Is there a story of yours close to an H that doesn’t have one?


Lech Master
May 19, 2006
For me, the pick would be Beijing Streakers. Great title, very inclusive themes, and I put a lot of work into it. With the vote levels, I think it’s close to an H but not quite there. If any readers are interested, please check the story out.

Brief summary- It’s the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A conspiracy of athletes streaks through Beijing in a human rights publicity stunt. There are predictable results. Fortunately some legendary Chinese heroes step in to save the day and indulge in a massive orgy with the athletes after various obstacles are overcome. Hope readers enjoy!
I did a Halloween story that's not far off an 'H'. It's the only one of my 'proper' stories that doesn't have that accolade. I did a few short stories for the '750 Word Project' and they're all well below 4.5 - but the Halloween is the other one that isn't quite there.
Thx. Hard to post links on your phone. :(

I have a good Halloween story too called Rekindled. Sadly it’s many votes shy of an H. But if you’re interested, an Alist actress is femslash stalked by a welcome guest from her past. Hopefully the antagonist’s Swimfanning won’t end up Lost in Translation on the protagonist. And what happens when her husband finds out?
I did a Halloween story that's not far off an 'H'. It's the only one of my 'proper' stories that doesn't have that accolade. I did a few short stories for the '750 Word Project' and they're all well below 4.5 - but the Halloween is the other one that isn't quite there.
Although I have another one that's perilously close to losing the fabled 'H'. It's always got me checking back again and again.
My last story To Overcome His Shyness initially got a H, dropped substantially after a couple of 1-votes, then climbed back up to remain between 4.43 and 4.47 for weeks now. Any votes would be greatly appreciated. I realize this could backfire, as the audience here might be more critical and give it a 4 rather than a 5. But I prefer to see the rating drop than to see it stay just below 4.5 with hardly any new votes coming in.
Chapter 3 of Lisa and Polly isn't an H, but it is a 4.8... With just five scores.

I guess that's what happens if you start it with a caveat that its mostly a tease that you might want to skip if you aren't in to being teased*... No one reads on!

* Personally I thought the point of erotica was in part the tease, but I get why anyone reading for a quick fix might skip it.
I have a few that are very close to that H but never got there. One of my earlier stories 'Prom Night Savior' which was one of my favorites, I always felt should've gotten that H. Another story 'Eight Ball, Corner Pocket' that I had a lot of fun writing, had an H at one point but dipped down a little over time.

Why is it important to have the H? I have two stories with the H and ten close to that but as far as I can tell it makes no difference.
"No difference" how exactly? What do you mean when you say something's not different?

The H attracts readers. Are you saying you don't notice a difference in "views" between your marked stories and your almost-there ones?

I have a feeling that this is related to readers going ahead and reading all your stories once they discover you as an author. So you're comparing your own readers of your H stories to your own readers of your non-H stories, and they're probably the same people.

H's attract readers to new-to-them authors, so, the more H's someone has, the more likely it is that readers will read any of their stuff at all, and read all of it.
Here's mine for this 'contest.' Rise of the Phoenix, which has had 6.4K views, 303 readers gave a rating that now stands at 4.46 stars, always a bride's maid but never a bride. Regardless I had a blast writing it. Here's the link to the story.
I've had some hot stuff upon initial release before, but most of my stuff settles at around 4.2.

x10 and I'd have the answer... to life... the universe... and hotness?
I’ve got two at 4.48, and also two at 4.51. These four keep kind of bubbling over and under the hot line.
Warning - it's a Gay Male story so not everyone's 'cup of tea'. But this one story has Driven me mad for 3 1/2 years now.
With Steve Chapter 2 - was part of my first series when I first started writing here (trust me I cringe at my early writing attempts) but this one in particular has bugged me as it has hovered at/on or around 4.49 the entire time - the other parts of the story are higher than the 4.5 and rated as HOT so having this 'middle part' not quite hitting the mark is one I check often just to see if it's broken the 4.5.
My languishing story is Four Bi Swingers stuck at a 4.4 rating. The reason is all on me as I did the final proof read and totally overlooked the fact that I changed one of the male names mid-story. That was a DUH I've never done. It's also the last story I've put up. I feel I've perhaps told all the tails my imagination can conjure? But, that said, I do find myself trying to come up with something unique that I've not already done. Only time will tell, I suppose.
Forever Bound is perpetually at 4.49. It’s slowly driving me insane.

I think I helped push it over the edge! It's at 4.52 now. I liked that one.

I published an exhibitionist story, A Bikini With A Mind Of Its Own, over six years ago, and it's held steady in the mid 4.4s for years. It's at 4.44 now. Despite the blah score it's been very successful, with over 333,000 views as of today. So I don't fret the score too much.
I Want to Get Raped Ch. 02 is the closest one to an H I have without being one. I am honestly surprised by how many people liked this one so I never even expected it to get the 4.46 that it has now. I've received a lot of positive feedback on this series though, so that makes me happier than any rating.

I'll leave Chapter 1 here as well for anyone curious.
I published A Bikini With A Mind of Its Own six and a half years ago, in March 2017. It briefly reached 4.5 in 2021, before dropping below that and staying below that. It's at 4.44 now and I doubt it will ever get close to 4.5 again.

Despite its inability to garner the coveted red H for any sustained time, it's done very well in every other respect. It has over 330,000 views, which is good for an Exhibitionist & Voyeur story, and it has 408 favorites. I think readers are titillated by the title, because it still gets over 100 views every single day.

This story is a good example of why I don't fret over scores too much. It was one of my favorites to write. It has a whimsical quality with elements of magic, and I think those elements are part of what turned off some readers to it, causing the score to drop. But I had fun and plenty of other readers seemed to have fun, so that's what matters.