Let's talk about guns, shootings, solutions and idiotic suggestions

Ill never understand that perspective
Some people are physically incapable of going outside. What do they do when they're needing interaction but can't get it?

Here's the next twist. What do they do after they get banned from a website they're interested in because they're socially inept and break the rules?

I'm not saying that's always the case, but there are probably some out there who fit the model. Nor does it have to be a physical inability to go outside which creates the shut in situation.
Some people are physically incapable of going outside. What do they do when they're needing interaction but can't get it?

Here's the next twist. What do they do after they get banned from a website they're interested in because they're socially inept and break the rules?

I'm not saying that's always the case, but there are probably some out there who fit the model. Nor does it have to be a physical inability to go outside which creates the shut in situation.
Good on your for trying to be empathetic and such.
Guess Greggy'll say we need to lock streets and rooftops.
Everyone should be armed. I carry a .45 cal derringer everywhere... and Draco in the truck.
In a Facebook live post from Skokie, Illinois, two hours after the shooting began, Bailey called for prayers for the victims, families and law enforcement. In particular though, his follow-up remark, "Let's move on and celebrate the independence of this nation," struck a wrong note with some in the light of six deaths.
In response, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann tweeted: "Happy 4th of July from @DarrenBaileyIL Trump's soulless candidate for governor of Illinois. After a mass shooting miles away Bailey sums up the @GOP: 'let's move on and celebrate the independence of this nation.' To hell with him and all who support him."

She concluded by saying the high-powered nature of the weapon reminded her of her time in Iraq.

“I just listened to the sound of that gunfire from one of the videos that was captured,” Duckworth stated. “And let me tell you that the last time I heard a weapon with that capacity firing that rapidly on a Fourth of July was Iraq. It was not the United States of America. We can and we should and we will do better.”
Gov.Pritzker, IL
If you’re angry today, I’m here to tell you, be angry. I’m furious. I’m furious that yet more innocent lives were taken by gun violence. And I’m furious that their loved ones are forever broken by what took place today. I’m furious that children and their families have been traumatized. I’m furious that this is happening in communities all across Illinois and America. I’m furious because it does not have to be this way. And yet we as a nation, well, we continue to allow this to happen.
The governor then called for a discussion on guns, stating that now is the time to do so.

“There are going to be people who say that today is not the day, that now is not the time to talk about guns,” he continued. ” I’m telling you, there is no better day and no better time than right here and right now. It’s the Fourth of July, a day for reflection on our freedoms.
apologies if i've missed any, but here's a list of American mass shootings using AR-style weaponry:

since 2019:

Highland 7 dead, 30 injured
Uvalde 21 dead
Buffalo 10 dead, 3 others injured (modified Bushmaster XM-15 rifle)
Boulder 10 dead, 1 injured (in escaping, not by gun)
gunman used semi-automatic Ruger AR-556 AR-15 style pistol which was covered by the assault weapon ban blocked just 10 days before the shootings

up to 2019:
Orlando 49 dead, 53 injured
Parkland 17 dead, 17 injured Las Vegas 60 dead, 41 injured Aurora, Colo. 12 dead, 58 injured Sandy Hook 26 dead Waffle House 4 dead, 2 inured San Bernardino 14 dead, 22 injured Midland/Odessa 7 dead, 25 injured Poway synagogue 1 dead, 3 injured Sutherland Springs 26 dead, 20 injured Tree of Life Synagogue 11 dead, 6 injured

Our ruling
A tweet said an AR-15 style weapon was used in the Boulder mass shooting and 11 past mass shootings. At least one AR-15 style weapon was used in 10 of the examples.

For the 11th — at the Pulse nightclub — the weapon used had some internal differences from the AR-15 style, but the ATF characterized it as an AR-15.
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seems he was a real quiet kid, no trouble, but his parents were always fighting. His parents weren't living together at the time of the shooting; he was living with his dad and uncle. Neglected upbringing, separated parents, lots of fighting, a father who's a trump supporter and a mother who's a self-styled 'energy healer'... this is the sort of shit that builds lone wolf killers.
"I remember the parents more than him because they were kind of a problem," recalled Jeremy Cahnmann, who ran an afterschool sports program at Lincoln Elementary School. "There wasn't a lot of love in that family."
Crimo was 9 or 10 when he was enrolled in Cahnmann's Nerf football program, along with his younger brother. "Every week, the Crimos were the last kids there, and we'd have to call their parents to pick them up," the former coach said, speaking of Crimo's dad, Bob Crimo, 58, and his mom, Denise Pesina, 48.
"The kid was really quiet, really soft-spoken, never made an issue," added Cahnmann, who now runs the Chicago-based company Brain Bash Trivia.
Pesina, however, was a handful, he said. "She got into it once with one of the heads of the program, she was yelling," he recalled. "It seemed like her kids were a nuisance to her."
"The signs were there for a long time," said a neighbor of Crimo. "There were always police cars at the house. The parents were arguing, fighting all the time."
and, yes, i know a lot of people will be 'fuck him, what about his victims?'
i understand that. But the more we understand how these killers come to be, the better equipped we are as a society to step in and prevent it happening. Not every kid growing up under the same circumstances will become killers when they're adults, of course, but perhaps information about him can help build awareness, perhaps prevent another child from feeling it's their destiny to become a mass shooter.
seems he was a real quiet kid, no trouble, but his parents were always fighting. His parents weren't living together at the time of the shooting; he was living with his dad and uncle. Neglected upbringing, separated parents, lots of fighting, a father who's a trump supporter and a mother who's a self-styled 'energy healer'... this is the sort of shit that builds lone wolf killers.

The parents are lucky that they weren’t the first victims.