Joe Millionaire


May 3, 2002
Has anyone seen the ads for this new "reality" show. Based on the batchelor but with a twist. Joe a young good looking guy, who makes 19 thousand a year. The women (potential brides)are led to believe he just inherited $50 million.

This one might actually be fun to watch.
Oh I think this one is classic....I am forever asking girls Oh you think Mr so and so is all that huh.....Would you still think he is Mr Right and all that if he worked at a car wash, and drove a Pacer?

Of course they always say yes....but we know the truth.
It will show how shallow some people can be. (men and women alike)

Would you go on a show titled "Love the thirteen-thousandaire"?

Of the previews I've seen one lady says,"it's so dreamy".

Fox the network media whores extreme.
I might watch this one, just to see the reactions of these women. I'm betting that Fox throws in alot of interviews with the women asking them things like: "How important is money to you?" And the replies will all be something like: "I'm not here for the money, I'm looking for true love. Oh, and world peace."

As if any of the women are really there to find "true love" *snort*.
cybergirly1989 said:

As if any of the women are really there to find "true love" *snort*.

Rumor has it true love is easier to find when living in a 15M mansion.
Yeah, i saw it. Not gonna watch it. I agree with you. These shows are not about love. It's about marry someone for his money. Anna Nichole Smith should LOVE it.
Killswitch said:
Ummmm ME?
Especially if they wear those short skirts and black

LOL I see it's all about those short skirts.

hmm and 36d's for Heavy, or is it that french accent that does it?
cybergirly1989 said:
LOL I see it's all about those short skirts.

hmm and 36d's for Heavy, or is it that french accent that does it?

They are maids, I have their work visa in my hand and under my pillow.
nasty1 said:
Yeah, i saw it. Not gonna watch it. I agree with you. These shows are not about love. It's about marry someone for his money. Anna Nichole Smith should LOVE it.

Yup, I wonder if these women know how cheap and materialistic they really are.
cybergirly1989 said:
Yup, I wonder if these women know how cheap and materialistic they really are.

well, even though I did bash them. In all fairness going into a financially secure relationship is a nice thought. However, throwing in a mansion and maids is over doing it.
I don't think so. Or, if that do, that would make them even more shallow.
HeavyStick said:
well, even though I did bash them. In all fairness going into a financially secure relationship is a nice thought. However, throwing in a mansion and maids is over doing it.

Not to mention the tv coverage.
HeavyStick said:
well, even though I did bash them. In all fairness going into a financially secure relationship is a nice thought. However, throwing in a mansion and maids is over doing it.
That is a good point. Though, these woman no NOTHING about this guy. He could be an asshole. All they know, is, he's got money. That's not right.
nasty1 said:
That is a good point. Though, these woman no NOTHING about this guy. He could be an asshole. All they know, is, he's got money. That's not right.

And it's a chance for them to get there faces (not to mention there asses) on tv.
I won't watch it, as I despise any show that willingly bills itself as "reality," especially those in which the situations are entirely contrived ("Big Brother") or unrealistic ("Survivor").

But I think it's an interesting concept. Given that FOX started this whole subgenre of "reality" shows ("Who Wants To Marry A Multimillionaire?" with Darva Conger), it's nice to see them actively attempt to deconstruct it and show it for the sham programming it is.

It would be especially cool if, as "contestants" get voted out of the mansion or whatever, they were let in on the secret, but they would be unable to tell anyone.

I still want to see the picking a candidate show. I want to see the winner run for president. Put the parties in their places...
... and speaking of dragging a $100 bill through the trailer park...

These little golddiggers gonna get what's coming to them. Mama should have told them, "Keep you knees closed..."
I saw the commercial just yesterday and it led to a minute of evil chuckling on my part. I still won't watch it though it is good to see 'reality' headed in that direction.

Then it got me thinking, this could lead to the end of all reality shows (I'm hopeful). Think about it, would any potential contestant for a reality show be able to believe what they're being told the show is about. Obviously these women were misled (I can't wait for the first one to sue.) Do you think it will make future contestants a little more leary about applying or are these people so shallow that it wouldn't change their behaviour a bit? If they don't get anyone to apply, no more reality TV.

While were on the subject, I've only seen 10 second snippets of Amazing Race as I'm channel surfing by CBS but that old married couple seems to spend all their time yelling at each other. Selective editing can make people look terrible.
I have seen the teasers for it. I am not going to watch for two reasons:

1) I hate contrived "reality" shows - they are very much akin to something like the Jerry Springer talk show.

2) I dislike the premise; leading the women to think he is one thing when he is really another.

As for whether the women are "gold diggers" or not:

a) None of you people know these women. They might or might not be after money alone. Unless they are extremely honest about their feelings there is really going to be no way to tell. How many women here would blow off any guy who lied about his financial status just on the basis that he lied? How many would wonder about what else he lied about?

b) Women in general are genetically attracted to men who display wealth and/or power. Such displays mean this guy can provide for them and their children. For most women it is a subconcious emotion, but it is there nonetheless.

Just as I won't deny that I am more attracted to women who are physically attractive, I don't think women should deny their attraction to money. We both shouldn't let these emotions rule us, but there is no denying that they exist.

I have had bad experiences with women who were attracted to me for my percieved wealth, and therefore I tend to now look for women who are independent enough to not be looking at me as a "Sugar Daddy" - but at the same time I recognize that women do look for "financial stability" in a mate, it is just their nature - as much so as I look for someone who excites me sexually.

Neither emotion is really "shallow" - they are our deepest ingrained instincts. Our intellect can help us override them to some degree - but these emotions are undeniable.