Isolated Blurt Thread

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I need to find her number and ring her. She'd know what the fuck was going on with him, surely.
if i get down on my knees and pray really hard to whatever exists that is above us, could i pretty please have a job in programming...
ah hell, ive been doing this for a while. how about a ray of sunshine on my dead career. atleast the rot will speed up and ill be able to find something else to do.
vella_ms said:
if i get down on my knees and pray really hard to whatever exists that is above us, could i pretty please have a job in programming...
ah hell, ive been doing this for a while. how about a ray of sunshine on my dead career. atleast the rot will speed up and ill be able to find something else to do.

Just a stray thought -- but have you approached Lit about the possibilities ???
Today -- for the first time -- I was moved to tears by a poem. Not once, not twice, but THREE times!
*this post has absolutely nothing to do with anyone here on this forum*

Will you PLEASE go the fuck away already? Jesus Christ.

Oh and while you are at it, get a fucking job already. asshole.
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Some one come save me from work?......please? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? Pretty pretty please with chocolate covered lesbians on top?
RebeccaLeah said:
Some one come save me from work?......please? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? Pretty pretty please with chocolate covered lesbians on top?

The magnets affecting your brain? :confused:

*le sigh*

What's the address? I'll be right over.

RebeccaLeah said:
Some one come save me from work?......please? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? Pretty pretty please with chocolate covered lesbians on top?

If I gotta work, you gotta work . . .

Sounds only fair.
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