Insomniacs anonymous


Checked out
Feb 2, 2004
Twist on the normal game thread... The last person to post here clearly loses... Sleep at least.

Feel free to banter and flirt on my self indulgent thread whilst I attempt to fall asleep. All are welcome, just don't talk about how you have no troubles ever falling asleep, if you do that you will not be liked much 'round these parts ;)
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Twist on the normal game thread... The last person to post here clearly loses... Sleep at least.

Feel free to banter and flirt on my self indulgent thread whilst I attempt to fall asleep. All are welcome, just don't talk about how you have no troubles ever falling asleep, if you so that you will not be liked much 'round these parts ;)

Are there prizes involved for staying up the longest? :D
Ohh I didn't forget.. You should see me sleep deprived with a migraine... Not appealing
I hear pile cream sorts them out hehehe
But I don't think putting bum cream under your eyes is such a good idea :p