Is this admitted fat lady singing or whining?

His take-You are fat. Is that a good role model for the kids?

Her take-You are a bully. Is that a good role model for the kids?

My take-Pot meet kettle.
I don't get why stating the truth is bullying.

"You're a fat-ass," does not equal something you should give a shit about.

"You're a fat-ass and I am going to harass you over it, punch you in your fat rolls, etc. etc." is a problem.

There's a big difference between, "Damn, that guy Once is a fag,"


"Let's lynch him!"

I think people are to fucking sensitive. If you're overweight, and people calling attention to it bothers you, lose some fucking weight. I did.

Having said that, it does make you a dick to state the obvious. I hate people that do that. Like you don't fucking know that you're fat. Or that cigarettes are poisonous. Nothing's more annoying then some motherfucker stating the obvious for attention. That attention is mine, jackass. You want to see a SCENE!? CALL ME FAT AGAIN, MOTHERFUCKER, DO IT! CALL ME FAT AND WATCH ME CAUSE A SCENE THE LIKES OF WHICH YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN!