Knocked Up


Oct 5, 2012
So the other day my fiance told me that her co-worker admitted to "using" a guy basically to get knocked up. Since then, I cant stop thinking about how hot that is. Lol.
So the other day my fiance told me that her co-worker admitted to "using" a guy basically to get knocked up. Since then, I cant stop thinking about how hot that is. Lol.

Since when are the definitions of "hot" and "irresponsible" the same? Using someone to get pregnant is unfair to the child and unfair to the guy who was the sperm donor. Is she going to try to get child support from the poor dumb shlump? Or worse. Was he party to the decision? If so, he should have some legal document protecting him. He could be held responsible legally. I'm not a lawyer, but it's possible that he might have some rights regarding such a child if he wants to be involved. Stupid decision, and in my book stupid actions aren't "hot".

Any woman sincerely wishing to be a "single mom" should consider adopting one of millions of unwanted children or even going to a sperm bank or getting proper legal agreements if she wishes to use a "friend' as a sperm donor.

I don't like being a wet blanket, but this thread sort of touched a negative nerve with me.
Since when are the definitions of "hot" and "irresponsible" the same? Using someone to get pregnant is unfair to the child and unfair to the guy who was the sperm donor. Is she going to try to get child support from the poor dumb shlump? Or worse. Was he party to the decision? If so, he should have some legal document protecting him. He could be held responsible legally. I'm not a lawyer, but it's possible that he might have some rights regarding such a child if he wants to be involved. Stupid decision, and in my book stupid actions aren't "hot".

Any woman sincerely wishing to be a "single mom" should consider adopting one of millions of unwanted children or even going to a sperm bank or getting proper legal agreements if she wishes to use a "friend' as a sperm donor.

I don't like being a wet blanket, but this thread sort of touched a negative nerve with me.

Wow I guess people have no sense of humor now do they? Did I say her actions were morally okay? No.