It's About Time


Jun 8, 2013
Please PM interest first. The link to my character biography is in my signature. Please read this before replying and send your character bio and a sample first post.
Adrian sat at the kitchen table with his notes sprawled all over, staring at his Calculus 2 homework. He knew he was in trouble. The test was in 2 weeks and he had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.

'Fuck it. I'll just get CJ to explain it to me,' he thought, as he collected his useless notes. The best thing about this school was CJ, or Callie Jo, as the rest of the world knew her. Only her best friend, Adrian, could get away with calling her that.

The two had grown up living next door to each other, and despite the fact that Adrian was a grade ahead of CJ in school they were best friends. Adrian and his older brother, Nick, spent a lot of time at her house while his mother was at work. The boys' father had walked out on them soon after Adrian was born and had kept little contact with his former family. Nick spent most of his time with CJ's three older brother's who were more his age. Both she and Adrian had been what you might call "happy little accidents," so there was a six-year difference between the pair and their older siblings. As the duo grew older, they became very protective of each other.

CJ was often unhappy when Adrian dated a girl she didn't personally approve of and that of course meant the relationship would be short-lived. Adrian always explained to CJ's boyfriends the repercussions of hurting her. Many times, their classmates would make the mistake of thinking the two were dating and then were left only to wonder why they weren't. Adrian and CJ never even gave that a second thought; they were practically siblings and the idea of dating their brother or sister just wasn't appealing.

After graduation, Adrian went off to a college in northeastern Texas that he hoped was far enough away from their hometown of Wichita without leaving him completely isolated from his family. CJ also ended up at the same university after her graduation. After Adrian's freshman year, he decided he wanted to get an apartment instead of a dorm room and naturally his first choice for roommates was CJ. She gladly agreed because most of the girls' dormitories had community bathrooms and didn't have very many singles, and CJ liked her space.

Name: Callie Joe "CJ"
Age: 19
Height: 5"4
Weight: 110 lbs
College Status: Freshmen


Callie was a free spirit. She didn't care what others thought of her, and she had nobody to impress. She was a Freshmen in college, and nobody could tie her down. She wasn't a whore by any means, but she certainly wasn't a saint. She couldn't find a guy to remain in a relationship with, to save her life. Her longest relationship had been a year, and that hardly lasted, surprising her the most. There was only one person whose opinion actually mattered to her, and that man's name was Adrian.

Adrian was her best friend, virtually her brother. He had lived next door to her growing up, and had been her childhood best friend. He was still her best friend, to this day. He picked her up when she was down, and he was the only person who had ever been able to get her to feel 100% happy, outside of her family. Which is why she was so upset when he left her to go to college. They had spent every waking hour with one another, besides when they were sleeping. And even then, he spent a lot of nights at her home. He was a part of their family, and he knew it.

He wasn't just a best friend, he was more of a brother to her by this point in their lives, and she had made sure that they had kept in touch after he left for college. If they weren't talking on the phone, they were texting, or skyping, or on Facebook laughing about stupid stuff, but they talked just about every day for the full year after he left. When her prom night came, he surprised her by coming home to escort her to prom. And when her graduation night came next, he was there in the audience cheering as she walked across stage to get her diploma, waiting afterward with roses to congratulate her.

She couldn't see her life without him, which is why she chose to attend the same college as her best friend after graduating. He had came home to spend the summer with his family and hers, and then they had packed her things and headed for college together. She had been terrified of the campus life, but he had guided her through everything and had helped her through her first few weeks. And now? She felt right at home, literally. Who wouldn't when sharing an apartment with your best friend?

CJ didn't have to worry about walking in on some guy banging her roommate, she didn't have to worry about her roommate going all lesbian on her after going to a party and getting wasted, nor partying all night every night and waking her up at the crack of dawn stumbling in trashed. She didn't have to worry about having limited space, a sloppy roommate, or her stuff coming up missing and getting stolen either. She was comfortable in her apartment with her best friend, she could walk around in sweats, a tank top, and messy hair, and she had all the space she wanted with her own room, bathroom and shower, and the apartment was decent sized for a college flat.


Callie payed for her chocolate chip mocha and grabbed her bag with her order and Adrian's, hoping to surprise him with afternoon coffee. She knew him like the back of her hand, and he knew her the same. She hit the beeper to her neon green mustang and smiled at the car before sliding in, sitting the drinks and the bag on the passenger side seat before starting her car and starting off toward their apartment just off campus.

She parked once getting there, grabbed her things from the car, and locked it before heading into the building. When she unlocked the door, she found him sitting at the table, gathering his papers up with a frustrated look. She frowned at him as she locked the door back and headed over to the kitchen table, sitting her things down as a small smile took place on her lips.

"What's the matter, cranky pants? Somebody need some coffee in their lives? And their best friend to help them with his homework. Come on, admit it, you'd be lost without me! You need me"

CJ grinned as she teased him, making her way over to him. Her fingers found his cheeks as she lightly pinched them, making a baby face at him as she made baby noises. She then started cracking up, her fingers releasing his cheeks as she picked up her coffee and took a large drink, letting out a moan of appreciation.

"Oh gosh, I'm getting old. I've felt like I've been dying without caffeine in my life. We seriously need to go grocery shopping, or I'm going to be making a lot of trips to Starbucks."

Callie took a seat next to him at the table, one of her legs crossing beneath her on the seat as she brought the other one up onto the chair as well. Her shoes slipped off of her feet and she sighed at the sudden comfort of being around him, and feeling at home.

"What's the matter, Adrian? Having trouble with Calculus again? Need my help?"