Like Creamy Leek Soup for Sex


Literotica Guru
Oct 14, 2002
I need some help from you guys and girls over here in spicing up the words on this recipe. I'll post the recipe and the pics I took while making it, while ya'll give a steamy step by step description.

My Pics
Creamy Leek Soup

- 6 Leeks
wash carefully, they may be sandy. Cut them in half lengthwise, then crosswise in 1/4" slices. There should be about 4 cups.

Place in pan with:
- 3 cups boiling water
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
Simmer 5 to 7 minutes or until tender but not mushy.

Add and heat to boil:
- 2 tablespoons chicken fat or butter
- 1 1/2 cups well-seasoned strong chicken broth

reduce heat and stir in:
- 1/2 cup cream
- juice of one lime
- season to taste

serve the soup at once
OK, I'll start..

While choosing the leeks for this recipe, look for a firm, fat stalk. Trim of the head and tail, leaving approx. 7" of Leek to work with. Sharpen your Chef's Knife well, we don't want any slip ups. Slowly and carefully.....
This thread needs help!! Am I the only one who gets turned on by food?
rosylady said:
ahhhhhh, sorry no one wants to play along Checkers.
Just wanted to say HI.;)

Thank you very much for stopping by Rosy... you get the first hot cup when I'm finished :D
Just stopping in to give you a bump

Hi, have a great day. (Maybe you'll find someone to respond today)