Legal rights for same sex couples in UK


Apr 18, 2001

cool ... it's not specifically marriage but legally it will equal the same as marriage which is very cool ... and marriage is more of a religious thing anyway

i think having this sort of thing in place is excellent though gay couples will have all the rights and practical good points of a conventional marriage

its not all gone through yet but i hope it will soon
yeah, read that today.
Britain has a long way to go to achieve the kinds of freedoms that same sex partners have in Holland, Denmark and Norway, but hey, it's a step in the right direction for all our 'alternative lifestyle' chums!;)
Coolville said:
yeah, read that today.
Britain has a long way to go to achieve the kinds of freedoms that same sex partners have in Holland, Denmark and Norway, but hey, it's a step in the right direction for all our 'alternative lifestyle' chums!;)

thats very true we are way behind ... but things are changing very quickly and its good

blue we're see :D
I've always thought that people should simply be allowed to register a "domestic beneficiary" that would have the authority to make medical decisions, get the insurance, pensions, & other benefits, as well as tax advantages ,just to grant equal rights before & after the death of a partner/ sibling, etc.

It shouldn't be limited to sexual relationships.
im not quite sure how that would work patient1 but i guess i haven't thought about it

but i do think its a pretty basic thing to ask that the love of my life be considered as important as my family members and as important as if it was a conventional relationship

when someone asks does this person have any next of kin and lisa wouldn't be considered as a next of kin i think thats just so wrong
I guess I am a "traitor"


While I congratulate the movement of Gay/Lesbian/Bi/TS rights....I just don't feel very just because I am Bi that I should jump on the bandwagon and say "marry who you please!" but then I don't believe in restricting the rights of anyone....what ever happened to being equal in the eyes of men (humankind implied) ???

I belong to a GLBTS pride group...but for me its more of a support thing ....I guess we all join for different reasons....*shrug*

The bottom line:

1) No one should be refused any rights....even the right to marry...
2) I personally don't get involved in activist's just not in my character...but I do hope for some middle ground between both sides....this is afterall about love not politics...
3) I just felt I needed to voice my 2.5 cents on this issue...sorry if this is a was not my intention. :rose:
your not a traitor at all silverluna

i've been active in some activist things :) but none at all to do with my sexuality i've never gone on a gay march i've never campaigned for gay rights ... infact the only real life gay friend i've met is my girlfriend :) ... but that doesn't stop me from welcoming this

the only gay thing i have is a bag that has a little logo of gay pride on it but i don't even wear it out very often at all
sexy-girl said:
your not a traitor at all silverluna

i've been active in some activist things :) but none at all to do with my sexuality i've never gone on a gay march i've never campaigned for gay rights ... infact the only real life gay friend i've met is my girlfriend :) ... but that doesn't stop me from welcoming this

the only gay thing i have is a bag that has a little logo of gay pride on it but i don't even wear it out very often at all

*sigh* I feel somewhat better...ever since my "homophobia definition " av...I have been a bit
the only thing i've been an activist about in anyway is the environment ... to tell you the truth i don't really want to go on a gay march or anything ... it just doesn't seem like me :)

but i can still support what they do :)
sexy-girl said:
im not quite sure how that would work patient1 but i guess i haven't thought about it

but i do think its a pretty basic thing to ask that the love of my life be considered as important as my family members and as important as if it was a conventional relationship

when someone asks does this person have any next of kin and lisa wouldn't be considered as a next of kin i think thats just so wrong

I agree with you- I'm just saying a person should be able to designate a member of their household, too.

For example- if you & Lisa were sisters or cousins spending your lives together, NOT lovers, you should still be able to have the same priviledges as a married couple if you registered as domestic associates.
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