Income Taxes in the USA


Cosmos Mariner
Aug 8, 2002
The top 10% pay 70% of the taxes~!!!!!!!!!!

To whom is the the new "liberal" tax cuts to go??

The 40% at the bottom who pay none??

Isn't that like saying you would get no tax cut??
modest mouse said:
Liberal tax cuts?

What are you talking about?

Daschale, Gephardt and Sen Edwards (even Howard communist cousin) are talking TAX CUTS for the POOR

Yet the poor pay no income tax!!!!

Don't believe??

Go to the IRS website!!!!
Well Dean is my freakin Governor so I'm familiar with him.

I think you have misconstrued what some Democrats have talked about. There has been ciscussion about reducing the tax burden on lower income families, etc. Its more of a discussion of tax policy. I cant say i agree with it nor that I outright oppose it; but its different than what you portray in your first post.
modest mouse said:
Well Dean is my freakin Governor so I'm familiar with him.

I think you have misconstrued what some Democrats have talked about. There has been ciscussion about reducing the tax burden on lower income families, etc. Its more of a discussion of tax policy. I cant say i agree with it nor that I outright oppose it; but its different than what you portray in your first post.

20% of the lowest income earners PAY NO TAXES!!!!
LordLucan74 said:
Daschale, Gephardt and Sen Edwards (even Howard communist cousin) are talking TAX CUTS for the POOR

Yet the poor pay no income tax!!!!

Don't believe??

Go to the IRS website!!!!

They're talking about cutting down the payroll tax. They're also talking about the earned income credit I think, which is nothing but an income transfer (giving them money even if they don't pay any).

I'd like a little break in my taxes. I pay a lot.
modest mouse said:
Well Dean is my freakin Governor so I'm familiar with him.

I think you have misconstrued what some Democrats have talked about. There has been ciscussion about reducing the tax burden on lower income families, etc. Its more of a discussion of tax policy. I cant say i agree with it nor that I outright oppose it; but its different than what you portray in your first post.

Gov Dean, a cousin of mine, is a fucking NUT CASE.... should be the next USSR leader, except...there is no USSR for the Commie to lead!!!
LordLucan74 said:
Daschale, Gephardt and Sen Edwards (even Howard Dean.

Go to the IRS website!!!!

They're responding to the critisizms that the Democrats are in a reactive mode only, so they're trying to get out ahead of the Republicans in an effort to frame the debate. They won't be able to. Their proposal will be forgotten by Tuesday afternoon.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
They're talking about cutting down the payroll tax. They're also talking about the earned income credit I think, which is nothing but an income transfer (giving them money even if they don't pay any).

I'd like a little break in my taxes. I pay a lot.

I was talking INCOME TAX not PAYROLL TAX!!!

The Earned Income Tax Credit appilies to the lowest rung of actual INCOME TAX PAYERS... see 1040A LINE 39a
LordLucan74 said:
The top 10% pay 70% of the taxes~!!!!!!!!!!

To whom is the the new "liberal" tax cuts to go??

The 40% at the bottom who pay none??

Isn't that like saying you would get no tax cut??

Maybe they're gonna cut the cigarette tax.....after all, the lower educated and the poor smoke.....

wait a minute, then that would mean that Clinton's healthcare for the poor kids would be cut...

Tell me it aint so Daschle!!!
LordLucan74 said:
I was talking INCOME TAX not PAYROLL TAX!!!

The Earned Income Tax Credit appilies to the lowest rung of actual INCOME TAX PAYERS... see 1040A LINE 39a

I haven't looked at it in detail yet. I'm really not paying too much attention to the Democrats proposals because they don't stand a snowballs chance in hell at this point. Nothing to worry about.
Why is it that when a celebrity has a DWI or shoplifting or minor drug incident and gets a $25,000 fine people complain that it's a "just a slap on the wrist. That kind of money is nothing to them!"

However, when a tax cut comes up for these same people, that will save them $25,000, they argue the stats shown above and aruge that they deserve it?
LovetoGiveRoses said:
I haven't looked at it in detail yet. I'm really not paying too much attention to the Democrats proposals because they don't stand a snowballs chance in hell at this point. Nothing to worry about.

Well, you had better pay attention...

If you earn more than $50,000 you are in grave danger!!!!
Spinaroonie said:
Why is it that when a celebrity has a DWI or shoplifting or minor drug incident and gets a $25,000 fine people complain that it's a "just a slap on the wrist. That kind of money is nothing to them!"

However, when a tax cut comes up for these same people, that will save them $25,000, they argue the stats shown above and aruge that they deserve it?

I think thus:

A penalty put to a convict by the law courts is merited as Their Lordships would never otherwise issue such a decree!!!
LordLucan74 said:
20% of the lowest income earners PAY NO TAXES!!!!
In any given year in the USA a substantial number of people take their first job, at minimum wage, working part time, for a period of time starting in October or November. It should be no surprise they don't earn enough to owe income taxes that year.

It should further be no surprise that by definition these "lowest income workers" are effectively all at minimum wage working less than full time. Some of them have children and families they try to support on such earnings, so they may even have deductions when it comes time to calculate their taxes. Oddly enough, many people earning this lowest income level don't earn enough to have to pay income taxes, though they do still pay social security taxes, after all.

Taxing them at a higher rate is a mathematically ludicrous notion - they'll end up needing to get food stamps to make up the difference anyway. Can we apply more logic, or is that asking too much?
Spinaroonie said:
Why is it that when a celebrity has a DWI or shoplifting or minor drug incident and gets a $25,000 fine people complain that it's a "just a slap on the wrist. That kind of money is nothing to them!"

However, when a tax cut comes up for these same people, that will save them $25,000, they argue the stats shown above and aruge that they deserve it?

Most taxpayers aren't $10M per year athletes. If you tax all athletes (I don't advocate this) 90%.."because they can afford it", then you wouldn't raise enough money to keep the government going for one day. Most of the taxes are paid by working people, but every year it seems to be a smaller and smaller percentage paying more and more of the total tax.

Everyone uses the roads don't they? Everyone gains from the Depts of Agriculture, Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services, etc. Why doesn't everyone contribute to the upkeep for these services.

Now we're in the situation where 40% of the people (I thought it was up to 50% now) expect the 60% to pay for everything. Why should I pay for you? What is so special about you that I should pay for these services and you don't have to? By what right to you get to take food out of my mouth for your own benefit?
I agree that minimum wage and low wage earners shouldn't have to pay...but the level is up to $50K per year now where you don't have to pay taxes. $50K is a pretty good amount.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
By what right to you get to take food out of my mouth for your own benefit?

That would be the Amendment proposed by Sen. Byrd (R), I believe.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
Sen Byrd (D), I believe.

This is Sen. Byrd - Democrat...formally a member of the Klu Klux Klan I believe...and now staring as a Confederate General in a movie to be released this month on the national circuit.
Why in the hell is everyone all worked up over a LordLugnut thread?

So what if the poor don't pay an income tax.

They make up for it when they buy porn, register thier car, get gas, and go out to the movies.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
Sen Byrd (D), I believe.

Indeed, even while he dashes back to west Va and put on his KKK white pointed hood and matching, hopefully loosely fitted sheet...

I am sure some else fetches the Kerosene and the hastily fashioned cross. eh??