The Wallflower and The Star Athlete (closed for Poprockz)


Returning veteran
Aug 29, 2024
Adrian Stafford
21 years old
5’9 - 180lbs, lean & muscular build
Green eyes and short brown hair

Adrian is the college's star track athlete. Ever since arriving on campus three years ago as a high school prodigy, he has been the poster boy for the college's nationally aclaimed track team. He has won numerous national titles in those three years, and is well on his way to becoming a professional athlete.
But despite all the fame and attention, Adrian has always felt lonely. He quickly learned that the vast majority of people who expressed an interest in him had ulterior motives. Besides his long-term coach and small family, he has not let anyone else in. The girls at the college only seemed interested in him for his status, and never for him as a person. He would love nothing more than to meet a nice girl who genuinely saw him.

A few days after his most recent national success and with his profile at its highest, the college press decided this was a good time for some PR. Adrian was always reluctant about these sort of things, but this time he wanted to use the spotlight on him for some good. He was adamant with the press team that he wanted a charity involved. In the end, the local soup kitchen was selected. Adrian had always liked the work they did - he had regularly volunteered at the one in his hometown growing up.​
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Name: Olivia Davis
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Appearance: Her dark brown hair is usually unkempt and kept under a black beanie, her clothes are baggy and unflattering, but underneath she has C-cups and a shapely butt. She does not wear make-up, and her shoes are comfy sneakers. She typically also wears a black mask to avoid catching anything from other students. Despite this, she is naturally pretty with dainty features. Her eyes a deep, striking blue, and she’s about five-foot four.

Background: Rough home life due to her being an affair child.
Family: Has a mom and dad, but is an affair child so doesn’t share blood with her dad. One little sister.
Major: Computer Science (she wants to be a programmer).
Job: Works remote for a call center that takes calls for an insurance company.


It was Saturday, and while most college kids were out partying, resting, or studying, Olivia was at the local soup kitchen like she always was on Saturday. She had been showing up to help every weekend for four years now, so most of the regulars knew her by name. Though she didn't talk much about herself or her personal life to anyone, they all knew her to be a kind person.

The soup kitchen was one of the only places where the beanie she typically wore left her head. After all, it was necessary to put her hair up in order to prevent getting her hairs in the soup. Thus, she had her hair in a bun and a hair net on, along with her usual black mask. Martha, one of the older women leaned over while they were chopping carrots and said, "did you hear that the college guy is coming in today? He was originally scheduled for Sunday, but we had to switch things around last minute."

Olivia glanced at her before looking back down at the veggies she was cutting. Of course she knew who Adrian was- he was one of the most well-known figures at her school. A star-athlete on the path to greatness. She wondered what that must be like, being in the spotlight. The very thought of it made her want to cringe, but some people enjoyed it she supposed. It wasn't a bad thing, being famous; it just wasn't her bag.

"Huh," she responded. "Where is he being assigned?"

"Soup dispensing. You and Jake will be on the line with him today. He's gotta be in the front, since they wanna take pictures, and all." Martha winked, "maybe your picture will be in the article too."

This time Olivia couldn't hide the way her face scrunched up a bit, and Martha laughed out loud. She knew very well that Olivia didn't like any sort of attention in that regard, though she wasn't sure why. While the woman likely figured it was just shyness, Olivia was trying to keep a low-profile so her parents couldn't find her and weasel money out of her.
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Adrian arrived at the soup kitchen with the press team. He felt quite awkward, given his dislike for these things. But knowing that they could shine a light on the good work being done by the selfless people who give up their Saturday to volunteer.

They are met by the manager. Being polite and well versed in faking enthusiasm, Adrian shook her hand and flashed a smile. They were then given a tour of the kitchen. Adrian made polite small talk with any volunteer they met along the way.

As the tour ended, Adrian was introduced to the two people he would be on the line with. First Jake, a nice local man who reminded him a little of his dad.
Then - Olivia. The first thing Adrian noticed about her were eyes, deep pools of striking blue. He extended his hand, ‘Hi, I’m Adrian’.​
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She extended her own hand and shook his with a polite nod, “my name is Olivia.” With that she turned and started to busy herself with moving one of the pots of soup to the line where it would be dispensed.

Olivia didn’t find it necessary to say that she already knew him from seeing him here and there on campus, seeing as she didn’t expect to see him again once his time in the kitchen was done.
Slightly startled by Olivia’s indifference to him, Adrian quickly studied her as she moved about the kitchen. Her reaction to him was unlike anything he was used to. He almost didn’t know how to react himself. Thoughts of attraction fleeted across his mind before he composed himself and turned his attention back to the reason why he was here.

Before he knew it, the kitchen was open. The amount of people filing in astounded him. He asked Jake, ‘Is it always this busy?’, which Jake confirmed. As Olivia and Jake spooned out the soup, Adrian handed out bread rolls. He almost forgot the photographer snapping pictures of him as he observed the great work being done by all the volunteers.

Adrian quickly noticed how well known Olivia was by the attendees. He positions himself to be nearer to her.
‘You must volunteer here a lot to be this well known’, giving her a small smile.
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She glanced at him and nodded, "I come here often." Why was he trying to make conversation with her? Was he bored?

Jake chuckled from little ways away and interjected saying, "yeah, if "often" is every Saturday for the last four years."

Olivia squinted over at Jake and replied, "that sounds like a bit of an exaggeration."

Two-tooth Sam held out his tray for soup and she gave him a hearty serving. The man shook his head and said, "nah, I've been comin' here for the last ten years an' Olivia's been around for six.. but uh... I dun know if thems all been soup kitchen years." The man shrugged and moved on.
Adrian smiled as Olivia’s feeble attempt at modesty was quickly batted away by both Jake and one of the customers.

‘Wow, that’s impressive, and very inspiring. We had a few people like you back home in our soup kitchen. They would turn up without fail. I admire that’.

Adrian felt something drawing him to Olivia, though he couldn’t put his finger on it exactly.
"Thanks," she replied, the feeling of being lauded being a bit uncomfy for her. "Did you know someone who went to that kitchen?"

It didn't occur to her that he was the one volunteering there. He seemed nice, but anyone could seem nice for a short amount of time while they had the community's eyes on them. For all she knew this was all just a publicity stunt and once he got home he would shudder at the thought of brushing hands with the homeless.
‘Yeah, me. My parents instilled a sense of generosity in my sister and I from a young age. Every summer since I was eight, I’ve been helping out. In fact, I can’t wait to go back this summer. We got a new benefactor a few months ago and I can’t wait to see what they did with the new funds’.

Noticing the photographer take a break, he breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Truth be told, I hate the PR side of these things. I much prefer to be just another volunteer, doing what I can to help’.
Her eyebrows raised in surprise at the response. It didn’t sound like he was full of shit, based on his tone of voice. If it was true, then he was a pretty decent guy in addition to all the other things people praised him for. In a sense, it was as though he had won the metaphorical lottery: good parents, good body, good opportunities, good funding, and good morals. What a lucky guy.

“A good benefactor can really make a difference- I’m glad you guys are getting one.” She paused, ladling more soup into someone’s bowl. “Why do you need PR anyway? Isn’t your image already at its peak? You can’t go anywhere on campus without seeing a poster of you.” It was spoken curiously.
Adrian afforded himself a small laughing, marvelling at how Olivia's words echoed his thoughts.
'That is a great question, Olivia. Let's just say the college president likes me to help boost the image of the college. I don't particularly like doing it, but at least this one is for a good cause'.

He smiles at her comment about his presence on campus.
'I take it you are a student as well. What is your major?'
Yeah, that definitely sounded like the president. The college image was very important to them, so she could see them pushing for more publicity even though the current image was fine.

“Computer science,” she answered with a glance. “It’s my second year.”

There was hardly a major more different than a sports major, but she still took gen ed courses and had seen him in her class once or twice. It was unclear if he had ever noticed her though, seeing as she always sat nearest to the door so she could be the first one out.
When he heard her major, it dawned on him that they did share a Gen Ed class.
'I think we are in the same Gen Ed class - I know some computer science majors. Professor Brown, right?'

Adrian was genuinely enjoying his conversation with Olivia. Although the topics were pretty mundane, she seemed genuine in her interactions with him so far. Plus every glance she gave him was another opportunity to admire those deep blue eyes.
He got a surprised look before nodding, “you have a good memory. Yeah, I’m taking Professor Brown this Semester.”

Was it that he had noticed her, or was it just that he recognized her name from the class list? They generally say on opposite sides of the classroom, him with a couple girls who liked chatting him up, and her in the back corner. Most people generally paid her no mind, so it was unusual to be recognized like this.

“He’s tough but fair, like you can’t get away with not doing the work, but it’s not excessive.” Currently she was doing very well in it, the class itself being a general biology class.
‘Yeah I agree. I quite like him as a professor, always willing to help out’

Adrian was surprised he had not noticed Olivia before. Then again, he liked keeping to himself in class. That was despite the attention of the class bimbos, who simply wanted to use him to one up their social status on campus.
They continued to work together as the line moved. Adrian made small talk with Jake as well, but he desperately wanted to talk with Olivia some more.
Though it was several hours later, the time went by quickly. At some point she had asked the photographer to blur her face in the photos if they posted an article, and they had her sign a confirmation that she didn’t give permission for her image to be used.

After that, it was time for the clean-up, which wasn’t part of the promotional arrangement. By all means it was time for them to pack up and go home, or practice, or whatever it was on their agenda. Olivia washed the dishes, expecting for Adrian to be shuffled along by his team. Though she did intend to wish him goodbye if he passed by.
Seeing an opportunity for some more time with Olivia, he told the press team he would stay behind and help with the cleanup. Despite some pushback, they relented and left.

He found Olivia in the washroom.
‘Need any help?’
She jumped, having been lost in thought and not expecting for him to show up back there. The fact that he was willing to help with the clean-up was surprising, but she wasn’t going to turn him down. It actually brought a little smile to her face under her mask, the smile reached her eyes as she looked over her shoulder to him.

“Oh, um sure. Do you want to dry dishes after I’m done washing them?”
‘Sure, sounds good’.

They worked for a bit in silence, making good progress through the pile of dishes. Adrian found himself quite nervous around Olivia. The irony would have been funny to him if it wasn’t so obvious that he wanted to make an impression on her. The famous track star, who could have any girl on campus, was getting tongue tied around someone most people did not know existed!

‘So Olivia, what do you hope to do with your major?’
She thought about it for a minute. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I haven’t narrowed it down to a specific career yet…”

There was a sigh before she shrugged, “some people know where they’re going when they start out, and then there are people like me who pick a path and keep going until something seems suitable. I just want a job that pays well enough for me to live comfortably.”
Adrian listened intently as Olivia spoke, enjoying the quiet intensity her voice conveyed. It was demure and feminine, but also had a touch of hurt to it.

‘Some days, I’d like not to know what is happening next. My life has always had the next step or goal right there. I know I am very lucky to be in my position, but I wish I had some uncertainty, even for some excitement’.
"Maybe we can trade," she mused playfully. "I'll be the star-athlete, and you can be the busy computer nerd." He was handed the latest dish: one of the large pots. "No take-backs though." There was a chuckle from under her mask as she started to wash the next large pot. Oh if only she had her life laid out like he did. That sounded like a weight off her shoulders. It got really exhausting having to plan everything out for yourself in order to make sure you did everything you needed to and kept yourself afloat.
Her gentle laugh was musical, and he returned it with a laugh of his own at her small joke.
‘That would be interesting, though your grades might suffer if you put them as my responsibility’.
He wished she would remove the mask so he could see her entire face, but he also knew COVID had done a number on some people’s perception of public health safety.
He took the next pot from her hands, their fingers lightly touching. A spark flew through him, something he had not felt in a long time.​
Though he couldn't see it, her cheeks turned a light shade of pink when she felt the brush of his fingertips. She didn't usually spend a lot of time with people her age, let alone guys, let alone attractive guys. While she didn't foresee anything happening between them, it still made her feel a touch shy.

The woman cleared her throat and scrubbed the pot in the sink. "Are your classes giving you trouble?" Didn't athletes like him have to keep a certain GPA to remain in the program? If his grades suffered, his career might also suffer.
'Only from the standpoint that I feel like I need a few extra hours in the day to achieve everything I need to. I like like my major, sports psychology. So that does help, but some days I feel like I am drowning in responsbilities, between course work and my training schedule. But I am keen to graduate before I turned pro. Just have a profession in my back pocket in case I can't make it as a professional.'

Mercifully, they reached the end of the washup pile. Adrian dries the last pot and put it away. He turned back to Olivia.

'Well I better get going. Thanks for being so welcoming, I might see you in class?'