof read and found I had written "Thats a lot" by accedient. All it means is that I have to take a bit more time and care when I write.

Just proof read this and found two errors. I wrote it instead of I and my instead of by.

Well it's time for me to chyme in, but I cannot take side in this argument. Here's why...

First of all, it is a little hard for me to criticize on Chyoo. For a few reasons: English is not my first language, so it has an impact on my grammar, word choice, etc. Also, I have a very different conception of erotica than most "regulars" here. I usually prefer wacky, "surreal" stuff to "real", believable stuff. But I guess that's just me. Haven't been slammed for it yet, and hope I won't. :p

lilguy is what I'd call an "uneven" writer. He can come up with very interesting stuff. However, most of the time, his writing feels a lot like a first draft: the ideas are outlined, but clearly not refined, tuned and/or... how can I say... with meat around the bone? No, that's not a lame sexual analogy. :p

So, to say that lilguy is an all-out bad writer is excessive, IMHO.

However, I must say that lilguy isn't helping himself. I understand dislexya can be a real problem, but there are things such as automated spell checkers that one has no excuse to not use, especially when one knows he has a problem with orthograph and grammar.

Also, as I said, lilguy came up with some interesting stuff in a few threads. However, for most, I am under the impression he simply hits "add thread", type everything as it comes to his mind, then hit "submit". Not only because of some "obvious" mistakes that any spell checker would have caught, but because of reading comprehension problems that could have been avoided with a second reading of the previous thread. This gives the readers a frustrating feeling of an "unfinished job", and it is even worse when the author proved elsewhere he was capable of more.

That's about it... I think lilguy's biggest problem is that his threads seem to be written in a constant rush. If I could give an advice, it would be: chill. Relax. Use word processors and spell checkers. Scan your writings and previous threads for inconsistencies (sp?) in events and tenses. You have a good potential, but you only rarely exploit it to its fullest.

Good Advice Bunga

I first want to tell you that for somebody who's second language is English that your English is better than most English speaking people.

Secondly I am a bit late adding my response to the problem and the last 5 people said it perfectly so there is nothing more for me to say.

I suppose I could plug my story... I have two now!

1) A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive

It begins when the main character, (the gender can be either male or female depending on where the reader goes.) awakens in a shabby motel room without any memory. The character feels like they just "fucked within an inch of their life." The room includes a gun, a phone number and the most startling of all, a bright orange prison uniform!


2)A College girl to be...

It's Sarah Bank's last days of high school, you decide her fate. Entering a MALE first and last name is a must! It makes the story much more interesting. Sarah runs into a lot of trouble through the course of the story. She finds herself in many positions... both good and bad. In one path of the story she is even recruited by the CIA to be a secret agent! You decide Sarah Banks' faith!

-Thank! Tim. (niceguy2002tim)