let's talk pepetually...


Literotica Koro
Oct 9, 2012
damn near
don't need
no new thread for that !!!

oooh !

but cool!

look-it the shiny byline!

points for posting here
We start at the thread origin (zero, zero)
That slutty horizontal x axis lays for the y ask (is)-
What is the point? And where do the post points meet?
Can we graph it?

the fucker fairly foamed at the mouth
when his game piece (the toupee he wore underneath his ball cap)
slipped off as he doffed his cap for the national anthem...

the bastard sung like a lark
at his drug trials...

buddies ain't his buddies anymore...

and he was never the idol he made himself to be...


early morning fail.
i know.

i got scruples and shit...
it was and is and always will be my fault...

mea culpa mi amore
me a shit,
a skag,
a swain...

i ran and posted wildly
hardly breathing
hardly seeing
still a seething
from the splatter
splatter splitter splatting here...

let's talk preponderantly
in perpituity...

let's not have opinion,
but voice as well, on anything and everything and every thing between
as if points were awarded like shekels
(or as if the shekels awarded depended on it!)

let's talk incessantly
and authoritatively
and blindly
and in such a way as to cajole the... newer ones
into a little fooling around on the front seat and on the wires...

let's talk paella.
let's talk.
let's talk and talk and talk
and talk

and justify the performance....
pepetually --- arrrrrrrrrr!
no pep here.

all pepped out.

just an early bedtime.

i turned the drama off.

my ranting is over for the day.

i do make a mean paella.

so much is in the right pan.

all the better to smack you with.
no pep here.

all pepped out.

just an early bedtime.

i turned the drama off.

my ranting is over for the day.

i do make a mean paella.

so much is in the right pan.

all the better to smack you with.

all the better.
don't you know it!
the brain pan here's awash in chemical bug killers
that work not well with the pm cocktail///
but the bugs
so crave their chemmy -cocktails
so it seems
does daddy's dingy belverdere...

something's gotta give
the way that lycra over freshly shorn parts does...

rub it till it screams, darling.
there once was a man named Dave
who kept a dead whore in his cave

I got nothin'

you have always been way smerter than me.
What about perpetratorily? I'm in the mood for some mischief.

I've written precisely one Spanish haiku in my life. It's not very traditional as it doesn't really cut and it's missing a kigo. So really, it's just some words, but I'll leave them in here anyway.

Palabras queman
Cuando alma es fuego
Dije el dragón

Pep pep pep.
the spanish thing, i get.

and the sleep eyed thing...

it's the onomatotrainwreck
and the omnivoropostho bits
that loop me for a toss.

it's like a frankenstein'd
stitched to november
and a brain
with some jew mixed in for chutzpah
and grease for the ever-whirring gears

something straight from the depths of a tick-talking tgirl.

//words aren't frosting
enough of them just might obscure a plainly broken cake//

or so s and p here
seems to permit