Let's see capitalism, socialism and other inane meanderings in my ugly empty head.


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
I see life capitalism this:

There is an apple farm with 10 trees each tree producing ten apples.

This apple farm is owned by two people, out of a community where ten people live.

These two people work year round, killing all the bad bugs, pollinating the trees with q-tips, pruning and grafting the branches to prduce, bigger, better healthier apples, pruning and pulling weeds and undergrowth that might damage the trees production.

The work is much to much for the two owners so they go into town and advertise that they want help. thier plan would be to pay the helpers according to thier work.

two peopleoffer to come and help on the apple farm for the year they work equally as tedious and hard as the farmers themselves, when the fruits have come to term {oh yeah in this make believe world in todds head there is no money.} and have rippened the farmers split the apples between themselves and the two workers according to work, all worked equally all recievved an equal share 25 apples.

now a person only needs 10 apples to survive, so the two workers took thier extra apples and planted themselves an apple farm, as the farmers also planted thier excess apples and expanded thier farm.

now as the farms grew and he population grew there were more jobs as the number of farms doubles and the existing farms expanded in size. and so things continued growing and getting better for those who wanted to work for themselves. some starting more farms on thier own, some simply storing up thier excess so that they could have time to do what they wanted in the future with out worry.

of course there were always those who did not wish to work or put effort into the apple growing business, but felt upset theat they did not get to share in the excess of apples after all there was an excess why shouldn't they have some what would it hurt any one.

This is where socialism comes into my dirty fault filled mind:

The lazy people, thiose who wanted the apples but did not want to work for them banded to gether and soon formed themselves as the governing body of the populose because they out numbered those who did work for thier apples.

This new governing body deemd that everybody should have 10 apples regardless of the work they did.

So as time went by those lazy, got to have thier apples with no work.

more time went by and the lazyiest of the workers saw how that those who didn't work still got apples and it was easier that the work they were doing so soon they stopped working and simply collected thier 10 apples.

time continued to go forth and more workers with and increaserd burden due to those who quite also resigned from work and simply gatehred thier apples for nothing.

soon it was simply the two first farmers working all the trees by themselves with no time off and everyone else simply eating thier free apples while the two farmers toiled day and night.

soon the work became two much for the two aging farmers and they two quite and took thier 10 apples. with this the apples were gone.

Nobody was left caring for the apples the trees died and production ceased.

now some people saw that there were those who were working up to the end had still had some of thier apples stored up for thier future, while themselves had none, again these lazy people banded the government together again, because there were more of them than those who cared to work, and the government decreed those with a surplus of apples must ration out thier extra apples to the population, this sustained the community for another year, but soon the excess ran out, and now no one had no apples.

with in a year everyone died as well the population and community ceased to be because everyone was intitled to fair share of of the apples, everyone as well was entitle to the fair share of death and starvation when the apples were no more.

"The Poor you will have with you always" J.C. 29(circa)A.D
You forgot a comparison to oranges. That would start a flame war...
Athiests. Whatta you gonna do? I'm trolling Hanns. He HATES the fawking quote function. All of his incarnations...

SINthysist said:
Athiests. Whatta you gonna do? I'm trolling Hanns. He HATES the fawking quote function. All of his incarnations...


what's a hann's?

i wqas so hoping redwave would come in and play

hows kansas weather, hows the kid and wife
Mildest winter ever. Even with the recent snow, recently melted, things continue to try to grow. Fine and smarter than me. I am blessed by ALL the Gods and Buddhas. Wish the same for you!

SINthysist said:
Mildest winter ever. Even with the recent snow, recently melted, things continue to try to grow. Fine and smarter than me. I am blessed by ALL the Gods and Buddhas. Wish the same for you!


almost the same here, snow is disappearing faster than it can fall not a good sign for the ground being so dry and the lack of insulation factor the snow gives. thanks and the continued same for you
Hey, Todd

Just got back here. I was offline for a while.

So, can I have my 10 apples now?
Apple farmers

Yeah, Todd, I know you and SIN did all the hard work of growing those apples, but-- FUCK IT! I want some, too!

Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Re: Hey, Todd

Just got back here. I was offline for a while.

So, can I have my 10 apples now?

come grab a ladder and start pruning the trees and making sure no bugs eat the buds and we will see
Give him a spray bottle and the bio-degradable soapy-water mix...

(Except Communists aren't environmentally very aware. Witness the poisoning of MANY communist eco-systems as they strain to keep up with capitalism.)
SINthysist said:
Give him a spray bottle and the bio-degradable soapy-water mix...

(Except Communists aren't environmentally very aware. Witness the poisoning of MANY communist eco-systems as they strain to keep up with capitalism.)

well we can tell him they are deadly pcps, and ddt's ;)
SINthysist said:
But, we can pay him a Mexican's wages...

notice he was easily willing to joke around but not commit to actually saying anything about the subject at hand
When he actually says something he reaches his conclusion somewhat like Don K. Dyck...

Everything leads to the same conspiracy theory.

So it's best just to banter! :D
Typical Capitalist

Just like a typical capitalist, exploiting the workers. You want to put me to work, and then you dont even promise to pay me anything. :p
Typical redwavespin. Answering his own delusions and not the question.

"Hey red, what color are your eyes?"

You racist homophobic capitalistic republican voting scumbag. What about the color of my hair?
Re: Typical Capitalist

Just like a typical capitalist, exploiting the workers. You want to put me to work, and then you dont even promise to pay me anything. :p

You work you get paid.

you can simply as you say ride along in the system earning just enough to survive. hope that all goes well. hope that there are no insect invasions, no droughts, the employers remain healthy and alive, and earn your needed survival amount. yes that happens in capitalism, people merely float life just on the line of pvoerty and havesomething.

doing so you run the risk of some natural or unnatural disater happening that in some way may impair your bouyancy.

Or you can make the extra effort to work a little harder, earn a little bit more, invest it in your own skills and talents and become self reliant, the other aspect of capitalism. but it does come down to the choices you make and the energy you are willing to put into it. when you make the right choices put the adequate energy into it not online do you become slef bouyant, but your need for the others around you to have to hold you up is lessened.

also when your self bouyant when a natural or unnatural disaster hits your former employement no longer are you the whim of a cutback, low scrupals employers, corrupt ceo's for you are your boss, you are your ceo

this doesn't mean you are going to be living a life of roses, but you won't be dependant on others, but you will have to be diligent and ready and willing to adjust your course to fit the current situations you find yourself in.

are you happy with a mere 10 apples just enough to get your through or do you want more, do you want more certianty, do you want to be rewarded for good decisions, good choices? or do you like just floating through life hoping everybody elses labour will be enough to have some excess sheaves in the corner of the fields you can live off of.

There's a technical term for employees who work extra hard and make an extra effort, hoping to be rewarded later for it by their employer: suckers. :p

Being self-employed can have its rewards, yes. More often, you find yourself on a treadmill, working much harder than the average worker-- and making less.

The way to get ahead is not by working hard yourself, but by living off the hard work of others.
Re: Suckers

There's a technical term for employees who work extra hard and make an extra effort, hoping to be rewarded later for it by their employer: suckers. :p

Being self-employed can have its rewards, yes. More often, you find yourself on a treadmill, working much harder than the average worker-- and making less.

The way to get ahead is not by working hard yourself, but by living off the hard work of others.

If your smart enough to know your being taken advantage of then you remove yourself from that situation and get yourself in something less suckerish. Its called making wise choices.

again selfemployed treadmilling is agsin from making smart choices.

and as for your third opportunity, sooner or later those working hard, of whom you are living off of are going to get tired of extra effort to suuport other and take the same route, thus lowering the body of extra hard workers, producing for the back riders. soon there will be all back ridres, no workers and no product, then what? extinction.

The thing is to wrk smart. I found a niche in the locality for craft products, not the final product but the craft kit that they could make themselves.

So I began to study how to make some kits etc. and am begging to make my own craft products for low money, seelling them on commision through craft outlet stores for a modest but affordable markup and making and easy profit for self replicating.

I began with buying a simply pack ofclothes pins for a dollar i bought at the dollar store, 3 sheets of paper and three designs for clothes pin furniture.

I tok these three kits to the craft outlet sold the at 7 dollars a piece.

which I then took the ensuing 21 dollars bought more clothes pions and a few popcycle sticks some more paper, a few more designs, and made about 25 kits, again took them tot he store sold them at roughly 7 dollars a piece

which I have kept replicating at 25 projects a wek for 3 weeks now, I use the surplus mone3y for bills, rent, food. soon the debt working for someone else is almost taken care of then I begin to invest bigger, with different products, popcycle sticks, clothes pins, tooth picks, mathcsticks, sting, bead, thread sewing, paints, etc. things work out maybe even rent a place and open my own store. its only limited by my energy and enthusiasm and attitude.

currently to make 25 kits is costing me about 10$ of pockert money, and three-four hours of time say at new brunsiwck minimum wage i value that time at 7$ an hours. for 40$ over all I bring in 175$. If I put more effort, more time, I bring in more.

I judge by sales what people are interested in and adjust what kits i produce upon that interest, i constantly wsatch sales and adjust accordingly, someday as I see the market dry up, then I have to adjust the game plan to what the need is, which can bee done by watching what the community interest lie in
Well, good for you!

Good to see an enterprising young lad chasing after that carrot. Why, I can see it now: someday you'll have a big factory full of your wage slaves, busily making kits for you, and all you'll have to do is hang around and crack the whip when they start slacking off . . .