Isolated Blurt Thread

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Unrelated Blurt:

One of three, and 17 of 50, and a million in between.. goddamn it I need a secretary, and a masseuse.

ETA: And apparently, a new set of fingers that actually work!
My son is annoyed because we are out of cereal, like there isn't 3/4 of a loaf of bread and three kinds of preserve or jelly that he can put on for toast.
My mother in law wants to do WHAT for Mother's Day? Oh, you are so shitting me, right? Tell me it's a joke, right?

You aren't laughing. :mad:
So once again, you're letting me know through your actions that I'm lazy, ugly, irresponsible, and no good for your son. You've made your point a million times since I first stepped off the plane. If you have nothing new to say, do me a favor and shut the fuck up before getting the hell out of my apartment. I have work to do.
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi
in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σιβυλλα
τι θελεις; respondebat illa: αποθαυειυ θελω."
Nirvanadragones said:
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi
in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σιβυλλα
τι θελεις; respondebat illa: αποθαυειυ θελω."

*screams, jumps up and down in excitement* :rose:
Why the hell do I keep losing views on my stories? WTF!!!

Okay, so I'm not expecting votes or comments, but come on!! Why do you have to take away my views????

Fecking hell.
Welding is giving me a headache.

I had a blurt poem written last night and then I fell asleep...
FallingToFly said:
Why the hell do I keep losing views on my stories? WTF!!!

Okay, so I'm not expecting votes or comments, but come on!! Why do you have to take away my views????

Fecking hell.
You keep track of views??! I can't even seem to remember my score on stories. I just check the PCs.
damppanties said:
You keep track of views??! I can't even seem to remember my score on stories. I just check the PCs.

Since I don't get PCs, and my ratings change slowly, if at all, I do keep track of views. helps to have an eidetic memory at times... Last night AFCFH had 1649, just now it had 1543. Very weird.
I know how to hurt
I know how to heal
I know what to show
And what to conceal

I know when to talk
And I know when to touch
No one ever died from wanting to much

The world is not enough...
This forum looks really big and intimidating an a 3 inch screen.
Lying here listening to your music...

Check email. Nothing. Refresh page. Nothing
Check PM's. No. Refresh page. Still nothing.
No posts.
Check mobile phone. Nothing,
Check business mobile. Nothing.

I think I am going insane with longing for you
Nirvanadragones said:
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi
in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σιβυλλα
τι θελεις; respondebat illa: αποθαυειυ θελω."

And yet she couldn't.

But April, at least, is past us.
Why am I blessed with the most succulent and desirable flesh in the world - from a mosquito's point of view? That's one form of admiration I could live without.
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