

Abusive Little Bitch
Nov 22, 2013
It’s true! It’s true!
The base has made it clear!
There will be party unity this year!

A law was made a distant moon ago here
July and August are too late for swaps.
For there’s a legal limit to the votes here.
The primaries are done and can’t be blocked.

But Kamala ….

The winner won’t be picked until November
But she’ll be in office March 2nd on the dot.
Because the savvy voters will remember
To choose Kamala …

Kamala! Kamala!

I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But with Kamala, that’s
How conditions are!
As Donald Trump himself begins to sundown
All talk of foggy Joe will disappear.
In short, there’s simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
with Kamala ... .

Kamala! Kamala!

I know it gives the haters pause, but
With Kamala, Kamala,
Those are the legal laws.
Even the Supremes can’t
Quash this landslide.
The MAGA riots will simply fade away.
In short, there’s simply not

A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
with Kamala ... !
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It’s true! It’s true!
The base has made it clear!
There will be party unity this year!

A law was made a distant moon ago here
July and August are too late for swaps.
For there’s a legal limit to the votes here.
The primaries are done and can’t be blocked.

But Kamala ….

The winner won’t be picked until November
But she’ll be in office March 2nd on the dot.
Because the savvy voters will remember
To choose Kamala …

Kamala! Kamala!

I know it sound a bit bizarre,
But with Kamala, that’s simply
How conditions are!
As Donald Trump himself begins to sundown
All talk of foggy Joe will disappear.
In short, there’s simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
with Kamala ... .

Kamala! Kamala!

I know it gives the haters pause, but
With Kamala, Kamala,
Those are the legal laws.
Even the Supreme Court can’t
Reverse this mandate.
The MAGA riots will all fade away.
In short, there’s simply not

A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
with Kamala ... !
How come Obama isn't supporting her?
She sounds like she has permanent nasal congestion. Her voice is not instantly annoying, but I haven't tried to sit through the passages of time of her longer speeches.
When people start to pick on a politicians appearances or voice, it tends to mean they don't have anything actually meaningful to pick on.
Voice is half of the first impression of any politician. She was in debates, but very briefly and 5 years ago. She's back at first impressions until she's in something that more swing voters will watch, like the next debate.
Voice is half of the first impression of any politician. She was in debates, but very briefly and 5 years ago. She's back at first impressions until she's in something that more swing voters will watch, like the next debate.
And yet the impressions aren't what determine how a politician impacts the life of the whole nation.
She sounds like she has permanent nasal congestion. Her voice is not instantly annoying, but I haven't tried to sit through the passages of time of her longer speeches.

Are you lot just going with the voice thing until you receive further directions from high command ?
Guys, if you want to argue in this thread, at least do it with showtunes!

You've got to remember, they hate and shame
All people with a D after their name
And women of color who want the same
Respect that the white guys have got!
And so for the next right wing media stunt
From here to November they'll whisper and grunt
And tell the whole world "Kamala's a...well, you know"
The right: they're so carefully taught!
How come Obama isn't supporting her?

Honestly I'd just wait another week or so to see. Nobody is really in a position to MAKE Obama or the Clintons do anything they don't want to. If Chelsea wanted in on the familiy legacy (if it can be called that) she'd be here by now. I haven't seen anything from the Obama girls yet either so. . .yeah not an issue there either its seems.

I bring that up because they are clearly doing what they want. Maybe they don't genuinely support her. That's always possible. The closest I've seen to a real reason is if OBama, Clinton and Biden all came out in support of Harris it would be bad for the press. It would look like Harris was being annointed instead of earning her way to the top. Which lines up perfectly well with the Left having NO fucking clue how to manpulate the press. Even if that WERE the plan its failing. Might as well provide a united front. Juice up Biden for one long walk Ghostbuster's Style. Maybe animate the ghost of Rush Limbaugh and have him slime Clinton!
I tried write a Trump parody to C'est Moi, but honestly I can't find a single word to change:

I know in my soul what you expect of me
And all that and more I shall be
A knight of the Table Round should be invincible
Succeed where a less fantastic man would fail
Climb a wall no one else can climb
Cleave a dragon in record time
Swim a moat in a coat of heavy iron mail
No matter the pain he ought to be invincible
Impossible deeds should be his daily fare
But where in the world
Is there in the world
A man so extraordinaire?
C'est moi
C'est moi I'm forced to admit
'Tis I I humbly reply
That mortal who
These marvels can do
C'est moi c'est moi 'tis I
I've never lost
In battle or game
I'm simply the best by far ...
