Let’s ignore it in plain sight. To believe in Obama is to be DEAF DUMB and BLIND,


Jan 23, 2011
A presidential candidate calls for bankrupting entire industry? Let’s ignore it in plain sight.

A presidential candidate call for higher energy prices for all Americans, especially the poor? Capital idea, we agree! But on the whole, let’s ignore it in plain sight.

A presidential candidate has spent years marinating in a radical chic background? Let’s ignore it in plain sight.

The Middle East is in tatters as a result of an administration asleep at the wheel? Let’s ignore it in plain sight.

A border agent killed and guns in the hands of Mexican criminals? Let’s ignore it in plain sight.

An incendiary racially-charged speech involving the man who is now the president of the United States emerges that 99 percent of the general public hasn’t seen? Old news. Let’s ignore it in plain sight.

For decades, the establishment media has been in the tank for the left — to the point where Bill Clinton was paraphrased by the Washington Post in 2006 as saying, “There is an expectation among Democrats that establishment old media organizations are de facto allies.”

But both halves of the equation used to be better at going through the motions of pretending about the nation’s welfare.

Or to put it another way, as the Washington Examiner notes tonight in an editorial, “To believe Obama is to forget the last four years.” That’s what both the Obama Administration and their palace guard are hoping.
The name of your thread got me. If you are going to try to reach Democrats and you know they are deaf, dumb and blind you can't reach them on this forum. If the title of your thread is true - they can't see or hear and don't care. ;)
The name of your thread got me. If you are going to try to reach Democrats and you know they are deaf, dumb and blind you can't reach them on this forum. If the title of your thread is true - they can't see or hear and don't care. ;)

they coud care less

they are in agreement with him

America must be destroyed