Is Saddam's bio weapons program your (americans) fault?

The US government says that Saddam Hussein is a war criminal, a cruel military despot who has committed genocide against his own people. That's a fairly accurate description of the man. In 1988, he razed hundreds of villages in northern Iraq and killed thousands of Kurds.

Today, we know that that same year the US government provided him with $500m in subsidies to buy American farm products. The next year, after he had successfully completed his genocidal campaign, the US government doubled its subsidy to $1bn. It also provided him with high-quality germ seed for anthrax, as well as helicopters and dual-use material that could be used to manufacture chemical and biological weapons.

It turns out that while Saddam was carrying out his worst atrocities, the US and UK governments were his close allies.
It doesn't matter if it was "our" fault or not. Sadamn needs to die. If sadamn plans on using anymore WMD he and his toys have to go.

It is a new era. Sadamn has taken on the foe mantle piece.
clit_licker30 said:
It doesn't matter if it was "our" fault or not. Sadamn needs to die. If sadamn plans on using anymore WMD he and his toys have to go.

It is a new era. Sadamn has taken on the foe mantle piece.
so that whole taking responsibilty thing is lost on you, eh?

oh btw, using your rationale, should not Truman been killed?
When did he last use these weapons?

We all know about the Kurds but as Yayati said the US was turning a blind eye to it in its own interest. Since then I can't recall a reference to their use.

Even during Desert Storm he didn't use them (although the effects of the anti-bacteria cocktail of drugs given to the troops by the US and UK Governments went a long way to causing long term illness).

So what's with the panic now?

Did George once he got bored with al Qaida and Afghanistan looked around the atlas and decided Iraq was an easy enough target to smash into oblivion. And it would look good in the headlines...

Pity the bozo misjudged yet again...

Poor George...

Re: When did he last use these weapons?

p_p_man said:
Did George once he got bored with al Qaida and Afghanistan looked around the atlas and decided Iraq was an easy enough target to smash into oblivion. And it would look good in the headlines...

No, he wants to kill millions of innocent people in order to get more oil.
