Is there a way to format my forum posts?


Fun Loving
Aug 23, 2024
I would like to see if there is a way to format my forum posts so that a footer is automatically inserted everytime I post something.

I have seen several posts, for instance, where and poster has created an entry that contained a footer; in his case, it was a popular quote. I looked at several of his entries and I saw this same footer everytime. Is this is something he is doing manually with each post, or is there somewhere one could go to to set up this kind of this to happen automatically?
You can set up a signature block. I think that’s what you’re referencing.
I just tapped on the little circle with my avatar on the toolbar at the top of the page and those are the options. This said, I am looking at Lit with “classic view.” I’m an old timer here who cannot embrace the modern look. Yours might look much different.
I FOUND IT!!!!!!!

I didn't understand that you were saying to click on the circular avatar on the Forum page, and I was looking at my profile. Still, I would not have found it without your help. Thank you.
Signatures are invisible to some people (some people elect to not see them).