It's a girl!


Grim Reaperess
Oct 8, 2012
I'm now 20 weeks pregnant - hooray! - and last week I found out I am having a little girl. I'm so excited! And nervous!
Baby is doing really well. She is developing perfectly and all my fears about spina bifida are gone. I have finally started buying stuff too.
Oh Sweetie Congratulations! Thinking of you!!!

That's wonderful news, Minx. Baby news just keeps popping up. I just found out yesterday that my oldest niece is expecting; she's eight weeks along.

I'm very happy for you; congratulations. :kiss: :heart:

Any names picked out yet?
Be sure to drive your Husband/boyfriend, crazy painting walls, building cribs, moving cribs, and all that other good stuff!

Baby girl = a plethora of adorable clothes to buy. :):):):)

After having two boys, when my daughter was born, the staff at Gymboree knew me on a first name basis. Everything matched, with hair accessories to go with.

Now, I can barely get her to comb her hair, so I'm glad I got to enjoy it while it lasted.
Congratulations!!! :)

Praying that you have a very uneventful next 20 weeks and that little girl will be born very healthy!!!
Cool beans. Gratz. Mazel tov. And other things like that.
I'm now 20 weeks pregnant - hooray! - and last week I found out I am having a little girl. I'm so excited! And nervous!
Baby is doing really well. She is developing perfectly and all my fears about spina bifida are gone. I have finally started buying stuff too.

that's just peachy :rose::rose:

now enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
I'm now 20 weeks pregnant - hooray! - and last week I found out I am having a little girl. I'm so excited! And nervous!
Baby is doing really well. She is developing perfectly and all my fears about spina bifida are gone. I have finally started buying stuff too.


When are you going to start posting pictures of her naked?
Congrats,& wasn t me either...My wife took my specimen to a fertility specialist when I was 21,came back I was infertile...I have a cousin with spina bifida.Name is just about the same as mine,Im Keenan hes Kenny.

In regards to spina bifida.Don t drink.Take the pre natal vitamin,it cuts risks of spinal defects by 50% ,hows that,I think its a impressive thing for vitamin power.They feel its the folic acid part of the B complex,but all the B complex is good for cutting odd s way down for such birth defects.That is all...
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Congrats,& wasn t me either...My wife took my specimen to a fertility specialist when I was 21,came back I was infertile...I have a cousin with spina bifida.Name is just about the same as mine,Im Keenan hes Kenny.

In regards to spina bifida.Don t drink.Take the pre natal vitamin,it cuts risks of spinal defects by 50% ,hows that,I think its a impressive thing for vitamin power.They feel its the folic acid part of the B complex,but all the B complex is good for cutting odd s way down for such birth defects.That is all...

You are a VERY VERY dangerous man.
You post shit that some people could take seriously, to the point where they might forego proper medical supervision for issues that could be serious or even life-threatening.

Either put up your MEDICAL CREDENTIALS or some evidence that you're not just another snakeoil salesman, or shut the Fuck up.
Thank you everyone. I'm finally over the most of my nausea and fatigue and am getting into nesting mode.
I have a few names in line, nothing I'm 100% sure on yet. I'm open to suggestion.
I'm so looking forward to being able to get all the girly stuff. A bit of balance of the sexes will be nice too. :p