Kinky BDSM or Serious?


Sep 14, 2002
Which are you? Or are you a little of both. I am not real experienced in BDSM, but I do tend to like different levels of seriousness of sexual encounters. I'm just wondering if my impulsiveness would be a good thing for bondage play. Is it playful all the time for the Dominant and sub or is it a very serious matter (of course, it would always be serious in the aspect of being safe) or a mixture of both. Do you have any rituals that you follow? or do you just go with the flow? I think anyone in the D/s or BDSM world likes diversity, change, new things... it just excites the hell out of me!
For now its just kink for me, as my life is kind of a work in progress, but one day maybe I'll get into it more seriously.
i stand on a foundation of bdsm and add various other kinks to spruce up the place. i just love trying new things, having new experiences, and true, i don't always like them, but often i do. so i guess i take it seriously but am not afraid to have some fun. does that make any sense?
Rituals can be very bonding for the sub. But, like in anything, if you don't mix things up and introduce new things, it can be the same old stuff. BDSM gives you the tools to keep things interesting.

WriterDom said:
Rituals can be very bonding for the sub. But, like in anything, if you don't mix things up and introduce new things, it can be the same old stuff. BDSM gives you the tools to keep things interesting.

...once more I agree with you 100%.

Changing,...evolving,...learning,...growing, is where it's at. Personally,...I would hope that all would see it this way.

Unfortunately,...there are many who want only the same boring repetitious,...mundane,...same-ol' same-ol'.
WriterDom said:
Rituals can be very bonding for the sub. But, like in anything, if you don't mix things up and introduce new things, it can be the same old stuff. BDSM gives you the tools to keep things interesting.

I cannot speak for my Master, but for myself I find that rituals create a sense of stablization in my servitude to my Master. One of my big downfalls is I do not like change. I am not a domiant so I can't speak from that side of the fence, but I would think that there are times when it also is difficult for the dominant to have many changes occur, even if they are the ones who are in control to begin with.

To the dominants--- do you find a sense of security in performing/engaging in certain BDSM play?

I'm always trying to put myself in a dominants shoes and wondering how it is for them. They have a difficult task ( for use of a better word) to direct the relationship in healthy, caring, correct mode to get the satisfaction that they desire. If the relationship is truly a Dom/sub, Master/slave whatever you wish to name tag it, the sub will also be very fulfilled.

Many times I have questioned myself, am I a "true sub" and my answer is always the same, yes I am. I think it is important for all of us to be questioning ourselves frequently it keeps a person aware of the needs of their dominant and if things are right then the sub should feel great "satisfaction" in her giving to her Master/Dom.
It's a kink for me, i have had R/T slave training and it just isn't for me. i don't really enjoy serving anyone outside of the bedroom. i love kinky sex and would rather be involved in a group scene than be punished and have mind games played on me.

in the bedroom, i love being controlled by a dominant and kinky man, i alsl enjoy having my limits pushed.
I am not very experienced in the BDSM scene at all, but I really want to be. I would be considered a sub. And that's the way I like it. I want to be totally dominated in the bedroom, but not in my work life, etc. Much too uppity for that! LOL
I have found some difficulty meeting people and groups in order to learn more. And its not really my husband's thing, he's not into it much.
Kinky Or Serious

It's pretty much Kink for me however we continually push the boundrys further each time. I think its just a matter of being able to turn ones inner most thoughts into reality which can be a problem for some people and also the Not Knowing part that can be unearthy.
you hit it right on the head for me. That is how me and my husband look at our sex life. We are always growing and adding to trying new things, talking about what we what to someday try or what the next level will be for us. It is great and makes are marriage the happiest one that we know of.