is cuckholding still love?


Really Really Experienced
Nov 23, 2001
I have read many stories in the "Loving Wives" category. I've even written one (shameless plug). I find the category quite stimulating and enjoy reading most of the stories I've read here on Lit. My questions, while not earth shattering have to do with cuckholding.; a word I never knew existed before I began reading erotic Literature. Many of those stories go to great measures to emphasis that the couples still love each other very much although they engage in acts and deeds that humiliate and demean the other partner. While most times ther "other partner" is a man, some may feel that it is only right that men be humiliated since men have had extra marital affairs since forever without real consequences. So my questions are twofold: is it still love when you take pleasure in being humiliated by your partner; and is it love when you get pleasure and enjoyment in humiliating, and debasing someone you supposedly love?
I hope this generates some debate.

BTW: Do women like these stories?
I'd imagine that since these arrangements are mutual agreements that love can still be had. Why not? I mean, this is what trips 'his' trigger, or 'he'd' not go for it. Plain as that.

This is not my thing. I don't like humiliating anyone, and I hate being humiliated. It is a horrid feeling to me. I don't see how someone can get into this, but I also don't understand how people can find many other things sexual. Like shit, for example. That is just goes beyond raunchy to plain sick in my eyes. Gives "Fuck that shit!" meaning I don't like.

I love that phrase too. :(
Gil_Favor said:
You may want to ask the dude who calls himself Cuckholed_Blk_Male.........

How in the hell would I know? I'm not even married. I chose this member name based on the first story that I wrote. And now, some 1400 odd post in, I'm not about to change it. If you'll notice, none of my post are about cuckolds ... unless I'm correcting someone's misspelling of the word.

By the by, that's correctly spelled cuckolded, and not cuckholed.
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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
How in the hell would I know? I'm not even married. I chose this member name based on the first story that I wrote. And now, some 1400 odd post in, I'm not about to change it. If you'll notice, none of my post are about cuckolds ... unless I'm correcting someone's misspelling of the word.

By the by, that's correctly spelled cuckolded, and not cuckholed.

So you plainly admit you come under false pretense.


Hanns_Schmidt said:
Why don't you change it to "cotton picker"

Whatever happened to you hunting me down for "crimes against racist Israel." I was so looking forward to sticking a mossberg 500 up your narrow foreign ass and pulling the trigger.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
You did as you were told.

Just like a good little negro

So, in other words, you're completely full of shit. What a joke. You claimed to be some sort of mercenary ... ROFL. Come and get me, asshole. I'm wiping my ass on the Israeli flag as I type this with my other hand ... LOL
Gil_Favor said:
Im curious, Shouldnt that read "By the way" Not by the by?

"By the by" is a well established English expression having the same meaning as "by the way."

2 entries found for by the by.
bye1 also by ( P ) Pronunciation Key (b)
A secondary matter; a side issue.
Sports. The position of one who draws no opponent for a round in a tournament and so advances to the next round.

by the bye/by
By the way; incidentally.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Don't negro's have toilet paper?

Surely if you sell more drugs?

You see here is the situation.

I support Israel, as well as many other countries as you will see from my sig line. You keep going on about Israel like it's getting at me?

I support Israel, I support kenya, Italy etc etc

But you are a nigger, and I know this.

So you have a very lame insult....but me...I can make 1000 topics just on your ugly skin

I have no idea what your rambling incoherent reference to selling drugs and toilet paper means. Could your rephrase that in standard written English? As to israel, you retard, you're the one who brought it up. Remember when you were pretending to be a spy of some sort? You claimed that you'd have my address by the end of the day (which was several months ago) and that you were going to whack me out for crimes against Israel ... LOL

As to your lame racist insults, I understand that you're mad because your mom and your sister habitually make spectacles of themselves drooling over Black dicks in public.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
"Yes Sir, I am an educated nigger, I read books"

You know, I'd hurl some racist epithets back at you if I knew what to say. Having seen your picture, I'm still not sure what the hell you are. Are you supposed to be white? If so, blow me cracker. There, take that.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
So I'm the incoherent one when you just dribbled something about me claiming to be a spy?


Bitch pullllleaze, I'll find the post where you said it and post it in this thread, you delusional bastard.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Well I aint black...otherwise I would have handed myself into the cops.

May aswell..i'm bound to have been selling drugs anyway

I never said that you were Black. You're a bit wimpy to be a brotha ... and then there's the issue of that big broken honker on your face. Actually, I've assumed you to be a self-hating Arab since seeing your first post.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
You're not very good at this

let me help you.

You - Jungle

Me - Civilised world

Allow me to retort, my marginally retarded friend.

Me - University Degreed

You - can't spell civilized.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
How in the hell would I know? I'm not even married. I chose this member name based on the first story that I wrote. And now, some 1400 odd post in, I'm not about to change it]

so you aren't a cock holder?