

I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
I was talking with someone from lit and we had to wonder...

Have you EVER had a bad day??? :D

You always are upbeat and sweet. And we believe it! So what's the magic potion for having all good days????

This is quite a compliment, because so many times I have had to leave because I thought my "bad day' was showing.
I have them quite a bit, but coming here helps me. Something happens here for me when I am able to just enjoy you guys. The "bad day" is still there and has to be dealt with, but often being absorbed by something else, particularly the humor, passion, and wide variety of thoughts shared here seems to help put things in perspective for me.
When its too much, the best thing I can do for myself is turn up my music (which plays 24/7) and just dance. Be it stripping, or disco, or something slow and sensual, dancing always, always makes me feel better.
Lastly, learning how to share myself, be it good or bad, has done me a world of good. That's one of the many gifts I have found here in meeting so many of you, and I just want to give it back in some way. Kindness opens doors and warms hearts, and should be shared.

Thank you very much Eumenides, I hope this helps? :rose:
intrigued said:

This is quite a compliment, because so many times I have had to leave because I thought my "bad day' was showing.
I have them quite a bit, but coming here helps me. Something happens here for me when I am able to just enjoy you guys. The "bad day" is still there and has to be dealt with, but often being absorbed by something else, particularly the humor, passion, and wide variety of thoughts shared here seems to help put things in perspective for me.
When its too much, the best thing I can do for myself is turn up my music (which plays 24/7) and just dance. Be it stripping, or disco, or something slow and sensual, dancing always, always makes me feel better.
Lastly, learning how to share myself, be it good or bad, has done me a world of good. That's one of the many gifts I have found here in meeting so many of you, and I just want to give it back in some way. Kindness opens doors and warms hearts, and should be shared.

Thank you very much Eumenides, I hope this helps? :rose:

This is what makes you so very special to me, you push through your pain, you filter your thoughts with kindness, you put others before yourself, you share yourself with passion, and your passion :)

The pics are very nice too :p
She exudes sunshine...even through the clouds! You are awesome chickie!!
LOL...stop it! I am starting to look like a pink chipmunk from all this blushing and grinning.:D

I thank each of you kindly. :heart: :rose:
intrigued said:
LOL...stop it! I am starting to look like a pink chipmunk from all this blushing and grinning.:D

I thank each of you kindly. :heart: :rose:

Pink chipmunk? Now that just struck up an image. :p
We've never chatted, but I heard alot of good things about you from others.

I look forward to getting to know you.
Yeah, yeah, easy for YOU guys to say! Yer not the ones Intrigued is dancing on top of in spike heels when she has a few aggressions to work out...

Will you be taking these cuffs off anytime soon, Connie? I think I'm losing circulation... :D
intrigued said:
LOL...stop it! I am starting to look like a pink chipmunk from all this blushing and grinning.:D

I thank each of you kindly. :heart: :rose:

And how I just love your voice!

You have a PM! ;)
intrigued said:
LOL...stop it! I am starting to look like a pink chipmunk from all this blushing and grinning.:D

I thank each of you kindly. :heart: :rose:

I agree you are a class act, and don't try to deny that fact!
How have you been intrigued? Sorry I miss you this past weekend, kind of hectic around these parts.
:kiss: :heart:
A Whole Thread For You


I, naturally, have something to say....

I am glad you have learned how to deal with bad days. The true secret is to AVOID them all together.

I never allow bad days.

That started way back in 1975 when my dad shot himself in the head.

It carried on to 1980 when my older brother was killed on Christmas Eve

In 1985 (April 10), my house burned to the ground.

In the meantime, all of my grand parents died.

But, still I managed top have a good day.

Then I married and subsequently divorced. Still, good days.

I had lunch with my ex today.

My mother is 72 and ill....still I have good days every day.

My younger brother had a heart attack 2 weeks ago......still good days.

Rally...look forward. TRUST..***** is good. Have a Nice Day!!

I do not allow myself to have bad days. If I did, I would be completely mad.......

Not allowing them (bad days) is the best way to deal with them. It is the "stiff upper lip approach"

Somehow, I figure I will be abused for this opinion... But I am used to it .

cg...down boy!:D

Islandman...well, thank you, I look forward to it. :) :rose:

TC...nope, not yet!:D

Tan, sweetie, will you be OK??? *whispers South Carolina...South Carolina...!* ;)
Thank you dear...we need to get on the phone! :D
On my way....
bknight2602 said:

I agree you are a class act, and don't try to deny that fact!
How have you been intrigued? Sorry I miss you this past weekend, kind of hectic around these parts.
:kiss: :heart:

Thank you very much, bk...the storms and my computer problems didn't help much, either. But, it sure is nice to see you peek in here. :) Hope all is well...:rose: long as we deal with each pain as best we can, we seem to find a way to go forward.

I do have to agree with most of the opinions on this thread - you are one kind, funny, classy lady Connie, and it has been a pleasure seeing you and your posts on Lit.
intrigued said: long as we deal with each pain as best we can, we seem to find a way to go forward.

Thank you, but we've neither pain nor suffering... I shared that abridged litany of reasons that I might sit and moan over the course of life

I just will not do it.

I am far too "future focused" for that.

Or even now focused.

I have dozens of reasons to be sad, I just chose to not be so.

Pain can be easily controled.... and eliminated.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Freya2 said:
I do have to agree with most of the opinions on this thread - you are one kind, funny, classy lady Connie, and it has been a pleasure seeing you and your posts on Lit.

My goodness...just look at those nips!:eek: ;) Perfection.

I'm sorry...I didn't notice them in my other thread because the kiddies were blasting through my home like a hurricane, but goodness, I certainly see them now! Dear, you are lovely. ;) And you know, we feel the same for you, too.

Thank you very much, this means alot. :rose:
Eumenides said:
I was talking with someone from lit and we had to wonder...

Have you EVER had a bad day??? :D

You always are upbeat and sweet. And we believe it! So what's the magic potion for having all good days????

Obviously you do not know the person about whom you have started a thread........

If it seems too good to be true, it more than likely is.

And it is.......
LL, please do not go there again. Intrigued is a great woman who has treated you very well. Let her enjoy this well intentioned and pleasant thread.
takingchances42 said:
LL, please do not go there again. Intrigued is a great woman who has treated you very well. Let her enjoy this well intentioned and pleasant thread.

I do not deny her place in the "light."

I just reject the premise that she is the only one who merits it...

Maybe you just don't see enough naked women, eh??

Catherine the Great was a great woman. Queen Victoria was a great woman. Let us place greatness into perspective.
takingchances42 said:
LL, please do not go there again. Intrigued is a great woman who has treated you very well. Let her enjoy this well intentioned and pleasant thread.

I am treated well because I deserve it
islandman said:

See that Freya2? I'm not the only one ;)

Freya...great nips..

But, I have seen many. What do you want us to recall about you in the end?? Your nipples?? Or something rather more salient??

Had I the choice...I would rather get to know you.

I have seen many nipples. They rarely have much to say about a person.

I did meet a set that were involved in the Watergate Hotel cover-up, but that is "classified."
LL - you are a total fucking ass. At one point, in the not so distant past, I actually enjoyed reading your posts - now it seems as if you feel this urge to argue for argument's sake only. Why must you get on here and ruin what was a perfectly nice and well intentioned thread about a perfectly good and caring woman. No, of course she isn't the only one who is like that around here, but can't she have her moment in the sun? Why do you give a rat's ass about what she said about my nipples? For someone who feels the need to constantly remind others to get a life, you seem to have misplaced yours lately. You delight in shoving your apparent knowledge of history down everyon'es throat - I'd like to tell you to start living a bit in the present - nobody is concerned here whether Catherine the Great or Queen Victoria were great people - this was meant to be a compliment thread about a truly nice person - and you ruined it, again.

You either have a pathetic need to make people unhappy, or some kind of desperate need to get yourself noticed. Well, you're noticed - now scoot and let the rest of us have some fun around here.