

Nov 27, 2000
I've written incest stories and nonconsent stories in the past but have just written a blackmail incest story(Not highly original but it's my time isn't it!).Trouble is which category to list it in?.If I put it in incest I'll get three times the reads but probably negative feedback from people who don't like the nonconsent part.Anyone any pointers?

Cheers WYATT
Personally (though I don't read the incest category) I'd put it in incest and make the nonconsent element obvious in the title or description, or if all else fails, in an author's note at the top of the story.

I DO read the nonconsent category, and I wouldn't want the incest angle sprung on me, so to speak. ;-) Probably there are incest readers who feel the same way about n/c, as you say.

I agree with Madame - honesty is the best politics in this case. And this incest is such a touchy subject, I think you'll offend less people by clarifying that it IS incest upfront, and then write in the description that it's non-consent. Then you're covered all around.
Cheers for the replies but I must admit I was coming at it from a different angle.I thought people would be more put off by the nonconsent.My incest stories are three times more viewed than the nonconsent.I will go with the write up with the story subject.

Many thanks.
Wyatt said:
Trouble is which category to list it in?. If I put it in incest I'll get three times the reads but probably negative feedback from people who don't like the nonconsent part.

I think you're going to get less negative feedback from blackmail in an incest story than you are from incest in a blackmail story, but you are not likely to get much negative feedback from either choice. You'll get some no matter which way you go, so I'd suggest putting in the category it fits best.

The way to decide, is to decide whether it's a "blackmail story" or an "Incest Story" -- which element could be removed with the least effect on the story?

As an example, most mind-control stories contain an element of incest -- the "my parent/sibling/child was handy to practice my powers on," angle. That element could be removed from those stories without hampering the plot very much, so they're "mind control stories" even though they contain incest -- in many cases LOTS of incest.
Either way, I already want to read it.

(I try to put my stories in the more obscure fetish. My comedy/celebrity/rape story "Go, Collector's Edition" was difficult to decide on, but the rape was a small part of the story and not the only sex scene, and I think most celeb stories are comedic, so I decided celeb category. I don't know if I made the right decision.)
It is further complicated by the fact that it is part 4.Part 1 was submitted epochs ago.It was my first submission...Paula.The girl who couldn't say no .It is straightforward blackmail/nonconsent but I didn't categorize it and whoever did put it in "Loving Wives".I have only ever had one(Very polite) complaint.I put chapters 2 and 3 in nonconsent.In chapter 3 I brought in her nephew but didn't place the story in "incest" complaints.I have brought in other family members into ch.4 thus tilting the balance more in favour of the incest category.

Thanks for all your input.I really appreciate it
Clearly the volume of submissions might make specialization of story type seem useful, but hmmm, I only write erotica as "erotic couplings" myself.

As I see it, if the point is to get the ladies (and maybe guys, but I must admit I only write hoping to amuse ladies really), as I was saying the point is to get ladies pulling down their panties and ending up with sticky fingers as they read.

So I write with the attitude ok it's erotica, it involves intentionally writing about in your face sexual situations eventually, the narative openly talks about the sexual activity in blatant detail, that makes it coupling to me.

Incest, bondage, IR, non consent, whatever the material, if the clothes are coming off and cocks are meeting cunts, then I call it erotic couplings (sorry I don't feel I can do lesbian or gay material any good, so I always write assuming it's cock and cunts).

Hey, we are writing for readers to explore fantasies right? We write about fantasies be they be based on perceived taboos or secret desires.
Its not important if you secretly dream of your brother fucking you, or desiring mom's body, or that nice oriental gardener, or getting caught alone at night, or having your husband treat the boys to your body (against your will) during a football game.

We writers all hope that we are good enough at the craft that those panties are gone or the guys have hard ons being pumped.

I could write non fiction or science fiction or almost any manner of topical matter, but, I would likely send that material into a site that was geared specifically for it.

My only objective when I write here for Lit, is to allow ladies to lose the panties and get a bit of a laugh fingering themselves. And if some guys like the stuff enough they lose their loads that's ok too I guess.

But I would never write a story based around a specific topic matter. Just to isolated for my own interests.