Jewish bastards/scum and you rant on about The holocaust?then you carry out your own!

From llegal imprisonment and torture, to house demolitions, restrictions of movement, denial of basic human needs such as food, water and health care, and other forms of collective punishment, to illegal seizure of private property, denial of habeus corpus, the uwarranted use of excessive force

The Patriot Act is our top exported product.
Without the Palestinians the world wouldn't have modern mathematics, the internal combustion engine, or sensible shoes.

So your opinion is eroneous and short-sighted.

You mean the Arabs, rather than the Palestinians. The only reason the Palestinians have any significance at all is because they are Arabs, and because other Arabs have oil under their sand.

The Arabs did not invent "Arabic numerals." They learned them from the Indians. The Europeans took them and developed modern arithmetic. The Arabs did invent algebra, but they did not invent geometry, and they did not invent analytic geometry. Anything more complicated than algebra was developed by Europeans.
People throw around the word holocaust too much without thinking about the definition.

"Systematic eradication or extermination of a race or culture."

Going back in history, the Arabs did sign a "friendship treaty" with Hitler, and supplied the Nazis with much of their raw materials. (Turkey, Iran, Arabia, etc)

Now, it's not that they had much choice, and more than one European Nation was officially "neutral", as well. Hell, Henry Ford and many other American companies sold things to the Nazis as well.

War, it's the best business venture ever invented.

The Palis need to get their shit together and I forsee them landing on the moon soon. The first ever Paliestinian moon mission.

Well, Israel has a "plan" to "relocate" them there. That still counts.
