Krispy Kreme doughnuts!!!!


The Married Tigress
Jul 8, 2001
Right here in CT, our very first Krispy Kreme doughnut
shop opened Newington, CT.......the first
one here in the state AND in the New England area!!
A second store is planned to open in Milford, CT next
month.......and up and coming stores in the New England
area include Medford, Mass. & Cranston, RI..........

To the rest of the world that have had these yummy
doughnuts.......tell us all about 'em, please! We
New Englanders are new to this and we're so used to
our Dunkin' Donuts........ :)

The best part about Krispy Kreme is when their stock went public. Glad I sold when it hit 60/share...

oh and they kick the bravarian creme outta Dunkin!
My mouth is now watering just thinking of Krispy Kreme...Mmmmm....My advice? Break every traffic law there is to get there and have a couple fresh off the line for me, ok? Please?
if I old you about the store near me, you'd be able to tell right where I live. But I love those things. Thinks I'll go get some when I go back out later this afternoon.
Krispy Kreme's are the best doughnuts!

Best time to buy when the neon sign is on that they're fresh and hot!:D
I've never had them but I do remember the huge fuss that was made when they opened up the first shop in San Diego.
The krispy kremes have been banished from my house.

I miss them. I want to lick them all over. Tell someone to lift the ban, please.

edited for the vanish/banish thang
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tigerjen said:
Right here in CT, our very first Krispy Kreme doughnut
shop opened Newington, CT.......

Going tomorrow...:p Can't wait to taste those fresh hot buns.
worse line I have ever heard on the radio:

if after sex you come up and your face looks like a warm Krispy Kreme doughnut, you might be a lesbian...
perky_baby said:
The krispy kremes have been vanished from my house.

I miss them. I want to lick them all over. Tell someone to lift the ban, please.

I'll give you something to lick all over. :devil:
I meant banished, damnit. They've been banished.
One of the perks of being a nurse, families always bring us Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I love the lemon filled ones.

And the chocolate covered ones.

And the cinnamon apple ones.
calypso_21 said:

Going tomorrow...:p Can't wait to taste those fresh hot buns.

LOL......I can't wait for the one to open up in Milford,
Caly, because its much closer to where I am than
Newington :D
tigerjen said:

LOL......I can't wait for the one to open up in Milford,
Caly, because its much closer to where I am than
Newington :D

Hey you can come up this weekend to my house...I live right near by...we can just spend time sampling it all! :D
calypso_21 said:

Hey you can come up this weekend to my house...I live
right near by...we can just spend time sampling it all! :D

heehee or we can have breakfast at Jaded's house!!! :D
tigerjen said:

Are they super-tempting, perky??? just curious ;)

they are, I love them. But when ever I want to buy them, the man says no. He's boycotting them, so everyone must suffer.

And it's all because he won't listen to me. <sigh>
It is hereby decreed, by Queen Delusions of Grandeur, that the ban on Krispy Kreme be lifted from the house of Perky.:D