

Nov 14, 2001
i made some for dinner tonight. it was sooooooo good. there are two secrets to good lasagna: the sauce and the cheese. good sauce has lots of flavor and the perfect texture (think, chunky but not too chunky). if you use too much cheese, or cheese that is too strong it over powers the other flavors.

it was good, but i made a lot. too much really. even the 18 people in my house couldn't finish it all (though one guy had like 3 helpings)

so, who wants to come over for leftovers?
Mememememe! I'm passionate about good lasagne!

I even come with my own silverware :D

Nuts for Noodles,
I love lasagne...funny how certain foods bring up feelings of security. Lasagnes one of them I think.
MMMMMMMMM......Lasagna. Lasagna is like mana from heaven. It is the invention that validates mankinds existence. Without lasagna there would be no reason to live. Oh, the horrible fates lonely nights that faced man before the discovery of that thrice blessed food. I take that back. There was never a time when lasagna didn't exist. In the beginning there was darkness and lasagna. It hung from trees in the garden of eden. Lovely, lovely lasagna.

Yea, I like lasagna. I've tried lasagna in every resteraunt in my city and I have a very complicated rating system that I use.

*sigh* lasagna
Paganj said:


*sigh* lasagna


Lasagna Is good.

But, all things fade in comparison to SEX.

In the beginning ther was sex.
In fact because there was sex, there was a beginning. Then came lasagna.

And then came the fall from grace.

And the oil companies.

Ah, but I digres..
A good lasagna needs meat and a tad of Ricotta, not too much it destroys the flavor and texture. I once had the lasagna at Tommygun's Garage in Chicago. They had about 1/2 an inch of Ricotta in it. I just about flipped out. They defiled the most holy lasagna.
and one must not forget the hot buttery garlic bread to go along with that perfect lasagna.
Hey lexie get in my cookbook thread and post your recipes.
Aphrodisiac said:
and one must not forget the hot buttery garlic bread to go along with that perfect lasagna.

Excellent work! See everybody this is how society is supposed to work. Everybody coming together to make a perfect whole.
Paganj said:
Excellent work! See everybody this is how society is supposed to work. Everybody coming together to make a perfect whole.

Mmmmmm........ I love garlic bread. :D