Who will Break First...? (Closed to Goldenbraid)


Say Goodnighttothe Badguy
Apr 21, 2002
Hugh was in collage, studying business and computers. He was 24 years old, he was rather successful in collage so far. Going to a rather big named school and all, and on a scholarship that he earned. But one thing that held him back was he liked to party, and he loved to party with girls. Through collage he had been with several very hot females, some having had their pictures in magazines, some having made their names on the internet, Hugh dated them and moved on.

There's was only one special girl to him and that was his Lil sister. She too was in collage, they were only 2 years apart, but his sister was his soul mate. They had always had a very close relationship, he always shared everything with her. She always was a big flirt and loved to show off her big tits and nice shaped ass. From next to nothing to very sexy outfits and fragrances that enticed him, she had it all. But not only her looks, she was smart as well, knowing her limits. She was the perfect woman to him, but still his Lil sis.

Hugh smoked out on the patio, looking at his tablet and than drinking some liquor in his cup. It was 9am, the sun was shining and it was warm out already. Hugh stared at the screen, seeing numbers and code. "Shit..." he ran his hand through his hair and took a slow drag from his cigarette. He looked to his sisters window and wondered what she was doing. She had a boy toy, he was probably sleeping with her... he frowned at that thought. He didn't like how guys were around her. They took time away from him. He exhaled and put the smoke out as he poured himself another glass of liquid. Alcohol... his demon.

He just started tapping his finger on the table and staring at his sisters window. His phone started to ring and he picked it up to see it was his girlfriend, she was going on and on about things she wanted to do and stuff she wanted to buy. He saw text and chat messages pop up on the tablet than. "Higgy! Call me!" Higgy a nick name he went by, his mother and sister used that for him and of course other people heard it and used it for him. He stood up and gathered his tablet and cup, stuffing his phone and zippo lighter in his baggy sweats. Hugh was a bit out of shape, but still had a good build to him, a bit of a beer belly, but still good definition. His hair was always a mess, like perma bed head, he always had a 5 o'clock shadow it seemed, his eyes were green and piercing.

He walked inside to get some more ice for his alcoholic beverage, at 9am... his girlfriend still talking on the phone to him. Hugh just sighed as he poured another drink for himself from the fancy bottle, just listening to her ramble on and on about buying things.
Ashton stared at the guy sprawled on her bed, tapping way on his phone. "Well.... do you love me?"

"Come on babe." The guy answered back. "We have a lot fun, isn't that enough?"

Jeff was her newest guy in a long line of guys, and it was always the same, she enjoyed hanging out with them and the sex was good, but that was it, nothing deeper. She couldn't seem to connect with any of them on anything deeper than the physical, in fact the only guy she had a closer and deeper relationship with was Hugh, her brother.... if only she could find someone like him. Still she guessed she couldn't complain, as her mother had always said 'get out of a relationship what you put into it', if she was honest with herself, she never put much into them, more waiting for the guy to fall for her deeply, so she would too in proper reciprocation.

"Besides." Jeff continued distracted, pulling her out of her musings. "I don't think your brother likes me, as he is always glaring at me when i come over."

"He's just being protective, it's what brother do." She said waving it off.

It was true, far as she was concerned, as her big brother it was Hugh job to protect her and keep her in line.... well maybe not keep her in line per say..... they were far to close for that, so mostly he would just wag a concern finger at her when he thought she was doing something stupid or careless. Then she felt it was her job as his little sister to tease him relentlessly, and motivate him so he didn't get stagnant.... turn into a boring fuddy-duddy..... which she sometimes over did, as she was a huge natural flirt, even with him.

She couldn't help it, she many a time would find herself flirting with some random guy who she was not interested in and didn't even find attractive. Course it didn't help she'd been blessed with some ample curves, maybe too ample, that got her the attention of the guys, in fact had them chasing her, and earned most girls distain. She also had the wardrobe for it as she often took jobs, which helped with tuition and such, as an amateur model and would get to take home some of the clothes as a reward or perk, filling her closet with a lot of sexy, skimpy and even sometimes very risqué outfits.

At least her light auburn hair and the family's piercing green eyes, prevented her from the usual dumb blonde comments and jokes, specially as she wasn't dumb, she wasn't a genius or anything, but she did get good marks in school and the courses she took. And not because of her looks either, she didn't think, except maybe Professor Robinson who she caught often trying to look up her skirts or staring at her with looks that made her feel cold as if he was literally undressing her with his eyes, the perv.

She watched Jeff continue to type on his phone, ignoring her so finally stood up. "I'm going to have some breakfast or something." She getting a distracted wave from him.

Sighing Ashton head downstairs to the kitchen, not bothering to dress, just wearing the longish t-shirt she had on already, despite it only coming down to mid-thigh and she wasn't wearing any panties at the moment.....
Hugh opened the fridge holding his phone in one hand, hearing his girlfriend ramble on and on about things she wanted to buy. Hugh was financially independent, due to having been very successful in some investments, but he did not show it off, he dressed pretty plain, did not have a lot of fancy things, he didn't flash cash either. But he loved to drink and he loved to eat well. His two vices, well that and always having a pretty girl, this one though, he knew she was a gold digger. She had caught wind of his projects and put together that he was funding them himself. So she thought she would be subtle and drop hints all the time of things she wanted.

Hugh just sighed as he grabbed some eggs and bacon and the butter and jelly. He set them down and got some ice for his drink as he filled the fancy glass with the booze from the bottle. He took drink and got the pan and oil as he started to make breakfast for his sister, and himself. He drank as he cooked, waiting for the pan to heat before adding some bacon. That's when he saw his sister come down into the kitchen...

He could not take his eyes off her as she graced him with her presence. She had the body of a goddess, her eyes so kind and wicked... she could get anything she wanted from a man... he shook his head. "Hey sis... is he here? I'm not cooking for him." He took a drink than, he heard his girlfriend ask if she was there... "oh, sorry baby, I'm making breakfast for my sis, I gotta... wait... what?" He sighed. "See you in a couple of hours..." he tapped his phone and drank the rest of what was in his cup. He looked upset, but he looked to his beautiful sister. "Did you rock his world sis? Make him cum in two pumps again..." he chuckled as he watched the bacon cook.
"Hi Higgy." She said as she enter the kitchen, then frowned. "Yes, he is here, and i wouldn't worry about him, he's wrapped up his phone again."

She walked over to where he was cooking, noting he was talking to his girlfriend, and whispered. "Smells good."

'See you in a couple of hours', great that meant she might be coming over, thought Ashton, and he complains about Jeff. she didn't fancy her brother's newest girlfriend, she walked around the house picking up things and examining them like some a pawnbroker deciding what something was worth. She even commented a lot about Ashton's wardrobe, always asking how she could afford them, and being unsatisfied when she told her they was perks from being a model for the designers.... in fact a couple of the pieces she liked best had disappear from Ashton wardrobe.

Her head snapped up when he made his next comment. "Hippy! That is suppose to be private." She exclaimed but then grinned broadly. "Two flat!" She giggled, sitting down on a chair. "If you weren't my big brother, maybe i'd show you why." She teased winking.

"Then maybe i should show your girlfriend." She said amused. "Always sound like she takes forever to do it.... or just is too hurried to try right." She shrugged.
Higgy smiles at his sister as she told him that it smelled good. "You mean me?" He grinned at her. He only laughed at her comments and than got a serious look on his face. "Oh yeah? You would not even be able to take what I got sis... get over yourself." When she made the comment about his girlfriend, he just shook his head. "Oh, I bet you could show her a lot of things, she is not very good in the sack, I mean, I guess we are both in the same world, I have never had to jack off so much when I have a girlfriend... jeez, maybe I should just go back to the strip club, those ladies there...mmm now they were top of the line..." She knew he loved the strip clubs and often went when his girlfriend was not around.

Hugh saw the look his sister had. "What are you wearing? Is that my shirt? Your big tits are going to stretch it..." He looked her up and down and felt a stir in his pants. "She only cares about herself, I just need arm candy is all..." There was sadness in his voice as he said that. Like he was looking for more and just could not find it. Hugh put the bacon on a plate and than cracked some eggs. "Hey, make yourself useful sis, get some toast going." He wondered what kind of panties she was wearing, hopefully some sexy ones. "you know there is nothing private between us, hell I can hear you sucking him off from my bedroom, we are right next to each other." He grinned as he looked to her.
Higgy smiles at his sister as she told him that it smelled good. "You mean me?" He grinned at her. He only laughed at her comments and than got a serious look on his face. "Oh yeah? You would not even be able to take what I got sis... get over yourself." When she made the comment about his girlfriend, he just shook his head. "Oh, I bet you could show her a lot of things, she is not very good in the sack, I mean, I guess we are both in the same world, I have never had to jack off so much when I have a girlfriend... jeez, maybe I should just go back to the strip club, those ladies there...mmm now they were top of the line..." She knew he loved the strip clubs and often went when his girlfriend was not around.

Hugh saw the look his sister had. "What are you wearing? Is that my shirt? Your big tits are going to stretch it..." He looked her up and down and felt a stir in his pants. "She only cares about herself, I just need arm candy is all..." There was sadness in his voice as he said that. Like he was looking for more and just could not find it. Hugh put the bacon on a plate and than cracked some eggs. "Hey, make yourself useful sis, get some toast going." He wondered what kind of panties she was wearing, hopefully some sexy ones. "you know there is nothing private between us, hell I can hear you sucking him off from my bedroom, we are right next to each other." He grinned as he looked to her.
"You do too." She confirmed smiling, which was true, her brother's deodorant, aftershave and colognes all smell pretty good, and even his natural scent had an almost strange allure.

Ashton shook her head, but also giggled, when he mentioned going to the strip club, as he freely told her about it.... sometime to much, for she'd never been there but felt she could walk in there and know each girl by sight, their names, which one were the best looking, which danced better, which gave a best lap dances for the most part as Higgy only asked the ones he like for those, and a number of other things about them..... she literally had a mental file of stats on them.

"But you pay for everything there." She pointed out. "Your girlfriend is suppose to give you that for free."

When he noticed what she was wearing and commented she grinned brightly at him. "Yes it is.... no i won't." She countered. "I needed something i could just throw on this morning, and apparently got mixed up, as it was with my laundry."

She inhaled the smell of the bacon, then stood up and placed some bread in the toaster and lowered it to start toasting. "Besides, your shirts are used to going over a bulge, just i do it at the top." She told him playfully whacking his slight beer belly.

When he mentioned hearing her through the walls, she blushed, but nodded. "I know you can.... how do think i know about you and her. When she stays over i can hear you two through the walls as well." She replied, sticking her tongue out at him.

She dropped the bread clip and was about to bend over to get it but stop grabbing a hold of the back of the shirt than squatted down to pick it up, giggling. She got the butter and slathered the toast with it when it popped, placing the toast on the table, before grabbing the milk and orange juice plus two glasses, and set them on the table too, sitting back down again.
"Of course, that is why I get such good service there. Mellisa... she is just arm candy is all. She thinks she is the top of the food chain when it comes to women, she is nothing like you sis.

When she smacked his tummy, he looked hurt. "Hey, none of that now, do I have to spank your phat ass sis..." He grinned at her. "If you can hear me and Mellisa, you would know how boring it is... she barely moans, drives me nuts... I like it when girls get loud." He was disappointed when she held her shirt when she bent down. Hoping to get a glance... "I mean, she never teases me, she just wants to go kiss, put the condom on and fuck and done... that is it, oh, I forgot, I have to eat her out to get her off, she doesn't like it when I get going to hard fucking her. She rather get off with me using my tongue... she doesn't even suck on my dick... but whatever..." He looked to his glass and saw it was empty, but saw she brought out milk and OJ and two other glasses, he smiled and joined her at the table with the food. "Here you go sis, bacon and eggs with toast." He set her plate down and looked to his and than to her again. She was so beautiful, and so smart to, caring just like there mother.

He ate his food and just could not help but to admire his sister. "Sis, what do you see in that guy you are with?"
She nodded, smiling. "Yeah, you two do seem fast about it. If i have to listen to you through walls, at you could make it entertaining." She winked playfully.

"Thanks Higgy." She said, savoring the delicious smell of breakfast before starting to eat, buy stopping as her brother asked her the question she herself was beginning to ask.

"He's pretty good in bed." Even as she said it, she knew it sounded lame, then tried to fix it by adding more, but cringed as it didn't improve anything. "We have fun hanging out."

Ashton sighed, for it had been true once but lately Jeff was always on his phone, talking to his friends or looking at something. The only time he did put the phone down was making out, and though good, they had honestly learn so much about one another's triggers and sweet spots they could get each other off in no time.... well at least she had. Was she really as bad as the girls at school? How many times she'd heard them said their relationships were based on the physical then wondered why their guys were only interested in sex.

"Guess i'm not completely sure myself." She admitted.

When they had finished eating, she stood and collected the dishes, moving over to place them in the sink, but one fork fell off onto the floor. Without thinking this time, sje bent over to pick it up, realizing to late what she did, and straightened quickly blushing as she might have just momentarily flashed her brother.

"Ooops!" She said trying to sound calm, but could feel her cheeks burning.
"What you want me to moan your name?" He chuckled than as he ate. He always wondered what it would be like to have his sisters hands on his hard cock, looking into his eyes with lust and desire for him burning in her eyes. And to see how her face looks as he fucked her hot pussy, her sexy face when he would make her cum over and over again.

He kind of had a dreamy look on his face as he heard his sister and knew she was just covering up for the asshole. As much as he just used Mellisa for arm candy, he still treated her right. At least he thought he did. He made a breakfast sandwich with the last of what he had. "Stop covering for the shithead, I know he neglects you sis, what is it? His cock? I mean really?" He shook his head.

When she bent down and did not pull his shirt down, he got a nice view of her and he had to admit... hot... "damn sis... really? Strutting around with no panties? What would he say to that?" He had to adjust himself in his chair, she did make his own cock start to harden, and that sight... he shook his head.
"Of course not!" She exclaimed, a tinge of a blush.

Funny, she wasn't sure she meant that, suddenly imagining the sound of her brother speaking her name in a passionate tone.... he had a very nice deep voice.... and gave her an odd feeling in her stomach.

She frowned slight as he told her to stop covering things. "He's very attentive when he is focused on me, he just gets wrapped up with his phone a lot of late. And he's not badly endowed." She told him, but she had to admit Jeff was getting worst, where one time he'd be waiting almost impatiently for her to come to bed, and they would often cuddle or lay in each others arm afterward, she now had to wait for him to put his phone gown before starting things, and half the time would be laying there still in after glow as he typed away.

As he spoke it was confirmed she flashed her brother. "Told you i just wanted something i could throw on." She replied blushing more. "If i'm going to stop to put panties on i might as well dress completely. And i doubt Jeff would say anything, i sat up there talking to him for over half an hour like this, and all a got was a wave when i told him i was going to eat." She shrugged, then sigh. "If i'm honest, i'm not sure he was even aware i was sitting there in just your shirt."

Ashton sat back down at the table, carefully crossing legs least she flash her brother again, pondered if She and Jeff were headed for a break up? It happened a lot really, she date a guy things would be great for a few months but then she being looking for something more and it just wouldn't be there. Also wrestled with the odd fact that though she was blushing profusely, she wasn't totally up set she flashed her brother, there was a strange kind of naughty satisfaction. Was she going a bit loopy?
He had to admit, his sister was just like their mother. Beautiful, caring, always there for you when you need it, intelligent, funny. She was the perfect woman, just like Mother. He was highly attracted to her. Hearing her talk about her boyfriend though and how he was treating her though, really made him mad. He stood up and she saw he was showing that he was a bit hard, she saw the buldge in his shorts, not full mast, but rising. "I'm going to go drag him out of there and beat his ass. No one, especially some hills folk laser, treats my beloved sister that way." She knew he was pissed, she saw his shoulders tensing, him making fists of fury. He did not want to interfere, but he never wanted to see anyone hurt her, even her feelings.

In the past, in school, Hugh would often fight kids, he won some, and he lost some, but he always stood his ground, but when it came to his sister... he never lost a fight than. "I do not accept this Ashton, you deserve better. If I was him, I would give you the world, always be paying attention to you. Never on my phone... unless a hotter piece of ass called... like Sandra from the club..." he grinned at her. "Hey, think Mellisa would like the club? Or you think she would dump me?" He hoped she would ditch him... she was something else.
She was surprised when her brother stood up and she spotted the partial bulge in his pants, wondering where it came from. It couldn't be Mellisa, she didn't think, as he'd been really talking about in a way that could be arousing. It might be because of the strip club, but that seemed a bit back in the conversation for a reaction like that. Was she the reason, a result of her accidently flashing him? She wasn't sure if she should be a bit flattered or a bit worried?

She dropped the thought as Hugh started to get mad and suggest throwing her boyfriend out of the house very physically. He had always jumped to her defense and had more than once gotten into fistfights with boys who upset her or insulted her in someway, so she know he do it. She stood up sort of blocking his way, not that she could have stopped him if was determined, and made gestures and noises to try to calm him. She didn't want him getting into a fight with Jeff, though they were both about the same age and fit she would bet on Hugh winning, he always did when it was over her it seemed. Still she didn't want them getting into a fistfight, and oddly she realized, not because she worried about Jeff getting hurt but her brother despite his likely winning.

She was quite flattered by how he said he'd of treated her if he was Jeff then he made the comment on Sandra from the strip club, indicating he had been, at least partially, playing her or joking, making her relieved. Sitting back down, she returned his grin. "Thanks." she said sarcastically. "Glad you'd stick by me till better came along."

She laughed as he asked about Mellisa and the club. "The best you'd get was told off for somehow insulting her and ignored till you had profusely apologized...... at worst she'd throw a tantrum of epic proportions followed by a week or two of yelling at you anytime she saw you.... but i doubt she dump you, as i honestly think she more in love with your money." She added tentively, but truthfully.

Glancing towards the ceiling, Ashton sighed. "Guess i should go up and see what Jeff's up to." She said reluctantly. "And get dressed while i'm at it, as i'm sure you want your shirt back." She added looking back at Hugh and giggling.
He knew his sister well and knew she did not want him to go up and beat Jeff's ass. But it was his brotherly duty to protect his lil sis. He saw the look on her face, her beautiful face. "Think so? You don't think that she would be down with a double lap dance? Think she would let Sandra touch her?" He just grinned at the thought. But he shook his head and looked at her. "Well, you are probably right, she would get pissed and bitch and complain, until I bought her a fancy purse or two or twenty designer dresses... I don't know why she thinks I got money out the wazoo... I mean... I do, but do I look like I got it?" He sighed and went back to where his bottle was and poured himself another, this time almost half the glass was filled.

"Ashton, please protect yourself. That Jeff is a real asshole, he is probably cheating on you. I mean, you are so beautiful, how could he just sit on his phone, when he has a goddess like you in bed with him. Little dick or not, you still let him fuck you and you suck it as well..." He grinned at her. "Hey, want to watch a movie tonight, just you and me? Something scary, just like you like? Pizza and junk food?" They often still spent a lot of time together, boyfriend and girlfriends apart, he always wanted to be around her. He drank from his glass and walked back outside to smoke. "And tell that fucker Jeff to get out... I am sick of smelling his axe spray." He lit up and just stared into the backyard where the pool was.

An hour or so later the doorbell rung and Hugh looked at his tablet to see the Ring app pick up, it was his girlfriend. He sighed and put the cig out in the ashtray and went to greet her. Putting on the boyfriend face...
Ashton shrugged. "No, you don't look like you're overly rich." Her brother had always dressed more conservatory never one to flaunt his money, not that he was miserly with it either. He was just practical, buying what was needed, even if that was expense, but nothing more... honestly she was more the spendthrift than him. "My wardrobe is more fancy and expanse than yours that's to those gigs modeling, but I've also told her before that most of those clothes are free perks i get." She laughed humorouely. "Maybe she's been peeking at your bank book." She suggested.

She nodded as he told her to be careful, suggested Jeff was cheating, but smiled and blushed at his huge compliment and direct talk about sex life. "If he is cheating, i feel sorry for the girl, having to compete with the phone too." She answered grin to defuse things.

Pausing, as she stood up, she beamed at the suggestion of a movie. "Sure, sounds fun, you're on." She grinned, then gave him the yada-yada voice." I was just going up to shoo him off to get on with his day so i could get on with mine." She didn't mention Jeff was going to be back the night.

Ashton headed up stairs to find Jeff still on his phone.... had he even realized she'd left?

"Better get going," She said to him, pointing at the time. "For one thing my brother is getting a bit moody about you being around."

He didn't even look up from his phone. "Yeah, need to do a few thing for tomorrow night." She started to smile but stopped. "Me and the buds are meeting at my place for poker."

"Poker?!" Ashton said shocked. "Jeff, we're suppose to be having a special night tomorrow night." She exclaimed.

He looked up dumbfounded. "We did? But i made plans. Promised the guys."

"You promised me. We discussed this and made plans near two weeks ago." She stated upset.

"Oh... well, you can come along too if you want." He told her, shrugging.

She nearly ground her teeth in frustration. "What, so you can lose me in some hand too?" She said heated, pushing away for now the sudden image of him losing her as part of some bet for a hand and being his friend to do with what they wanted.

"I don't always lose." He countered.

She approached him, pointing a finger. "You do too. Every time you have a poker night with your friends, you borrow money off me the next morning to get by for a few days. And not always paying me back either. And you wouldn't have an apartment if i hadn't just gotten money from one of my gigs, after losing all you rent the night before in one of your poker games."

"But Ash, i promised the guys already." He whined.

She blew. "Out, get out." She cried, chasing him off the bed and out her bedroom door.

"But Ash..." He called. "My shoes."

"Get out of here, you poor excuse for a boyfriend." She roared, casing him down the hall then turned back to grab his shoes, pitch one at him as he started down the stairs, just missing him.

"Find i'll go if you are going to get all pissy with me." He yelled back.

"Pissy?" She was steamed. "Get out or i'll show you pissy. My brother is right you treat me badly and neglect me constantly, you jerk." She yell as she hefted his other shoe.

"Fuck your brother!" He snarled.

"Maybe i will!" She screamed, pitched the second shoe at his head, catching him a glancing blow, but then having it bounce of the wall and hit him square in the back of the head.

She was sure if he had just moved low enough on the stairs or the blow sent him flying down them, but there was a few thumping sounds and a string of swearing from the bottom of the stairs where she assumed he picked up his shoes at least. This was followed by hurried footsteps and the sound of the front door opening and closing again quickly.

Ashton stormed back to her room, making noises somewhere between a scream and a growl, and flounced down on her bed, fulling back across it as she vented her frustrations. There goes a small fortune, she though, for she gone shopping the day before to the local adult store, picking up a few things for their special night and to help maybe spice up the love life.... for one so he'd put the damn phone down. She'd bought a full lingerie set, some body oil to make herself slick and shiny for him, plus a few more things.... well a lot more things. The clerk had been helping by suggesting things and soon was just grabbing this and that and adding it for her, so she end up with two bags full, and wasn't even sure of all she got.... much of it coming from the bondage section. She know about the cuffs and the couple of whips and paddles, and of course the three things from the toy section, the battery wand and the couple of things from beside the dildos, but much of it was a mystery.... and cost her a good sum.... apparently down the drain at the moment.

Sighing she lay there, trying to calm down.....
Hugh heard everything, she was not trying to be quiet. He walked to the front door with his glass of booze. When Jeff tumbled down the steps he chuckled. Jeff collected himself and looked to Hugh, puffing his chest up. Hugh just stared him down, Jeff remembered the last time he got into it with Hugh and knew better.

"Hey Jeff, since my sis threw you down the stairs, I guess I will give you a pass this time, but know if I catch you on the street, I'm going to beat the shit out of you for hurting her like that. Get the fuck out of here before I change my mind."

Jeff just sneered at Hugh and took off through the door that Hugh opened for him. He wanted to find out where this poker game was at... maybe bring some of his buddies down there. Make things interesting. He drank down his drink and closed the door, he went up to his sisters room and let himself in. "Aww, Lil sis, you OK? He put his hand on her back and started to give her a massage. "Don't be sad, I am here. I am the only guy you need." He set his glass down and used to hands to rub over her back. He hated seeing her like this. Hearing her sob, he wanted to go and kill Jeff...

"Ash... I told you that when you let him fuck you and you sucked his little dick, that he would do this. He just wanted to use you..." he continued to massage her.
Ashton was only mildly surprised by Hugh entering her room, for he couldn't help to hear the fight, she was hardly be quiet about with all the yelling, and wonder how much help Jeff might have gotten leaving..... after all she'd been forward with throwing out, that left no restraint on her brother.

As he started to massage her back, she had a passing thought that she might be flashing him again, after all she was still dressed in just his shirt laying face down on the bed, but pushed it way as she was really to upset to care at the moment.

This took her back to when she young, how her brother would beat up or chase away with threat some boy who'd been bullying her, make nasty comments or teasing her, and then he sit there, consoling her till she felt better no matter how long it took. And though a voice said she should get up and face things like an adult, she decided to embrace the little girl in her this time.

"I know Higgy, you warned me." She whined. "And i'm not so stupid as to not see the relationship was more base on the physical, though i hoped that this one would grow to be more." She sniffled. "But at least i figure we had sex. Never expected him to choose to spent the night losing every cent he has to those friends of his than be with me.... especially when we'd planned it for over a week." She gave a confused whine." It was suppose to be a special night. I even went and bought a bunch of...... stuff..... to maybe spice things up, try new things. "She waved towards the corner of her room where the couple of bags had tucked away for tomorrow night. "A small fortune wasted."

The feel of her brother's strong hands massaging her back was calming her down and making her feel better, maybe too better, for she was really getting into it, making her almost purr with enjoyment. And suddenly remembered the last comment she'd yelled at Jeff, considering how loud she screamed it and how fast after Hugh had appeared, she was sure he had to have heard it... didn't he? Oddly she was more concerned about his reaction then she was at having made it, a sudden image forming in her mind of her brother embracing her, starting to make love to her the way she way she'd kept hoping all this guys would.

'No, no.... he was her brother', she thought cutting off the scene. Why was it all the great guys were taken or related? She remember a girl at college saying to same thing how all she wanted was a guy as good as a cousin of hers, and how she shocked Ashton and several others by suggesting many be should try something this cousin. She had to admit he was perfect, handsome, good build, caring and attentive yet still strong and confident.... not to mention pretty rich, which was because he was smart and worked hard.... that only left one area, and though she had no direct knowledge, the sounds through the way indicated her was a giving and possibly skilled lover.

Though several voices in her head cried, no, can't happen and taboo, Ashton was suddenly possessed with a naughty idea, and trying to make it look random and accidental, she shifted deliberately trying to make the shirt pullup or twist a bit as to maybe flash him again, as well to see if she could make one of those strong hands on her back accidently slip lower..... just to test his reactions of course.....
"Yes, yes, big bro is right as always. I know how guys think sis. You should to, with a body like yours, what do you think they want... especially guys like Jeff. You were just another notch on his belt..." He looked to the corner of the room where she waved. What were in those bags? "Ash, what did you buy? Something to spice up..." He narrowed his eyes and knew there was sexy stuff in there. "Tell me what you had planned, I want to know." He massaged her back more, harder with more pressure. "Relax sis, I am here, I will protect you." He smiled as he felt her relax and start to destress, but he noticed she was shifting and causing her shirt to rise up more and more. He saw her bare ass was exposed than and he licked his lips at the sight. "Hey... I know you got a perfect heart shaped ass and all, but I don't need to see it." He than spanked her ass rather hard as he pulled her shirt down.

Was she doing that on purpose? He shook his head and than they both heard Mellisa call out his name and he sighed. "Are you ok, I got to go check on her. I will be back in a bit, ok. Why don't you show me what you bought for your special evening later. I am really curious." He smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her head.

His sister was so hot, he wanted to do things to her, but it was soo wrong. And he had a girlfriend... what was he thinking...? He stood up and headed out the door and went to his room where his girlfriend was waiting for him. He closed the door and just had his thoughts on his sister as he hung out with Mellisa.
She wasn't sure what she had expected. but was taken by surprise as her brother spanked her hard on the ass, making her yip sharply, then pulled the shirt down. Still she giggled and looked at him with a blush as he asked what was in the bags, as she wasn't sure about all of it herself.

"Few thing i though might be fun, plus a lot more the sales clerk suggested and threw in." She told him.

She grinned at him as he kissed her head and departed to deal with his girlfriend, nodding to his request to show him what she got... she was a bit curious too.... maybe she should loan them to him and Mellisa, might spice up the sex life!

Ashton lay there a bit longer, partly to let the sting fade from her backside be sitting up, then finally got up and dressed, donning a simple pair of worn jeans and an old t-shirt that would be comfortable for their movie night later.

She was tempted to go through the bags, and remove any really embarrassing items before Hugh saw them but decided against it, for one thing he likely figure she had as he seemed able to know when she was hiding things from him. So she just rested on her bed, opening her books for an upcoming test and studied while he was busy with Mellisa.

She eventually strolled down to the kitchen about half past noon to get a sandwich for lunch....
He had to admit, spanking her felt good, and she did not mind it. He chuckled to himself as his girlfriend was going on and on about getting things for her apartment, vintage this, retro that. He just smiled at her and nodded. She was all about looks and fitting in, that was her MO, to Hugh, she was just arm candy. He really hated to be alone. His sister was always so busy with her gigs and with school, when she had a boyfriend, he really missed her. It made him very jealous, another man taking all his time from him...

He just sighed as he laid back on his bed, the ramble of furniture and accessories just making him tired. "Mellisa, do you want to go to a strip club with me?" She stopped and stared at him. Mellisa replied "Are you joking? Why would I want to go to a strip club? I am better than any of those cookers. Why would you ask me that? Do you go to strip clubs when I am not around you?" She got into his face and looked up at him, anger clearly in her eyes. He just shook his head. He held his hand up and said "babe... I just asked a question was all. And of course I don't go to strip clubs when you are not around." He clearly was lying. She shook her head and sat down. "Hugh, dont scare me like that. I don't want you to ever go to a place like that, that is a deal breaker." He nodded and held her in his arms, he said calmly "Mellisa, I just thought we could do something to spice up our relationship, that's all Mellisa." He just held her and she pushed away from him and smiled, "You know how to make me feel better..." She grinned and showed him her phone. He just sighed. "Babe, can't I just eat you out... seriously, you want another bag and shoes to go with it..." he left his room to go to the balcony and he took out his smokes to light one up.

He thought to himself, what did she buy to spice up there relationship? Sexy outfits? Lingerie? Sexy panties? He seemed too macho to want to use toys and way to boring for anything really kinky. What did she get that she paid a fortune for? Ugh it was driving him nuts, he really wanted to know. He looked back into his room and saw her spreading her legs for him, she really wanted him to make it up to her... he just sat back and enjoyed his smoke. "Hughy... your pussy is waiting for youu..." he heard her, he hated he called Huey... it really berated him. Made him feel like he was a child. He could not wait for tonight, time with his sister, just the two of them.

He went put out the smoke and went to her. She frowned at him "ahh, you know the rules Huey... go!" He gritted his teeth and walked to his bathroom to brush his teeth... brushing angry. He went back to her when he was done. She said with attitude "mouthwash Huey..." he just went back into the bathroom and did what she wanted, used mouthwash, drinking some at first, needing a drink, it was the only alcohol he had available to him... he than went back to her and she finally let him eat her out, barely making any moans, barely moving. She was just a show pony, she didn't know how to please a man, she didn't know that moaning and squirming let the guy know he was doing good job. Mellisa tapped him on the head. "Huey. I came baby... now do you think you can take me to get the shoes and purse?"

He looked up at her, just stunned. "Mellisa, sweetheart... really?" He was more stunned by the fact that she came and nothing, he knew she did, she got a bit juicier, not much, but a bit. He just looked to her. His cock was hard and she was just going on about the shoes and what purse to get to go with them.
Ashton did her best not to listen to the conversation as she studied, and not every noise nor all was clear words came through, but she could make out some of the stuff, or guess at it. She did think suddenly with the establishment of the fact the walls very thin made she and her brother should move their beds away from the adjoining wall.....

The conversation was Mellisa on another of her 'i want this, i want that' monologs, from what she could make out, then Hugh actually asked her that question about the strip club.... had he gone a bit loopy? Sound like his relationship was about get rocky too, but things quieted, so he must have smoothed thing over, or lied.... not like him though.

She heard his door open, and figured he went to get something or just took break away from his girlfriend, which she didn't blame him for, making things silent for a few moments.

Soundly like things were going to get intimate but.... did she really send him to clean his teeth and such before letting him lick her? If anything he should be making sure she was clean... no, knowing Mellisa, she probably washed and deuced just before coming over. She assumed it happened though where one would expect she be treated to a loud chorus of enjoyment it was actually quieter.... dead fish.... she thought, shaking her head. Maybe he should her pussy with money, maybe that would get some noise out of her.... she giggled.

Ashton sighed as the drifting sound seem to indicate her brother was being left hanging again.... so selfish.... she met girls before who didn't like oral, even thought it disgusting, but never.... well hardly ever.... someone who not only liked it, but got off on it better than normal sex but would reciprocate. Honestly, she was tempted to go and shove the woman's mouth over his dick, but that was a sort of unspoked rule between them that while they could comment and suggest, they didn't directly interfere in each others love life.

Still she so wished he could get the treatment he deserved. She started to imagine it but had to push the scene out of her head as, though it started with the image of Mellisa doing it in her likely clumsy and amateuristic method, it soon morphed into her giving it to him the way he deserved.

She decided to go back to studying and mind her own business.....
He sat there and just stared at her. Pondering what he was doing with her. He shook his head and left his room and went downstairs to pour himself another drink. He heard her following him, she started on about the style of shoed and heels or whatever she was saying. He downed his drink and than poured another. She took notice to this and started "Hugh, it's 11am, do you really think you need to be drinking like that? That habit of yours explains your belly... your lucky I don't mind being seen with you in that shape..." he glared at her and poured himself almost a full glass than, saying nothing he drank the liquid down. He just smiled than, she just shook her head and said with attitude. "Now you can't drive me to get the purse and shoes... you know Hugh, you have a problem... you need help. Why don't you use that money you got to get help. I am the best woman you can get, you should be lucky I put up with you." She kept pecking at him, he took the bottle and started to drink out of it, consuming the liquor. This was a very expensive whiskey he was just downing, to drown her out. She went on and on complaining about him and his drinking, or how he dressed and the way he ate. He said nothing, just drinking till there was barely anything left in the bottle. He was used to the way she was talking to him, his father did the same thing, always going on about how he could be doing better and making better choices. He was never right in his father's eyes. He always ran to his Mother, she had a very large bust and he always buried his head in them to hide from the pain.

Hugh just looked to the empty bottle and sighed. "This was a 250 dollar bottle of whiskey..." he slurred his words as the liquor ran through his blood. He smiled at her "Mellisa... I am going to bed... I am going to hang out with my beautiful sister tonight and don't want you to ruin that..." She looked at him and said "you know your sister is even ashamed of you... she knows..." Hugh looked to her and shook his head and ran upstairs, just like he did when he was a kid, running only to his room. He picked up a trophy and threw it against the wall, he heard it wall cracks and he picked up a picture in a frame and threw that as well, hearing it shatter and break on the wall. "Fuck!"

There was a hole in the wall now, and his sister could hear Hugh crying.
Ashton noted her brother going downstairs, followed by Mellisa as she could make out muffled voices coming from below, but was surprised to hear footsteps coming rapidly back upstairs several minutes later, heavy ones which meant it was Hugh. But he doesn't run on the stairs, she thought, in fact he is always warning her about doing as it was dangerous.... why would he do it? The sudden sound of something hitting the wall heavily made her jump and worried if there was some accident, but a second crashes sounded, louder and accompanied by a shattering sound, and her brother swearing. Bits of paint and drywall flacked off a spot near the bed and she could now heard weeping coming from her brother's room.... her brother was crying? Hugh had always been the steady one, the rock of the family and a much appreciated shoulder for her to vent her sorrows on. What happened?

She went into the hall and stood near his room, ready to go console him as he had earlier for her, but she looked towards the stairs wondering where his girlfriend was, if she knew anything about this, so she were downstairs to see what might have caused this. She found Mellisa in the kitchen looking annoyed as if someone had taken the last one of something she wanted, then she saw the empty bottle....that meant he was likely drunk..... her brother did drink a bit to often ast times but he was always slow drinker, near one to over indulge.

"What happened?" She nearly demanded, her eyes narrowing.

The woman looked at her like she was the one who had been offended. "Huey is turning in to a dunk, the fool, and ruined our plan to go shopping, the nerve." She huffed. "He needs help. You should get he to go get some."

Now she was beginning see what happen. And all this woman was worried about was shopping, what nerve. "Out. Get out."

She stared at Ashton like she didn't understand. "Come again?" She said appalled.

Ashton's voice grew harder. "I said get out, Mellisa, before i rip every strand of hair from that over done hairdo of yours. I just finished throwing my boyfriend head first down the stair earlier" Partly true.

"You wouldn't dare." The woman exclaimed.

"Try me." Ashton nearly growled, watching as she stood there shocked and unmoving. "After hurting my brother you'd better leave." She told the women threateningly, suddenly waving the empty bottle around. "Or the last thing you're going to remember is this bottle shattering against you head, before waking up on the southwestern side, bound and naked. And i'm sure if one of the gangs don't find you and make you the guest of a gangbang party, there are several hobos who'd love to satisfy their likely pent-up needs with someone like you."

The woman looked at her with wide eyed fear, and collected her things before nearly tripping over her ridiculous high heels scurrying out the door.

Satisfied, Ashton went back upstairs and enter her brother's room, moving to hug him tightly. "Please don't be upset Higgy, she is not worth it." She said consolingly.
Ashton could smell the booze from Hugh, he was wiping his tear away, hearing his sisters voice. He turned immediately and buried his face into her breasts, "Sis... she talked to me just like Father... fuck I am a failure... I always have to have a beautiful woman around me so I can amount to anything Father is..." He rubs his face into her breasts, holding onto her, sobbing. "Mellisa hates me..." His face still rubs between her big tits. "No... I know she is not worth it... she fills that void... you are always so busy sis... and you are my sister... so..." Sob, sob, face rub "You... you are like mother..." His sobbing was calming down as he held his sister. "Wow... sniff... sis, you got really nice tits... you take after Mom so much..." He stayed like that for 10 minutes. He than said "Sis, do you think any less of me because of this?" He looked up into her eyes. "Sorry, I made a hole in the wall... guess Dad is going to be pissed..."
As her brother turned and buried his face between her breast something in the back of her mind said there was something wrong and improper about it, but she ignored it for Hugh need her support right now and that what he would get.

"Come on Higgy." She said. "You're not a failure. You get great marks in school, you're good looking and dress well, though you can be sturn at times, you general are a kind and giving guy, and lets not forget you intellect and drive had made you fairly wealthy.... so you drink a bit too much, everyone has vices, and you have never drink to fast or over do it... till now at least. Dad has always been a bit to critical anyway, even mom says so." She did her best to continued to console him. "And i wouldn't worry about the opinion of the selfish, egotistic, gold-digging, and i suspect, thieving little snob of a socialite! Beside she doesn't hate you, she hate that she can't control you enough to spend all your money her id my guess. You know she actually, when i was down there, had the nerve to whine about not getting to shop.... with you up her upset and all"

Ashton wasn't sure what to say or even what to think about his comments on Mellisa filing a void, her being busy and being his sister, as the suggestion it made was not quite right, she didn't think.

She giggled slightly at his comment on her breasts. "Thank you. But they aren't as big as mom's, at least yet, and i'm sure i want them to get quite that big."

"No!" She replied sharply. "I admit it is odd feeling as normally it's me dampening your shoulder, but don't think anything less of you. You have always been my rock, the one pulls me out when i dive in the deep end without looking. But even rocks crumble at times." She told him smiling.

She looked over at the hole as he mentioned it, seeing it was bigger on this side. "No problem, we'll just call someone over to repair quickly, dad doesn't even need to know.... and you certainly do have the funds to do it." She said grinning.

"Now i suggest you lay down and rest a bit. What you ready for your movie night and all." She teased. "Can't have you drifting off on me or anything."

For one thing, she thought, it will hopefully help with you being drunk, plus maybe some coffee when you wake....
"Can you rest with me sis..." he let her go and laid back on the bed. He had a very comfy bed, soft sheets, warm blankets. It was a king size bed as well, so lots of room. "Come on sis, lay with me, let's cuddle." He smiled as he opened his arms for her. He hiccuped and chuckled. "Ash, why can't we find good partners? Wouldn't it be easier if we could just be together..." She could tell it was the booze talking. "I mean, you know me, all about me and I know about you... you know I love sexy panties and using them to jerk off..." hiccup and giggling. "I mean you wear some sexy panties sis... I bet you bought some for your special night... you should put them on..." hiccup and giggling. "Model them for me..." more giggles.