Lies, Damn Lies, And Democrats


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
March 9, 2023

Lies, Damn Lies, and Democrats​

By D. Parker

They are lying about Jan. 6, 2021, and a myriad of other things, and we know it. But we're supposed to accept these lies because they know better, they know of "the common good" that will come of it. It's a form of oppression, and not accepting these lies just will not do.

It hearkens back to a key moment in what to our horror has become the instruction manual for the fascist far left these days, George Orwell's 1984, where the protagonist is being tortured ("re-educated") in the Ministry of Love, and he has to accept that two plus two equals five. That's not like what we've been battered to accept these days, such as that men can get pregnant or there are 57 genders, but that was the start. In accepting that lie, he was able to make "progress" in his "treatment."

Just as Winston Smith had to train himself to accept the lies without question, we're being put through the same process en masse. You could almost imagine Orwell toying with the proposition that men can get pregnant and then rejecting it outright as too absurd.

The socialists can screech all they want about the release of the footage as a "threat to democracy" or whatever. And that Jan. 6, 2021 was the biggest battle near Washington since Bull Run, but everyone can see for himself that there was some bull involved, but not what they meant. They can complain all they want about an "armed" insurrection, coup, attack, or whatever descriptor comes up on the spinning word wheel for the week. But when it's boring footage of people just walking around, the lies start falling apart, and their new version of the Reichstag fire blows up in their smug faces.

All the rest here:

As Glenn Beck said the other day after showing the video clip bandied about by CNN and MSNBC of Josh Hawley running through the halls of Congress allegedly in cowardly fear of rampaging demonstrators. These aren't just liars, they are "malignant liars."

The rest of the clip however shows the Capitol Police organizing the evacuation of the building of all of the members present, all being encouraged by police to hurry and many are seen running down the halls to a secret evacuation point as a group. Josh Hawley was the last member out of the building running to catch up. Yet all of those ignorant pussies on both networks called him every name in the book to paint him as a coward for running away from "what he started," at the direction of the police.

Yes, Democrats, their media, and their Rino allies are "malignant liars, and judging by what we read every day from their supporters here, it's contagious.
March 9, 2023

Lies, Damn Lies, and Democrats​

By D. Parker

They are lying about Jan. 6, 2021,
If you think "they" are lying about what happened on January 6, 2021, explain how in your own words. Anyone can find something he likes on the internet and copy and paste it. Those who cannot explain it using their own words do not understand it.
March 9, 2023

Lies, Damn Lies, and Democrats​

By D. Parker

They are lying about Jan. 6, 2021, and a myriad of other things, and we know it. But we're supposed to accept these lies because they know better, they know of "the common good" that will come of it. It's a form of oppression, and not accepting these lies just will not do.

It hearkens back to a key moment in what to our horror has become the instruction manual for the fascist far left these days, George Orwell's 1984, where the protagonist is being tortured ("re-educated") in the Ministry of Love, and he has to accept that two plus two equals five. That's not like what we've been battered to accept these days, such as that men can get pregnant or there are 57 genders, but that was the start. In accepting that lie, he was able to make "progress" in his "treatment."

Just as Winston Smith had to train himself to accept the lies without question, we're being put through the same process en masse. You could almost imagine Orwell toying with the proposition that men can get pregnant and then rejecting it outright as too absurd.

The socialists can screech all they want about the release of the footage as a "threat to democracy" or whatever. And that Jan. 6, 2021 was the biggest battle near Washington since Bull Run, but everyone can see for himself that there was some bull involved, but not what they meant. They can complain all they want about an "armed" insurrection, coup, attack, or whatever descriptor comes up on the spinning word wheel for the week. But when it's boring footage of people just walking around, the lies start falling apart, and their new version of the Reichstag fire blows up in their smug faces.

All the rest here:

As Glenn Beck said the other day after showing the video clip bandied about by CNN and MSNBC of Josh Hawley running through the halls of Congress allegedly in cowardly fear of rampaging demonstrators. These aren't just liars, they are "malignant liars."

The rest of the clip however shows the Capitol Police organizing the evacuation of the building of all of the members present, all being encouraged by police to hurry and many are seen running down the halls to a secret evacuation point as a group. Josh Hawley was the last member out of the building running to catch up. Yet all of those ignorant pussies on both networks called him every name in the book to paint him as a coward for running away from "what he started," at the direction of the police.

Yes, Democrats, their media, and their Rino allies are "malignant liars, and judging by what we read every day from their supporters here, it's contagious.

Bless your heart.
March 9, 2023

Lies, Damn Lies, and Democrats​

By D. Parker

They are lying about Jan. 6, 2021, and a myriad of other things, and we know it. But we're supposed to accept these lies because they know better, they know of "the common good" that will come of it. It's a form of oppression, and not accepting these lies just will not do.

It hearkens back to a key moment in what to our horror has become the instruction manual for the fascist far left these days, George Orwell's 1984, where the protagonist is being tortured ("re-educated") in the Ministry of Love, and he has to accept that two plus two equals five. That's not like what we've been battered to accept these days, such as that men can get pregnant or there are 57 genders, but that was the start. In accepting that lie, he was able to make "progress" in his "treatment."

Just as Winston Smith had to train himself to accept the lies without question, we're being put through the same process en masse. You could almost imagine Orwell toying with the proposition that men can get pregnant and then rejecting it outright as too absurd.

The socialists can screech all they want about the release of the footage as a "threat to democracy" or whatever. And that Jan. 6, 2021 was the biggest battle near Washington since Bull Run, but everyone can see for himself that there was some bull involved, but not what they meant. They can complain all they want about an "armed" insurrection, coup, attack, or whatever descriptor comes up on the spinning word wheel for the week. But when it's boring footage of people just walking around, the lies start falling apart, and their new version of the Reichstag fire blows up in their smug faces.

All the rest here:

As Glenn Beck said the other day after showing the video clip bandied about by CNN and MSNBC of Josh Hawley running through the halls of Congress allegedly in cowardly fear of rampaging demonstrators. These aren't just liars, they are "malignant liars."

The rest of the clip however shows the Capitol Police organizing the evacuation of the building of all of the members present, all being encouraged by police to hurry and many are seen running down the halls to a secret evacuation point as a group. Josh Hawley was the last member out of the building running to catch up. Yet all of those ignorant pussies on both networks called him every name in the book to paint him as a coward for running away from "what he started," at the direction of the police.

Yes, Democrats, their media, and their Rino allies are "malignant liars, and judging by what we read every day from their supporters here, it's contagious.
American Thinker? really?

you sniping from AJ's playbook now? is that why we haven't seen him and his latest alts meowing in a while? :ROFLMAO:
If you think "they" are lying about what happened on January 6, 2021, explain how in your own words. Anyone can find something he likes on the internet and copy and paste it. Those who cannot explain it using their own words do not understand it.
I will right after you explain how they aren't lying in your own words. Everything below the link is my words, but I'm not going to write 3000 additional words because you're too lazy to read it for yourself.
The point was that Josh Harley was running away from the mob that he later said was no threat.

Running was the sensible thing to do. ;)
The point was that Josh Harley was running away from the mob that he later said was no threat.

Running was the sensible thing to do. ;)
As directed by the police, running as the last man out to catch up with the rest of those waiting to be bused to a secure location is hardly cowardice.
Damn, from the outrage I assumed that Josh was running to the front door to help defend the Constitution, not running for the bus to escape.
Running from people he supported with a fist bump.


The schmuck even tried to capitalize off that move by selling merch of the fist bump.

Damn, from the outrage I assumed that Josh was running to the front door to help defend the Constitution, not running for the bus to escape.
It was an evacuation of the Building by the Capitol Police. Oh and just to show how concerned CNN was for the safety of those working in the building they reported the secret location to the public. Which can probably never again be assumed to be a safe place.:rolleyes:
It was an evacuation of the Building by the Capitol Police. Oh and just to show how concerned CNN was for the safety of those working in the building they reported the secret location to the public. Which can probably never again be assumed to be a safe place.:rolleyes:
It was an evacuation of the Building by the Capitol Police. Oh and just to show how concerned CNN was for the safety of those working in the building they reported the secret location to the public. Which can probably never again be assumed to be a safe place.:rolleyes:
Evacuation to a place of safety away from those nice entrance-fee paying tourists.
I will right after you explain how they aren't lying in your own words. Everything below the link is my words, but I'm not going to write 3000 additional words because you're too lazy to read it for yourself.
You made the assertion. You back it up.
March 9, 2023

Lies, Damn Lies, and Democrats​

By D. Parker

They are lying about Jan. 6, 2021, and a myriad of other things, and we know it. But we're supposed to accept these lies because they know better, they know of "the common good" that will come of it. It's a form of oppression, and not accepting these lies just will not do.

It hearkens back to a key moment in what to our horror has become the instruction manual for the fascist far left these days, George Orwell's 1984, where the protagonist is being tortured ("re-educated") in the Ministry of Love, and he has to accept that two plus two equals five. That's not like what we've been battered to accept these days, such as that men can get pregnant or there are 57 genders, but that was the start. In accepting that lie, he was able to make "progress" in his "treatment."

Just as Winston Smith had to train himself to accept the lies without question, we're being put through the same process en masse. You could almost imagine Orwell toying with the proposition that men can get pregnant and then rejecting it outright as too absurd.

The socialists can screech all they want about the release of the footage as a "threat to democracy" or whatever. And that Jan. 6, 2021 was the biggest battle near Washington since Bull Run, but everyone can see for himself that there was some bull involved, but not what they meant. They can complain all they want about an "armed" insurrection, coup, attack, or whatever descriptor comes up on the spinning word wheel for the week. But when it's boring footage of people just walking around, the lies start falling apart, and their new version of the Reichstag fire blows up in their smug faces.

All the rest here:

As Glenn Beck said the other day after showing the video clip bandied about by CNN and MSNBC of Josh Hawley running through the halls of Congress allegedly in cowardly fear of rampaging demonstrators. These aren't just liars, they are "malignant liars."

The rest of the clip however shows the Capitol Police organizing the evacuation of the building of all of the members present, all being encouraged by police to hurry and many are seen running down the halls to a secret evacuation point as a group. Josh Hawley was the last member out of the building running to catch up. Yet all of those ignorant pussies on both networks called him every name in the book to paint him as a coward for running away from "what he started," at the direction of the police.

Yes, Democrats, their media, and their Rino allies are "malignant liars, and judging by what we read every day from their supporters here, it's contagious.
Fascism happens when ideas and policies fail. Trump's ideas and policies failed to capture the majority of the vote. He and his supporters were unable to accept that reality, so they turned to violence on January 6.
Fascism happens when ideas and policies fail. Trump's ideas and policies failed to capture the majority of the vote. He and his supporters were unable to accept that reality, so they turned to violence on January 6.

As fringe conservatives lose the majority they seem more and more willing to throw out democracy, claiming it as their constitutional right and responsibility. :rolleyes:
As fringe conservatives lose the majority they seem more and more willing to throw out democracy, claiming it as their constitutional right and responsibility. :rolleyes:

It’s the dying animal principle.

Or the drowning person principle.

Or a combination of both.

I just think it's ridiculous how much the Left needs to fight and refute the fact that their version of the events depends on lies and omissions and when called on it all they can do is engage in personal attacks and violate the law in order to avoid facing the reality about what happened.

On the bright side of things; some people are waking the hell up about what's been, and is, being done by the Left.

Her apology is very long but worth the read.