Is today cyber sex day?


Penisaurus Dix
Sep 9, 2000
I mean, Emerald Eyes this morning, and those guys over there tonight....I'm feeling all left out. :(
Spaceboy said:
I mean, Emerald Eyes this morning, and those guys over there tonight....I'm feeling all left out. :(

ooh yeah.... oh god yes.... oh more, more!! oh my GOD... oh baby, baby ............ oh FUCK..............


Thanks, I feel much better now.:D
By the way, nice to meet you.:)

I think this is the part where I'm supposed to sweep you off your feet.

Harder.. harder damn it! Ram me with that monster between your manly thighs.

Oh yes baby just like that!



Oh please give me more.. I need it!

Ahh uhhh oooo omg


Was it good for you? ;-)
Crud! that's what I get for being in chat and taking too long to finish my post.

kjtatts had the same idea, but was faster about it. lol

Hey you! Haven't seen you around lately...I've been studying my lessons.:D Thank you so much for that brief interlude.:rose:
Re: kitty!

Spaceboy said:
Hey you! Haven't seen you around lately...I've been studying my lessons.:D Thank you so much for that brief interlude.:rose:


I've noticed you've become quite the fluffer mah lil grasshopper. :kiss:
Why yes sugah, I have. :D I guess I'm just trying to justify my being here by making as many friends as possible.
Spaceboy said:
Why yes sugah, I have. :D I guess I'm just trying to justify my being here by making as many friends as possible.

That's how it should be. Making friends and having a great time. :)
And now I'm going to have a good time as I put myself to bed. Have fun out there babe, and I'll talk to you later.:kiss: :rose: