Lake Escape (closed)

Lance slowly roused. His groggy vision filled with the golden waves of her hair, the pert full round breasts and slender thighs as lightning flashed, illuminating Hailey

He chuckled as she told him why he was there. He rose to go with her though, more than willing to follow the delightful blond

He slid into turned behind her, the sheets a disheveled mess, but not a concern because of the summer heat.

Hailey slipped up to Hannah and Lance slipped back into sleep as his arm and leg rested against Hailey

He found himself suddenly cooler and he glance over as he partially woke

Hailey was no longer beside him, h was between Hannah's thighs! He didn't move or say a thing as he watched te gorgeous blond mani ever between her sisters thighs. Then he felt his uncovered cock throb as Hannah reached down to grab her sisters head

Sure that he didn't want to disturb them he didn't move it open his eyes more than a slit. The only sign of his awareness was his growing cock
The flash of lightning and the loud boom of thunder from nearby back-to-back lightning strikes stirred Hannah. She lay there, half awake, with a vague notion that she was alone in bed. Soon she felt her sister crawl back into bed and snuggle up against her. Hailey hand fell upon Hannah's breast, which was a new sensation for Hannah to have in bed. It felt good. She thought it a bit odd that she was not shocked, but that she actually enjoy the touch from her sister. Then her sister's hand moved and Hannah could feel it between her legs, touching her mound and pubic hair. "She is doing this on purpose" Hannah thought as she lay there quietly, pretending to be fast asleep.

Hannah could feel her sister fingering her pussy lips which was feeling really good. In almost an instinctive movement, she rolled a bit onto her back and spread her thighs slightly which would allow Hailey better access between her legs. "Mmmm this feels good" she thought. But a small voice was also telling her that this was wrong. "But how wrong could it be? And who would know?"

Hannah was enjoying the touch of her sister when the hand pulled away. At first Hannah thought that this was the end of the experience and then she felt her sister's movement in bed. Hailey was moving between Hannah's legs. Hannah spread her thighs a little more wondering, hoping for what her sister may do. Soon she felt Hailey's tongue touch her pussy lips which sent a wave of pleasure through Hannah's body. "Oooo, this is feeling very good." The sensations coming from Hannah's pussy were increasing in intensity and pleasure. This is a new and wonderful experience. Lost in the pleasure of the moment, Hannah reaches out and places her hand on top of Hailey's head, to encourage her on. Hailey freezes and Hannah realizes that her sister now knows she is awake and aware of what is happening.

"Don't stop." Hannah whispers to her sister.

Hannah then feels her sister's tongue once again licking her wet and puffy pussy lips. She spreads her legs even more and moans. "Yes, yes. That feels so good."
Lance had to stop himself from reaching out and trying to join in. His cock was now rigid and throbbing as he lay there. Hailey had moved and there was now a substantial gap between him and his cousins. The space allowed him to barely open his eyes as watch Hannah's nipples stiffen as Hailey licked at her sweet pussy. He smiled when he heard Hannah encourage her sister and that is when he made his move

Still pretending to be a sleep he shifted and slid his hips closer. It appeared as through he was simply kicking around in his sleep, but the end result had his hips a few inches from Hannah's said and his arm was now beside her. The heat from her body was something he could feel pouring into his own, making his cock throb as it stiff rigid and neglected. But now he hoped it might be more noticeable.