Isolated Blurt Thread

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RebeccaLeah said:

Thank you....I like the part that I had more than the whole.....but I had to put the red bra in for CD.....then back to the other.

I don't know.....we talking verbal, which my brain could not manage, or physical, in which I would lose but I wouldn't mind getting in a few good hits at the moment.

I like 'em both.

Nah, just a knock-down-drag-out-fuck-fest.
Raging Whoremoans said:
Exactly, but without the kinda. Snarling, scratching, biting, sweating, etc.
The works.

If you add hair pulling you've got a very willing victim here.
RebeccaLeah said:
If you add hair pulling you've got a very willing victim here.

I figured it was a given. Willing is good, so long as it's not the pathetically eager fall at my feet willing. If you catch my drift.

Sorry to bolt, hot stuff, but the morning draws nearer... See you soon, I hope. Be well.
Raging Whoremoans said:
I figured it was a given. Willing is good, so long as it's not the pathetically eager fall at my feet willing. If you catch my drift.

Sorry to bolt, hot stuff, but the morning draws nearer... See you soon, I hope. Be well.

Nah, it's only fun when I'm fighting back. ;)

Do you melt in the sun or something? :p
nn and sleep well. :kiss:
RebeccaLeah said:
Nah, it's only fun when I'm fighting back. ;)

Read it again, panty girl. That's what I was hinting at. ;)

(I don't melt, but the new day never waits for me either, so...)

Raging Whoremoans said:
Read it again, panty girl. That's what I was hinting at. ;)

(I don't melt, but the new day never waits for me either, so...)


Just confirming that I don't go down easy. :cool:

Night babe.
I've been wishing I could sleep for several hours now. Nothing. Then just a minute ago I heard my little girl talking in her sleep. Soft, little airy voice that didn't make one lick of sense, but when I smoothed the hair off her face, she reached up and grabbed my arm. (Never opened her eyes or spoke directly to me.) Guess she knew it was me because she whispered, "Mommy," and rolled over, pulling me with her.

I couldn't resist and carefully pretzeled myself into the toddler bed with her for a few minutes and now I'm sleepy.

~lucky (happy)
lucky-E-leven said:
I've been wishing I could sleep for several hours now. Nothing. Then just a minute ago I heard my little girl talking in her sleep. Soft, little airy voice that didn't make one lick of sense, but when I smoothed the hair off her face, she reached up and grabbed my arm. (Never opened her eyes or spoke directly to me.) Guess she knew it was me because she whispered, "Mommy," and rolled over, pulling me with her.

I couldn't resist and carefully pretzeled myself into the toddler bed with her for a few minutes and now I'm sleepy.

~lucky (happy)


What a beautiful post.

Uh, however, that's not what this post is really about. I'm here to gripe.

Just look at that face on Vella. It's disgustingly happy. There's some that say a just fucked look is the best, but I think not.

That look, as several others have also shown, of "Just loved, and for always and forever." Ugh! Please, Lucky, can't you maybe slap her, or something?

Uh, oh, never mind. Just remembered, she likes that too, huh?

Sheesh! Can't win here. :D

mismused :rose: :rose: :rose:

(One for each of you, and one for your love.)
mismused said:

What a beautiful post.

Uh, however, that's not what this post is really about. I'm here to gripe.

Just look at that face on Vella. It's disgustingly happy. There's some that say a just fucked look is the best, but I think not.

That look, as several others have also shown, of "Just loved, and for always and forever." Ugh! Please, Lucky, can't you maybe slap her, or something?

Uh, oh, never mind. Just remembered, she likes that too, huh?

Sheesh! Can't win here. :D

mismused :rose: :rose: :rose:

(One for each of you, and one for your love.)

dearest woman,
that post made me wake up with yet another smile.
what a beautiful person you are, even if you want to smack me. *grin*
vella_ms said:
dearest woman,
that post made me wake up with yet another smile.
what a beautiful person you are, even if you want to smack me. *grin*


Another smile, eh? Hmm, I could do so many things with that line. Let's see . . .

Okay, how many have you had? Is this just the second one? Uh, in how long?

Enough with the smart-Alec cracks. Let's face it, you two are the billboard for - Ugh! - love. What I'm saying is, watch your mouth, you fibber, that smile hasn't left your lips since the two of you began torturing the rest of us. :eek: :D

Well, come to think of it, your cohort isn't any different than you are. *Sigh!* I guess we'll all have to suffer you two for a few centuries. :mad: :heart:

Okay, your love is grand. Enjoy it. Ooops! Never mind, I think you already are.


:rose: :rose: :rose: (Again, one for each of you, and one for that sweetest of love I've seen plastered on faces in a long, long time.)
Sigh. Just started watching some old episodes of the Muppet Show I got from Netflix. The current one had Mark Hammil, Paul Simon and Raquel Welch. I forgot:
a) How good that show was
b) Just how drop-dead gorgeous Raquel Welch was (and still is)
I'm finding it a hoot that joe's "Conversation-stopper challenge" thread has no replies. :D
impressive said:
I'm finding it a hoot that joe's "Conversation-stopper challenge" thread has no replies. :D

if you hadnt posted this, i may have missed out on the true irony of it all..
now im still laughing.. LOL
thanks gorgeous
<best throaty ET voice> Ooooouuuuch </best throaty ET voice>

<more subtle throaty ET voice> I'll be right here </more subtle throaty ET voice>


Tatelou said:
<best throaty ET voice> Ooooouuuuch </best throaty ET voice>

<more subtle throaty ET voice> I'll be right here </more subtle throaty ET voice>




:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Crazy weather! It rained while the temp was below freezing. Now that the temp is above freezing, it's snowing. :rolleyes:

The flakes (that's SNOWflakes, people) are ENORMOUS, too! Biggest I've ever seen. Pretty!

Estimates of 8-11" have now dropped to 5-7" (Ain't that typical for a male forecaster?), but it'll have a layer of ice underneath.
Does anyone else here have MSN IM and if they do, are they having problems with it right now?
lucky-E-leven said:
Sorry EA. :(


I wonder what rebel & vamp are up to! :devil: :p :devil:

Ideas abound... :D

~lucky :rose:

I'm imagining it right now . . .

My guess is that they're at least up to the knees by now . .

;) :p
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