Isolated Blurt Thread

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zeb1094 said:
Well, gee, I thought we where friends. I mean we call each other bitch and stuff.

Oh and I found this for you to use as a new AV.

Ooh! I found something for you as well, Abs. I was looking for images for my own tags, and I found this one. It's called "Bitch," by Julie Bell, and it just screams "ABS!" ;)
The_Fool said:
Sarahh made me do it blurt…

Sound sexual
In the middle of the night
Shuddering breath
Breathy moan

What naughtiness are you dreaming?

Skin to the touch
Warm and yielding
Pliant to my fingertips
Compliant to my desires
After a momentary protest

Digresses into sighs
That wander through the octaves
To a low throaty murmur
That purrs in the back of your throat


sophia jane said:
Today is the first morning of Christmas break.

And I'm already ready for it to be over.

I feel your pain - quite literally. (same here)
Aurora Black said:
Ooh! I found something for you as well, Abs. I was looking for images for my own tags, and I found this one. It's called "Bitch," by Julie Bell, and it just screams "ABS!" ;)

That's EXACTLY how I picture her, only with smaller boobs.

and in boots.

and a bigger gun.
sophia jane said:
Today is the first morning of Christmas break.

And I'm already ready for it to be over.

You're lucky, you got two and a half extra days. Christmas break here started last Friday at 11am.
Just for the record.

I really miss the coffee shop I use to frequent.

Some of the most incredible coffee ever brewed (Highlander grog . mmmmmmmm)
Cute barista girls who flirted so very well.
Stroopwaffles to go with the coffee

Damn you jon for selling!
Liar said:
A steamin' mug o' cocoa. With rum.

Not brewski, but just what I needed. It's too frickin' cold here.

Hey, you feeling??
I am so pissed! I ordered something online for my best friend for Christmas, and I was wondering when she might get it. They had not sent an email confirming shipping date, so I went to the website and checked order status. The fucking company cancelled the order 5 days ago!! because they no longer had the item in stock, yet they didn't bother to email me and say so. Now, I don't have time to find her something else in time for Christmas. :(
Sexxy Vixen said:
I am so pissed! I ordered something online for my best friend for Christmas, and I was wondering when she might get it. They had not sent an email confirming shipping date, so I went to the website and checked order status. The fucking company cancelled the order 5 days ago!! because they no longer had the item in stock, yet they didn't bother to email me and say so. Now, I don't have time to find her something else in time for Christmas. :(
Bastards... :mad:
i SO need laid!

The RA just walked down the hall with morning wood (cause the lazy bastard woke me up early and went back to bed - doesn't plan on getting up again today, he says) and i actually had a thought about it. NOT GOOD!!!!
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