Israel....explain it to me.


Fuck Your Safe Space
Jun 28, 2012
So many of the right wing tell me we have some mega dog in the hunt, that there is a need for the big gov to spend our money providing them with so gazzillions in welfare.

I want to know why, what exactly is this need to give foreigners so much of our money during our time economic strife, esp after we have already given them so much?

What does america gain from our relationship with them?

Is it just another situation where Fox just says something so many times 1/2 of america believes it? I mean they got the conservative base of america voting for a liberal further left than Obama that way so anything is possible.
Ask the right-wing christian groups. It has more to do with religion than it does with resources or strategic alliances.
Ask the right-wing christian groups. It has more to do with religion than it does with resources or strategic alliances.
I never understood that one. For a long time I thought the American Israel connection was just because of the pretty significant Jewish diaspora in the States. But it seems to be as you say, a key issue for evangelicals. Why are they so hung up on jews?
I never understood that one. For a long time I thought the American Israel connection was just because of the pretty significant Jewish diaspora in the States. But it seems to be as you say, a key issue for evangelicals. Why are they so hung up on jews?

Fool they are the chosen ones, at least the Edomites are. The ones chosen to serve Satan.
I never understood that one. For a long time I thought the American Israel connection was just because of the pretty significant Jewish diaspora in the States. But it seems to be as you say, a key issue for evangelicals. Why are they so hung up on jews?

The evans really believe in the rapture. They believe that Jesus will return and they want to help the process by building the new temple of david.
The evans really believe in the rapture. They believe that Jesus will return and they want to help the process by building the new temple of david.
I thought the rapture was triggered by complete pandemonium in caanan?
Wall Street. New York Times. Hollywood. Network broadcasts. Hedge funds and investment banks. Not exactly Italian or Irish powerhouses.
Could it possible be Nazi government genocide. Not the occasional hate group. Plus they are a major ally in part of the world that hates us. Obscure reference- the spice must flow.
Christ was a Jew and didnt intend to organize a new religion, so Christians are really Jews, too.

Jews piss off Muslims cuz most Muslims are wasted fucks who never amount to much. Jews do pretty good, all things considered.
So many of the right wing tell me we have some mega dog in the hunt, that there is a need for the big gov to spend our money providing them with so gazzillions in welfare.

I want to know why, what exactly is this need to give foreigners so much of our money during our time economic strife, esp after we have already given them so much?

What does america gain from our relationship with them?

For one, three quarters of the money Israel receives from the US is spent in the US (it's the condition on which the aid is provided), so you might as well consider it an indirect subsudy to the US defense industry. There are also loan guarantees, but they are yet to cost the US a single cent in real money, as Israel has never defaulted on a loan.

Here's a partial list of other benefits:

Military Technology: Every piece of American defense hardware sold to Israel ends up growing upgrades and improvements which are then integrated into the US army's own hardware, including the one being sold to America's other customers. From Bradley vehicle armor to airplane avionics, the US military uses lots of Israel-developed stuff- and that stuff comes to the US already battle-tested.

Tactics: Israel tends to find itself on the receiving end of every new military and terrorist tactic that will eventually be used against the US, and they're usually the first to find effective countermeasures. It held true in the 70-s during the ascendancy of precision missile warfare on land and sea; it held true in the 80-s when the "Beqaa turkey shoot" put a definitive end to the Western fear of the Russian Mig 25 Foxbat; it still holds true in the age of IEDs and non-state militias with more missiles in their arsenals than most regular state armies.

Strategic military and political value: Most US allies cannot defend themselves and require US troops to be stationed on their territory. With Israel, the opposite is the case; it requires no US troops committed to its defense AND it protects other US allies such as Jordan. For example, Syria's attempt to invade Jordan in 1971 was foiled by the mere threat of Israeli intervention.

Civilian technology: Israel is one of the few countries in the world whose primary export is technological know-how. The US, being the closest ally, naturally becomes the preferred trade partner, and they're usually the first to acquire Israeli innovations.

Job creation: Israel is one of the few states who outsources jobs TO the US. Israel is too small to maintain an adequate manufacturing base for the sheer amount of technological know-how it produces, and neither Third World states nor China have adequately skilled and educated workforce to take full advantage of it, so the US becomes a natural choice. There's currently some 6000 projects of this nature active in the US. One of them is a network of charging stations that will allow the first economically viable electric car to take to the road.

Et cetera ad infinitum.
For one, three quarters of the money Israel receives from the US is spent in the US (it's the condition on which the aid is provided), so you might as well consider it an indirect subsudy to the US defense industry. There are also loan guarantees, but they are yet to cost the US a single cent in real money, as Israel has never defaulted on a loan.

Here's a partial list of other benefits:

Military Technology: Every piece of American defense hardware sold to Israel ends up growing upgrades and improvements which are then integrated into the US army's own hardware, including the one being sold to America's other customers. From Bradley vehicle armor to airplane avionics, the US military uses lots of Israel-developed stuff- and that stuff comes to the US already battle-tested.

Tactics: Israel tends to find itself on the receiving end of every new military and terrorist tactic that will eventually be used against the US, and they're usually the first to find effective countermeasures. It held true in the 70-s during the ascendancy of precision missile warfare on land and sea; it held true in the 80-s when the "Beqaa turkey shoot" put a definitive end to the Western fear of the Russian Mig 25 Foxbat; it still holds true in the age of IEDs and non-state militias with more missiles in their arsenals than most regular state armies.

Strategic military and political value: Most US allies cannot defend themselves and require US troops to be stationed on their territory. With Israel, the opposite is the case; it requires no US troops committed to its defense AND it protects other US allies such as Jordan. For example, Syria's attempt to invade Jordan in 1971 was foiled by the mere threat of Israeli intervention.

Civilian technology: Israel is one of the few countries in the world whose primary export is technological know-how. The US, being the closest ally, naturally becomes the preferred trade partner, and they're usually the first to acquire Israeli innovations.

Job creation: Israel is one of the few states who outsources jobs TO the US. Israel is too small to maintain an adequate manufacturing base for the sheer amount of technological know-how it produces, and neither Third World states nor China have adequately skilled and educated workforce to take full advantage of it, so the US becomes a natural choice. There's currently some 6000 projects of this nature active in the US. One of them is a network of charging stations that will allow the first economically viable electric car to take to the road.

Et cetera ad infinitum.

I never understood that one. For a long time I thought the American Israel connection was just because of the pretty significant Jewish diaspora in the States. But it seems to be as you say, a key issue for evangelicals. Why are they so hung up on jews?

What is "diaspora"?
The Zionists in America are colonialists in humanitarian clothing. I've said before that if the Jews wanted Palestine, they should have conquered it for themselves like every other nation.
FOX News : Launched October 7, 1996

Israel : launched 11th century BCE

Doesn't mean shit..... Human species 200k + years old so what? wtf does that have to do with sending 1/3 of my paycheck to some foreign fuck nugget and not my own nation that is flailing? hmmm???

Besides we gave them Israel...they are/were a conquered people, tough shit.

Ask the right-wing christian groups. It has more to do with religion than it does with resources or strategic alliances.

^^ this makes sense.....follow the money...

Wall Street. New York Times. Hollywood. Network broadcasts. Hedge funds and investment banks. Not exactly Italian or Irish powerhouses.

Once, not what is best for the nation but who has enough cash to tell DC what they should do with Jon/Suzy Q's cash.

For one, three quarters of the money Israel receives from the US is spent in the US (it's the condition on which the aid is provided), so you might as well consider it an indirect subsudy to the US defense industry.

Right...because that's what is so fucking CRITICAL!!!!! it's CRITICAL!!! MUST HAVE Defense industry contracts.........right, because even though we have enough fire power to sanitize the planet 100 times over...we need more right? Great investment on behalf of the american people :rolleyes:

There are also loan guarantees, but they are yet to cost the US a single cent in real money, as Israel has never defaulted on a loan.

So what you are saying is that the us has actually given Israel nothing b/c they promise to pay it back? LMFAO....I don't buy that for a fucking second. The only reason they have a pot to piss in is because we provided it to them. It's an entire nation living on our welfare system.

Here's a partial list of other benefits:

Military Technology: Every piece of American defense hardware sold to Israel ends up growing upgrades and improvements which are then integrated into the US army's own hardware, including the one being sold to America's other customers. From Bradley vehicle armor to airplane avionics, the US military uses lots of Israel-developed stuff- and that stuff comes to the US already battle-tested.

So we pay to develop technology, we pay them to improve it (instead of americans), give them the materials. then we buy our own shit back from them at an inflated price.....

Question still stands wtf are we getting out of this deal other than a big dick in the ass? That is a HORRIBLE business model....about as slick as Obama care. Jesus christ and they call the right wing business savvy.....LMFAO!

Tactics: Israel tends to find itself on the receiving end of every new military and terrorist tactic that will eventually be used against the US, and they're usually the first to find effective countermeasures. It held true in the 70-s during the ascendancy of precision missile warfare on land and sea; it held true in the 80-s when the "Beqaa turkey shoot" put a definitive end to the Western fear of the Russian Mig 25 Foxbat; it still holds true in the age of IEDs and non-state militias with more missiles in their arsenals than most regular state armies.

Hey it's be 25 years since the Soviet threat...the US need's to get the fuck over it close down the bases and assets being used to protect us from the current USSR threat....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAh

IEDs? We took care of that, Israel didn't do shit in that dept.

Strategic military and political value: Most US allies cannot defend themselves and require US troops to be stationed on their territory. With Israel, the opposite is the case; it requires no US troops committed to its defense

No it doesn't require troops....just billions (that we don't have) in weaponry paid for by US tax payers.

AND it protects other US allies such as Jordan. For example, Syria's attempt to invade Jordan in 1971 was foiled by the mere threat of Israeli intervention.

Jordan? Another monumental asset to american prosperity BAHAHAHAHAA :rolleyes:

Please...I would like to know what Jordan has done for us lately, if ever that is so god damn essential we need to pay Israel billions to protect them for us.

Civilian technology: Israel is one of the few countries in the world whose primary export is technological know-how. The US, being the closest ally, naturally becomes the preferred trade partner, and they're usually the first to acquire Israeli innovations.

THEY ONLY HAVE IT B/C WE PROVIDE IT!! If we were not supporting their entire nation financially they would be another nation of desert goat herders squabbling for religious reasons just like EVERY OTHER MID EAST NATION.

Job creation: Israel is one of the few states who outsources jobs TO the US.

Wow talk about churching up some bullshit....foreign nationals hiring Americans with money the Americans gave them in the first place is not job creation. It's Israel being the middle man skimming US taxpayer cream.

Israel is too small to maintain an adequate manufacturing base for the sheer amount of technological know-how it produces.

TOOO FUCKING BAD....they are costing us money we don't have, we have given them enough, they need to go build their own fucking factories.

Third World states nor China have adequately skilled and educated workforce to take full advantage of it, so the US becomes a natural choice.

LMAO that's just laughable....haven't you herd the latest generation of publicly educated americans are MORONS. 1 step above UGANDA, everyone get's a gold star no matter what in the US public education system. :rolleyes:

There's currently some 6000 projects of this nature active in the US. One of them is a network of charging stations that will allow the first economically viable electric car to take to the road.

How much money do you think we could save if we would just cut the middle state out and did it ourselves? How much would we save if we just educated our kids properly and ran our own technology programs? Why are we paying TWO governments for the results of one?

Is allowing other nations to cream skim through "industry" really what is best for america's economy and people?

So once again .....why is it sooooooo critical to keep sending foreign fuck nuggets our money and goods when we ourselves don't have anything to give?

Rational reasons anyone?
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Doesn't mean shit..... Human species 200k + years old so what? wtf does that have to do with sending 1/3 of my paycheck to some foreign fuck nugget and not my own nation that is flailing? hmmm???

Give me 1 justifacation.

^^ this makes sense.....follow the money...

Once, not what is best for the nation but who has enough cash to tell DC what they should do with Jon/Suzy Q's cash.

Right...because that's what is so fucking CRITICAL!!!!! it's CRITICAL!!! MUST HAVE Defense industry contracts.........right, because even though we have enough fire power to sanitize the planet 100 times over...we need more right? Great investment on behalf of the american people :rolleyes:

So what you are saying is that the us has actually given Israel nothing b/c they promise to pay it back? LMFAO....I don't buy that for a fucking second. The only reason they have a pot to piss in is because we provided it to them. It's an entire nation living on our welfare system.

So we pay to develop technology, we pay them to improve it (instead of americans), give them the materials. then we buy our own shit back from them at an inflated price.....

Question still stands wtf are we getting out of this deal other than a big dick in the ass? That is a HORRIBLE business model....about as slick as Obama care. Jesus christ and they call the right wing business savvy.....LMFAO!

Hey it's be 25 years since the Soviet threat...the US need's to get the fuck over it close down the bases and assets being used to protect us from the current USSR threat....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAh

IEDs? We took care of that, Israel didn't do shit in that dept.

No it doesn't require troops....just billions (that we don't have) in weaponry paid for by US tax payers.

Jordan? Another monumental asset to american prosperity BAHAHAHAHAA :rolleyes:

Please...I would like to know what Jordan has done for us lately, if ever that is so god damn essential we need to pay Israel billions to protect them for us.

THEY ONLY HAVE IT B/C WE PROVIDE IT!! If we were not supporting their entire nation financially they would be another nation of desert goat herders squabbling for religious reasons just like EVERY OTHER MID EAST NATION.

Wow talk about churching up some bullshit....foreign nationals hiring Americans with money the Americans gave them in the first place is not job creation. It's Israel being the middle man skimming US taxpayer cream.

TOOO FUCKING BAD....they are costing us money we don't have, we have given them enough, they need to go build their own fucking factories.

LMAO that's just laughable....haven't you herd the latest generation of publicly educated americans are MORONS. 1 step above UGANDA, everyone get's a gold star no matter what in the US public education system. :rolleyes:

How much money do you think we could save if we would just cut the middle state out and did it ourselves? How much would we save if we just educated our kids properly and ran our own technology programs? Why are we paying TWO governments for the results of one?

Is allowing other nations to cream skim through "industry" really what is best for america's economy and people?

So once again .....why is it sooooooo critical to keep sending foreign fuck nuggets our money and goods when we ourselves don't have anything to give?

Rational reasons anyone?

If we were capable of cutting off all international aid I would agree with you.
I never understood that one. For a long time I thought the American Israel connection was just because of the pretty significant Jewish diaspora in the States. But it seems to be as you say, a key issue for evangelicals. Why are they so hung up on jews?

Its the Christian holy land for Christ sake....
If we were capable of cutting off all international aid I would agree with you.

Why not? if it's not of a tactical/economical benefit to us why do we do it?

We have been carrying planet earths fail since WWII and it's dragging us down.

When was the last time any of our "allies" helped us the fuck out or paid any of our fucking bills?:confused:

70 years of everyone coming to us for hand outs for what?

What is america getting out of the deal? our own money back?

Its the Christian holy land for Christ sake....

This from a recent CNN poll:

While only 36 percent of all Americans believe that the Bible is God’s Word and should be taken literally, 59 percent say they believe that events predicted in the Book of Revelation will come to pass. Almost one out of four Americans believes that 9/11 was predicted in the Bible, and nearly one in five believes that he or she will live long enough to see the end of the world. Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return.
We actually give a comparable amount to Egypt. For the Suez.

I won't even get in to Saudi Arabia or the UAE/Dubai.