Why it is important to doubt the gatekeepers....


Poet Rockstar
Feb 25, 2024
In a very contentious and tense political climate, where access to trustworthy information is important, I find it odd that culturally we have accepted the idea that the search engines we use, search engines produced by a segment of society that is inarguably biased towards one side, and that intentionally use their own decisions as to what is "authoritative" and keep the nature of their algorithms as a "black box" (their words, not mine), are somehow unbiased and trustworthy sources. We have literally turned our informational education over to biased gatekeepers like Google, YouTube, and other content providers who borrow heavily from their content. Instead of going out and doing our own research, dare I say it, with tools NOT controlled by Big Tech and Big Media, we act as though if it can't be found on the internet, or at least easily found, it is inaccurate and doesn't exist.

This premise, of course, is challenged by the mainstream, or so-called "legacy" media sources. I would propose that the challenge comes from two lines of objection. First, much of the "reporting" that happens today is not actual reporting. It is using search engines to find the results they want, based on their bias, in order to function as activists, not reporters in any traditional sense. This goal was admitted to in internal meetings for a few major media sources, and caught on tape during the last couple election cycles. And I am not saying only the left does this. NewsMax is as guilty as CNN at times. The difference, in my view, is that NewsMax is rather up front with their conservative bias, where CNN, MSNBC, PBS, BBC, NPR, and others still pretend to be neutral and unbiased, when any viewer can easily recognize that the facts are to the contrary. Second, Those same articles and reports being produced by "legacy" media are then the articles that Google and other search engines cite, place as dominant in their search engines, and put on their home pages. You got that, right? The media cites the search engine, that then cites the media that cites them, that then cites the search engines... To put it bluntly, and a bit crassly, it's kind of a giant circle-jerk.

I am aware that there will be great objection to what I am saying, but I think it is important at this juncture to challenge the prevailing narratives. There really is a truth war going on in our society, and if facts keep getting scrubbed and buried, we erase history to our own detriment. This is not about left or right. It is about truth.

Ask any conservative who has done Google searches to be able to cite sources for information straight from the source they have seen with their own eyes days or weeks prior to their sharing it. Suddenly the search results turn up nothing of what was there before, and are replaced with leftist's articles saying the exact opposite. When BLM got caught stating on their own web page that one og their primary goals was to destroy the nuclear family, it was quickly scrubbed, and it became almost impossible to find the screen shots via search engines. You had to know exactly what web sites to go to to even see what had been there. When the UN got caught putting out, in black and white, what THEY called Agenda 21, an internal goals report that should terrify everyone with any love for individual liberty and life, they scrubbed it from the internet. There were plenty of sources that had screenshots and digital copies the UN had no access to, but almost immediately after the conservative and anti-globalist outcry, it was almost impossible to find a document that was published BY the UN anywhere in search engines, and again, unless you knew what sites to go to, you would think it never happened. What replaced that information? Accusations of conspiracy theory. I could go on. Tara Reid's very verifiable accusations against Joe Biden. Several women's accusations against Clinton. The Hunter Biden laptop story. Every bit of exonerating evidence for Trump. The liberal disclaimers pasted on almost any conservative content on YouTube, if that content makes it up at all. It goes on and on.

If you are a liberal reading this, I challenge you. Don't just dismiss my claims here. Test them for yourself. Do search on any Conservative topic, making it clear from your inquiry that you are looking for conservative sources. I don't care what the topic is: abortion, Trump, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, taxes, January 6, the last election... Hell, type in the word "idiot" and see what you find. These results are not by accedent. if they were they would not be so consistently one-sided. By the very nature of random odds and statistics, SOME of the searches would default the other way. ANd do the reverse. Type in liberal-based questions and quiries. See if you get the opposite results. The gatekeepers are keeping vital information from the public.

So before you act as though your search results and mainstream media and government sources are worthy of trust, I encourage you to challenge and question them. Doubt them. Call them liars to their face and see what comes to the surface. Without real access to ALL the information, there is no free press, no real reporting of facts, and the public gets led down paths to dangerous agendas like sheep to the slaughter. Once upon a time, free thinking liberals questioned everything, did not trust those in power, called everyone from the UN to the White House to the State House to the media liars until they could prove otherwise. I suspect we could use a good dose of that kind of cynicism once again.

Nice if somewhat wordy defense of "Mom! The other side does it tooooooo!" :rolleyes:

It's 104 days from the election of our lifetime. We get a clear choice in 2024: Fascism vs Democracy is on the ballot.

I'm not going to expend energy navel-gazing and/or second guessing my beliefs this late in the election cycle.

I know what I stand for.

I know that Fascism, particularly the Authoritarian Fascism promoted by the Republican candidate, is fundamentally at odds with the bedrock of American policy, the United States Constitution.

I know that the United States Supreme Court has taken the first steps towards recasting the office of the President as some oddball sort of Constitutional Monarch, and I believe that is wrong.

I'm voting for Democracy.

I'm voting for her.
In a very contentious and tense political climate, where access to trustworthy information is important, I find it odd that culturally we have accepted the idea that the search engines we use, search engines produced by a segment of society that is inarguably biased towards one side, and that intentionally use their own decisions as to what is "authoritative" and keep the nature of their algorithms as a "black box" (their words, not mine), are somehow unbiased and trustworthy sources. We have literally turned our informational education over to biased gatekeepers like Google, YouTube, and other content providers who borrow heavily from their content. Instead of going out and doing our own research, dare I say it, with tools NOT controlled by Big Tech and Big Media, we act as though if it can't be found on the internet, or at least easily found, it is inaccurate and doesn't exist.

This premise, of course, is challenged by the mainstream, or so-called "legacy" media sources. I would propose that the challenge comes from two lines of objection. First, much of the "reporting" that happens today is not actual reporting. It is using search engines to find the results they want, based on their bias, in order to function as activists, not reporters in any traditional sense. This goal was admitted to in internal meetings for a few major media sources, and caught on tape during the last couple election cycles. And I am not saying only the left does this. NewsMax is as guilty as CNN at times. The difference, in my view, is that NewsMax is rather up front with their conservative bias, where CNN, MSNBC, PBS, BBC, NPR, and others still pretend to be neutral and unbiased, when any viewer can easily recognize that the facts are to the contrary. Second, Those same articles and reports being produced by "legacy" media are then the articles that Google and other search engines cite, place as dominant in their search engines, and put on their home pages. You got that, right? The media cites the search engine, that then cites the media that cites them, that then cites the search engines... To put it bluntly, and a bit crassly, it's kind of a giant circle-jerk.

I am aware that there will be great objection to what I am saying, but I think it is important at this juncture to challenge the prevailing narratives. There really is a truth war going on in our society, and if facts keep getting scrubbed and buried, we erase history to our own detriment. This is not about left or right. It is about truth.

Ask any conservative who has done Google searches to be able to cite sources for information straight from the source they have seen with their own eyes days or weeks prior to their sharing it. Suddenly the search results turn up nothing of what was there before, and are replaced with leftist's articles saying the exact opposite. When BLM got caught stating on their own web page that one og their primary goals was to destroy the nuclear family, it was quickly scrubbed, and it became almost impossible to find the screen shots via search engines. You had to know exactly what web sites to go to to even see what had been there. When the UN got caught putting out, in black and white, what THEY called Agenda 21, an internal goals report that should terrify everyone with any love for individual liberty and life, they scrubbed it from the internet. There were plenty of sources that had screenshots and digital copies the UN had no access to, but almost immediately after the conservative and anti-globalist outcry, it was almost impossible to find a document that was published BY the UN anywhere in search engines, and again, unless you knew what sites to go to, you would think it never happened. What replaced that information? Accusations of conspiracy theory. I could go on. Tara Reid's very verifiable accusations against Joe Biden. Several women's accusations against Clinton. The Hunter Biden laptop story. Every bit of exonerating evidence for Trump. The liberal disclaimers pasted on almost any conservative content on YouTube, if that content makes it up at all. It goes on and on.

If you are a liberal reading this, I challenge you. Don't just dismiss my claims here. Test them for yourself. Do search on any Conservative topic, making it clear from your inquiry that you are looking for conservative sources. I don't care what the topic is: abortion, Trump, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, taxes, January 6, the last election... Hell, type in the word "idiot" and see what you find. These results are not by accedent. if they were they would not be so consistently one-sided. By the very nature of random odds and statistics, SOME of the searches would default the other way. ANd do the reverse. Type in liberal-based questions and quiries. See if you get the opposite results. The gatekeepers are keeping vital information from the public.

So before you act as though your search results and mainstream media and government sources are worthy of trust, I encourage you to challenge and question them. Doubt them. Call them liars to their face and see what comes to the surface. Without real access to ALL the information, there is no free press, no real reporting of facts, and the public gets led down paths to dangerous agendas like sheep to the slaughter. Once upon a time, free thinking liberals questioned everything, did not trust those in power, called everyone from the UN to the White House to the State House to the media liars until they could prove otherwise. I suspect we could use a good dose of that kind of cynicism once again.

All Sides has a right-wing bias.

They do report left-center-right versions of stories, but the stories they choose to cover are stories that the right wants in the conversation.

They also claim that sources like the New York Time that lean right, lean left.
All Sides has a right-wing bias.
Okay... So run the tests yourself. They are easy enough to verify or disprove. It's Google, for goodness sake! So run the same tests they did, and others. Prove them wrong. Post your results and the proof. Glad to have you prove your side right with actual evidence for once. So go for it.
Okay... So run the tests yourself. They are easy enough to verify or disprove. It's Google, for goodness sake! So run the same tests they did, and others. Prove them wrong. Post your results and the proof. Glad to have you prove your side right with actual evidence for once. So go for it.
Because Google tracks search history, different users get different results on the same search. All Sides has an agenda to push.
Because Google tracks search history, different users get different results on the same search. All Sides has an agenda to push.
That is probably false. I have extensive personal experience with this. I have no history of seeking out liberal sources on Google. I consider them dishonest in their face. My queries have been clearly seeking conservative sources or very specific documents. The algorithm has routed my searches to liberal biased information and had the suggested questions all come from a liberal standpoint. There is no search history this is based on. Furthermore, search history does not explain the information scrubs and blackouts perfectly timed to leftist agendas. All of this has been proven ad-nausium.

So again I challenge, prove me wrong. Use one of your conservative friends' (I hopeou you have some of those) accounts. Run the test. It's easy to disprove it the claim is false. As easy as "Hey, Google!" Are you that afraid you will be proven wrong? I've done the hands on tests. Do you have the gumption to do the same?
If you can't figure out how to use search engines, then simply don't use them.
So 1174 knows, I have no idea what he and his anti-truth mafia are posting. You are those on mute because of your inability to have an honest debate and insistence on crass behavior and personal attacks having nothing to do with the debate, designed only to try and silence your opposition by unprovable claims created to vilify them simply for disagreeing with you. But I do challenge you to do the same. Actually run the test.
So 1174 knows, I have no idea what he and his anti-truth mafia are posting. You are those on mute because of your inability to have an honest debate and insistence on crass behavior and personal attacks having nothing to do with the debate, designed only to try and silence your opposition by unprovable claims created to vilify them simply for disagreeing with you. But I do challenge you to do the same. Actually run the test.
If you don't tell people that you're ignoring someone, it doesn't work.

I’m convinced that you live in a cave.

A subject matter catches your attention ie. abortion, search engines, macrame - and you then take a few weeks off reading up all you can on the topic to then make a gleeful return to inform us all on what you learned.
I’m convinced that you live in a cave.

A subject matter catches your attention ie. abortion, search engines, macrame - and you then take a few weeks off reading up all you can on the topic to then make a gleeful return to inform us all on what you learned.
I am talking about what I have observed to be true for some time. It's just pertinent in a world where, especially with an election so close, issues of who is controlling the information flow and how much we can trust them (almost not at all) become of central importance. And if there are studies published that make the point, they should be seen.

And notice the response here. No, "This isn't true. I did the tests myself and here are my results." No intelligent response to evidence presented of a huge problem that needs addressed and talked about on the merits of the claims. Nope. Just a personal attack on me and an attempt to cast doubt on motive. I don't engage on such meaningless levels.

So I go back to the easy challenge. Prove me and the claim wrong. And show your work.
All Sides has a right-wing bias.

They do report left-center-right versions of stories, but the stories they choose to cover are stories that the right wants in the conversation.

They also claim that sources like the New York Time that lean right, lean left.

In these difficult economic times for journalist, pollsters, fact-checkers, etc, - like "All Sides" - right wing corporate influence is skewing their reporting to benefit the right wing corporate interests even more than usual.

Shill’s got to do what Shill’s got to do.

I am talking about what I have observed to be true for some time. It's just pertinent in a world where, especially with an election so close, issues of who is controlling the information flow and how much we can trust them (almost not at all) become of central importance. And if there are studies published that make the point, they should be seen.

And notice the response here. No, "This isn't true. I did the tests myself and here are my results." No intelligent response to evidence presented of a huge problem that needs addressed and talked about on the merits of the claims. Nope. Just a personal attack on me and an attempt to cast doubt on motive. I don't engage on such meaningless levels.

So I go back to the easy challenge. Prove me and the claim wrong. And show your work.

Okay. Ok. You’re right. I’m a bad person for not responding in a more serious manner.

Lemme put on my serious face for a moment: Thanks. You are right. There’s a bias. I look forward to you entertaining members on this discussion over the next few weeks.

Happy? Lol. I could say more but I’m feeling pretty good as of late and I want you to feel like 126 million bucks as well.

Google it.
In these difficult economic times for journalist, pollsters, fact-checkers, etc, - like "All Sides" - right wing corporate influence is skewing their reporting to benefit the right wing corporate interests even more than usual.

Shill’s got to do what Shill’s got to do.

If the information is based on right wing corporate interests and totally wrong, it's easy enough to prove. Why will none of you actually try to do the searches on Google and YouTube, ect, and prove me and them wrong? Run the experiment. Show your work.

Let me help you. Start by saying "Hey Google" or open your Google search engines and go from there. It's amusing how much time you spend arguing instead of proving. It's like the couple arguing whether the lights in the room were working. The argument was solved immediately when someone flipped the light switch.
Okay. Ok. You’re right. I’m a bad person for not responding in a more serious manner.

Lemme put on my serious face for a moment: Thanks. You are right. There’s a bias. I look forward to you entertaining members on this discussion over the next few weeks.

Happy? Lol. I could say more but I’m feeling pretty good as of late and I want you to feel like 126 million bucks as well.

Google it.
Still not simply doing the research for yourself. It's easy to do. Guess you just rely on what CNN and PBS tell you to believe instead of checking for yourself.
Still not simply doing the research for yourself. It's easy to do. Guess you just rely on what CNN and PBS tell you to believe instead of checking for yourself.

Objectively being able to understand the news is hard. We’re all bound to make mistakes or worse be misled. Approaching ALL news with skepticism takes practice. For me, and I would highly recommend this to others as well, I try not to believe habitual liars or news sources that are/been sued for 786m.

Ok. Now that you’ve heard what I just said about excessive lies, humor me and tell me what candidate for the presidency you support???
Objectively being able to understand the news is hard. We’re all bound to make mistakes or worse be misled. Approaching ALL news with skepticism takes practice. For me, and I would highly recommend this to others as well, I try not to believe habitual liars or news sources that are/been sued for 786m.

Ok. Now that you’ve heard what I just said about excessive lies, humor me and tell me what candidate for the presidency you support???
I preferred a Tim Scott ticket. I didn't get it. So now I have to choose between the lesser of two evils. On one hand you have an objectively evil woman who has used her platforms on a state and federal level to promote government tyranny, persecute Christians, lie about her role in all of it, push for the most extreme positions in the murder of innocent life in the womb, and holds some of the most extreme anti-America and socialist views in her party. And she was never chosen by the people; she was appointed, crowned by the party elite.

On the other hand there's a guy I don't like as a person but who has a generally solid policy record. He has been persecuted by his political enemies to the point of their inventing charges no one else has been brought up on, making them felonies, then putting him in front of a judges who literally ran for office on the basis that they would find any and every way to prosecute him. (And don't think that much of the public in middle America is missing how dangerously bs all of it is.)

So who do I support? Easy choice. A man who loves America, not a woman who hates it.
I preferred a Tim Scott ticket. I didn't get it. So now I have to choose between the lesser of two evils. On one hand you have an objectively evil woman who has used her platforms on a state and federal level to promote government tyranny, persecute Christians, lie about her role in all of it, push for the most extreme positions in the murder of innocent life in the womb, and holds some of the most extreme anti-America and socialist views in her party. And she was never chosen by the people; she was appointed, crowned by the party elite.

On the other hand there's a guy I don't like as a person but who has a generally solid policy record. He has been persecuted by his political enemies to the point of their inventing charges no one else has been brought up on, making them felonies, then putting him in front of a judges who literally ran for office on the basis that they would find any and every way to prosecute him. (And don't think that much of the public in middle America is missing how dangerously bs all of it is.)

So who do I support? Easy choice. A man who loves America, not a woman who hates it.

Yeah. Thought so.
This weak sauce answer in addition to ‘liking’ a meme from a member who is a known misinformation artist if not a liar has spoiled the Kumbaya you and I were having.

As with all subjects that you come here to talk on, you again show that you have no leg to stand on to be considered credible.
If the information is based on right wing corporate interests and totally wrong, it's easy enough to prove




Explain your "EASY" process for proving things that are clandestine in nature. (Corporate monetary influence on outlets like “All Sides”.

I’ll wait.


👉 JaySecretions 🤣

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Okay... So run the tests yourself. They are easy enough to verify or disprove. It's Google, for goodness sake! So run the same tests they did, and others. Prove them wrong. Post your results and the proof. Glad to have you prove your side right with actual evidence for once. So go for it.

i don't have to run any tests because i agree with you. said it better than i could have.

i'm sure most of us are smart to know not everything you see online is real but the hard part is being able to recognize it. Especially when you know a very good portion of it is all made up and designed to illicit a particular response. it may not be with political stuff but i've seen it first hand and that's the problem. The hollywood stuff~the faking of everything~has completely taken over everything the left has touched. It does occur on "their side too" and it's always been present in politics but the left has been creating fiction and little else for about 20 years now. it began to shift in a negative direction while accelerating with the clintons.



Explain your "EASY" process for proving things that are clandestine in nature. (Corporate monetary influence on outlets like “All Sides”.

I’ll wait.


👉 JaySecretions 🤣


I’m out.

Usually it takes him at least 8 pages of circular and useless droning on and on before he shows himself to be a fraud.

So mad and disappointed in JS’s attempt here today.
i don't have to run any tests because i agree with you. said it better than i could have.

i'm sure most of us are smart to know not everything you see online is real but the hard part is being able to recognize it. Especially when you know a very good portion of it is all made up and designed to illicit a particular response. it may not be with political stuff but i've seen it first hand and that's the problem. The hollywood stuff~the faking of everything~has completely taken over everything the left has touched. It does occur on "their side too" and it's always been present in politics but the left has been creating fiction and little else for about 20 years now. it began to shift in a negative direction while accelerating with the clintons.


Apparently "some people" aren’t “smart to know” that right wing / corporate media, Trump, and the MAGAts are the most dishonest gaslighters since Hitler’s Germany.

I preferred a Tim Scott ticket. I didn't get it. So now I have to choose between the lesser of two evils. On one hand you have an objectively evil woman who has used her platforms on a state and federal level to promote government tyranny, persecute Christians, lie about her role in all of it, push for the most extreme positions in the murder of innocent life in the womb, and holds some of the most extreme anti-America and socialist views in her party. And she was never chosen by the people; she was appointed, crowned by the party elite.

On the other hand there's a guy I don't like as a person but who has a generally solid policy record. He has been persecuted by his political enemies to the point of their inventing charges no one else has been brought up on, making them felonies, then putting him in front of a judges who literally ran for office on the basis that they would find any and every way to prosecute him. (And don't think that much of the public in middle America is missing how dangerously bs all of it is.)

So who do I support? Easy choice. A man who loves America, not a woman who hates it.
Google influenced elections. Read up on PHD Robert Epstein's research on the Google phenomenon.


https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Epstein Testimony.pdf
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