i've fingered my girl.. and she doesn't get off to it? any suggestions..


Aug 16, 2002
well i've been recently going farther with my girlfriend and when i finger her she says she doesn't really feel it.. is there anyway someone could teach me a thing or two? also.. it seems that i get her off more by just sucking on her nipples.. but about the fingering.. is it normal for girls not to get off to it? if not.. can someone please help me.. thanks..
Okay, this leaves me a bit confused, but are you just slipping your fingers inside, or are you playing with her clit as well?

I've never had an orgasm from just fingering. There has to be clit touching somewhere in there.

When your hand is there, use your palm and rub her clit as your fingers move inside her.

I love that.
When I first fingered my girlfriend, it was the first time I'd done it. And I shall confess it was thanks to Lit. that she was blown away. She doesn't believe she was my first time.

However, she did say that if she wants to get off, she can. What I mean is, I can finger her all day long and if she's not bothered about it nothing will happen. One method I found that worked was teasing.

I got wrong afterwards because I teased her so much she was helpless lol! But teasing by, caressing her, sucking here and there, kissing and randomly slipping your fingers down there made her hot as hell and wet and she was begging to cum and all she needed was a little help at that point.

But I would say from experiance on this board and of my own, clit work is needed, and hopefully you know where that is and what to do. Don't be embaressed if you don't *starts to blush, I just came into this area myself...
Try curling your fingers towards you as you're licking also. Keep a steady eye on her as it might get too intense & you'll have to ease off a bit. Learn these subtle communication ques as she bucks, heaves & squirms. I tend to agree with LTR, some clit play definitely helps get the ladies off.

good luck.
thanks ... i'll try all the suggestions.. if anyone has anymore.. feel lfree to lemme kno.. =) i'm still young.. thas y.. wanna describe where the clit is to me??
hrdcre said:
well i've been recently going farther with my girlfriend and when i finger her she says she doesn't really feel it.. is there anyway someone could teach me a thing or two? also.. it seems that i get her off more by just sucking on her nipples.. but about the fingering.. is it normal for girls not to get off to it? if not.. can someone please help me.. thanks..

Ok, going along with the first reply post, we will assume you know where her clit is. If you don't, it is ok, it is located between the vaginal opening and the top of her pussy lips, closer to the top of the lip, than centered. It should feel like a little hard nub below the skin. Now, must of us guy's like to finger going up and down, and this should get her off, allow your finger to slide down into her pussy to bring her moisture up to lubricate the area. Here’s the deal, if you ever watch an experienced woman finger her pussy to orgasm, she will go side to side.

So here is my suggestion, Be light with the touch on her clit, go up and down at first to get her lubricated with her own juices and as she starts to get into it a bit, switch to the side to side motion, I think this will work really well for you!

Good Luck!
Hey I'm all up for help!

saxetman, when you say the side to side motion, is that with a finger actually inside her or are we playing entirely with the clit?

Just that when I've done things it has been inside and up and down, y'know back and forth and when I've played with her clit it's been the clit and no fingers in. I have tried with my middle finger in and rubbing it with my palm...
Hmmmm....lesse, men giving another guy advice on how a woman might like to get off? Um, might I suggest something a little more "novel"?

Ask your g/f to get herself off for you while you watch. You will see exactly what it is she likes and the quickest way to do it. Yes, I know, if she is young she might say she never does that. Bull. You simply have to build up her trust in you to allow you to watch such an intimate act. But once she does it, she just might get hooked. And you will have learned more than anyone, male or female, can tell you on these boards.

Remember, no two men get off the same exact way, and neither do women. Every one of us is just a little bit different and like things done differently. What works for one woman might irritate another. Find out what your girl likes and do it.
your 18 right?? says born in 84. well her clit should be pretty damn easy to find. I would recommend before even doing anything to her down there to spread her legs and just look. you need to know what does what your playing with looks like. if you run a finger back and forth between her pussy lips you should feel her clit. should feel a piece of skin protruting. some people rub the clit itself. doesnt work with me. bF tried. its really tiny BUT I have alot of skin covering it. let me just say I have no trouble getting myself to cum but he couldnt. as your GF if she masterbates, be honest with her, tell her how often you do. but once you find her clit, stick to on top of the skin for now, easier :p and if you see one motion doesnt work well try another. back and forth, or rub your finger side to side on top of it. or in little circles. press down on it some, ease the preasure. basicly try and watch her expresions and when you find something that looks like it works stick with it.
SexyChele said:
Hmmmm....lesse, men giving another guy advice on how a woman might like to get off? Um, might I suggest something a little more "novel"?

Ask your g/f to get herself off for you while you watch. You will see exactly what it is she likes and the quickest way to do it. Yes, I know, if she is young she might say she never does that. Bull. You simply have to build up her trust in you to allow you to watch such an intimate act. But once she does it, she just might get hooked. And you will have learned more than anyone, male or female, can tell you on these boards.

Remember, no two men get off the same exact way, and neither do women. Every one of us is just a little bit different and like things done differently. What works for one woman might irritate another. Find out what your girl likes and do it.

I'm inclined to agree with Chele again (but then it's not too hard when she's right most of the time!). Let her fingers do the walking! See what she does to get herself off; se knows better than anyone else. Besides there's nothing hotter than to watch a woman getting off! Most excellent suggestion Chele!:)
Lust Engine said:
I'm inclined to agree with Chele again (but then it's not too hard when she's right most of the time!). Let her fingers do the walking! See what she does to get herself off; se knows better than anyone else. Besides there's nothing hotter than to watch a woman getting off! Most excellent suggestion Chele!:)

~Laughing~ Thank you, LE. You are indeed a sweetie!
hey hrdcre

you could try working out............if u wernt such an ugly fuck she might get excited by your sexyness and cum herself..........thats what i do anyway:confused: