Ladies I need to know!!!

Well, why are you asking us? Shouldn't you ask her? I mean, if you have the person already picked out, it's only her opinion that counts. It wouldn't hurt to ask her.
Well, why are you asking us? Shouldn't you ask her? I mean, if you have the person already picked out, it's only her opinion that counts. It wouldn't hurt to ask her.

Unless her husband finds out and comes after the kid with a baseball bat. That might hurt.
A wild Corbal appeared!

*throws MasterBall*
We're playing dodgeballs, I see. I don't have a set to play with; may I borrow yours?
Well there went the train of thought for this thread....
You're welcome.
Es verdad. :cool:
Have you moved to Texas? :cattail:
But back to topic.
I am 20 the person I am interested in is in her mid 30's.
SHe shows some signs of interest but I don't know if I stand a chance.
What do y'all think?
Give up. She's not interested.
If she can't give you a straight answer and you are asking her a direct question...she isn't interested and she's trying not to hurt your feelings.

But seriously...Ask her the direct question...Are you interested?...and take it from there. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
What are your feelings on seeing younger men?

Personally I would prefer older women..

On the point of the OP, I'm not at all interested in much younger men, age isn't just a number, it's a factor that dictates many other things...if we have anything in common, anything to talk about or any kind of connection...

Plus all of the younger guys I've ever met have all been monumentally bad fucks...mainly, I imagine because of all of the above...
I typically don't go for younger men because of the maturity level. I don't mind a year or two younger though if they are a mature guy.

If you've asked her directly and she won't give a straight answer, you have your answer. It's likely no and she is tryin to avoid hurting you feelings. If you haven't asked directly, then I would recommend that route.
As has been said before: If she doesn't answer a direct question straight, she isn't interested and doesn't want to hurt your feelings.