Know thy self

As well as I allow myself.
I'm everchanging but I attempt to keep up with self awareness.
I think a person can know themselves but its not easy and I suspect
most people don't. I think a person can see past their denial and
blindness to their own faults but only if they really want to and
make a big effort.

How well do you know yourself Silverluna ?
I think you only know yourself when you can judge yourself and admit your faults and shortcomings.

Not to anyone else, just admit them to you.

Okay, it's early and I'm only on the first cup.
Only through consistent behaviors...


I love my freedom, and resist any attempt to restrict it through guile, and machinations.

I am optimistic, even if the house is burning down around me.

My humor maintains me throughout the day, and I like to see others laugh.

I embrace my many emotions, and let them run their course, as long as they're positive in nature, if not, I shed them quickly.

I'm loyal to those close to me, so much so that my nickname is "dog."

I'm creative in all my pursuits, and have a hard time being locked into a 'box' at a job.

When I love someone, it's total. I have no distrusts or suspicions, and if that trust is broken, I can walk away with no hard feelings.

I'm a good worker, I take ownership of my job, and responsibility for my actions.

If I make a mistake, I'll admit it and correct it. I usually don't make the same mistake twice, unless it's concerning love.


I procrastinate until things get so loose, that I have to rush to get them done. It will probably be the death of me.

*I hope that's what you were looking for, other than that, I fit the Cancer profile pretty much to the tee!

I procrastinate until things get so loose, that I have to rush to get them done. It will probably be the death of me. " - LC

Exactly how my better half operates...

Drives me crazy. I am always early to things, but with her, I'm always five minutes late no matter how early we start! There's always one more little thing that can be done quickly before we go, like shampoo the carpets...